Monday, April 03, 2006
8 traits every man is looking for in a serious girlfriend
My first blog here :)Got inspired by many of my friends to set up a blog here. I'm always very lazy to make changes in life. Haha.. but I think this is a good change as writing a blog here is really a lot userfriendlier than my current one... at friendster.
So! I decided to start my blog now ah. I came across some articles in the Internet last few months. Some instances shown on those articles really got me to agree hands on. By the way, I'm free from 4 wisdom teeth officially now. The gum is still in its healing process but I'm sure I can recover to start my exercising regime soon...
Yup, check out these traits!
1. She has a life of her own -- and it's pretty good to boot.
Ladies, this means that you take care of yourself, pay attention to your personal style, go church and find time to hang with your fabulous friends and family. You seek adventure by traveling and experiencing. And you take in life's pleasures -- from indulging in dessert to walking through the park on a sunny day… alone. Not expecting your boyfriend to be your entire existence. Gentlemen, this means if you are able to take the initiatives to be by their side, do it.
In other words, you're not waiting for some man to show up, and you can get your "real life" started.
2. She never makes the first move.
This issue has been debated to death, and there is no true consensus. Women should never, ever pursue a man. Instead, if there is this man who is willing, let him initiates and do the planning. If the woman is always the one calling, she will never know if he is really interested in her or if it's just convenient for him. She may find herself questioning the relationship every step of the way.
Men simply aren't programmed to think like that and therefore are better suited to the chase.
3. She is sexy without being trampy or bitchy.
This means something different at the beginning of the relationship than it does down the road. In the beginning of courtship, a woman should refrain from making any comments that are overtly sexual. When the relationship gets more serious, and presumably more intimate, sexual touch and the displays of affection can then be more appropriate.
A woman, however, should bear in mind to protect herself, not foolishly indulging in premarital sex before the once-in-a-lifetime called Marriage.
4. She does little things to show she cares.
The bear-in-mind factor is that you should want to do the little things that let him know you care and you are paying attention to his individual needs. Tell him when he needs a trim, or a change of hairstyle.
Gentlemen, at this point, show your appreciation genuinely. Even in your busiest moments, remember to reciprocate and do the same for her… cherishing every time spent with her together.
5. She should be her boyfriend's best wingman -- err, wing woman.
Help him to look GOOD in front of the boss, in front of everyone who is around him… and in front of you. His hairstyle, eating hygiene, eating diets, handkerchief, wallet… etc. Man actually knows certain changes he needs to do in his life. However, he prefers you to guide him to do it. Laugh at his jokes and help him shine when it is important. Be his best partner in all functions in 365 days a year.
Of course, again, he should do the same for you. In fact, he can do better than you.
6. She does not take any crap -- from anyone.
A good woman never accepts bad behaviors. Guys respect women with whom they can't get away with anything. If he knows there's a penalty -- like getting thrown to the curb -- for a serious violation like cheating, he'll respect you more, and he will be far less likely to do it.
You should also never even bother to date married men, those who already have girlfriends, those who loves to show off, those who gives up easily in life challenges or anyone who verbally or physically threatens or abuses you.
She has her principles and lives with no compromises according to her belief.
7. A good woman always chooses a good man.
That means that you should look for someone who is honest and dependable. He has to treat you right. If he says he is going to be somewhere, he is there. Though his educational status may not be the same high level as you, you can see that he continues to put in true effort. Chivalry is not dead, by the way. Good manners are a deeper window into what kind of man he truly is.
You should also have compatible views on money (which is the number one thing couples fight about). Even though they say opposites attract, savers should think twice before shacking up with wild spenders.
Knowing those places where temptations of lust are present, he should know and not be part of those places without you. These areas can be really nice, non-expensive and relaxing to holiday. But a good man never visits such places without your presence with him.
8. She knows that love is the biggest part of the mating equation.
Just how does a good woman know that she has found that crazy-for-you, toe-curling relationship? Some women have an "a-ha" moment… “I guess this is it” feeling… while love simply sneaks up on the rest. The feeling includes a unique sense of comfort and acceptance… the feeling that someone else's happiness is as important to you as your own.
Please note that she may or may not reveal this to her good man. This is going to be tricky because only for those men who made initiatives or really know their women, can feel it.
Haha... tricky traits but it appears true in reality. Dare to take the challenge?