Sunday, April 30, 2006
GELebration + Sunday Service = Nice Experience
Today's leaders meeting ended quite late. All 4 of us were all so tired... tired from LAUGHING...Wahahahahas...! LOL... Just by recalling the things done, I can SimPLY BURST lo!!!
Hahaha...don't ask me what happened... its JUST FUNNY! Come to GEL Youth Meetings on Saturdays, then U WILL KNOW! :)
GELebration on sat was really an enjoyable learning experience for all of us! Thank you Musicians..! Thank you Worship Leaders..! Hope you all individually had gained some personal experience working with one another through the rehearsals we had, as well as during actual event! If the audience turnout had been alot more, it would really be more encouraging to the GEL band. Hence, I really wanna thank all GEL members who came and brought their friends too. Thank you for making the effort to come. ^^
Oh yea... not to forget the Camera Man. Was really encouraged that he took time off and helped us to take photos. ^^ Below are SOME of his productions :p
Taking our positions:

General view of 4 worship leaders holding microphones (from left: Alson, Charissa, Orange, Charmian):

So engrossed in worship...

Suddenly Charmian disappeared!

Phew... camera effects!

1st part GELebration ended... and our GEL President giving short speech!

Uncle Lee giving short presentation on topic ~ Worship:

Continued 2nd part of GELebration...wahahahas.. this is a very nice angle!

Now... Introducing our Musicians!
Here we got Cheryl our Acoustic Guitarist of the Day, with Shawn (seemed camoflaged...) as our Drummer Boy!

Nice looking guy on the right is Darius the Base Guitarist!

And here we got Gabriel (nicely camoflaged with the curtain..) as our Lead Pianist, lets give him a round of applause for sitting in that corner, playing without ceasing throughout 2 hours GELebration... Now can U IMAGINE...
Standing in front Gabriel, is Zhi Yong our Electric Guitarist!

Well..well..WELL!!! What can I say? The entire event wouldn't be complete and successful if not for God's presence with us on that day! Thank You Lord! To God be the Glory! ^^
Missing in action: Matthew couldn't be part of the band due to badminton tournament on saturday. This guy can sings and harmonises well OK. Though he couldn't sing for us, we hope he did well in his tournament, that the Lord be glorified through him!
Yea.. so Saturday ended and we performed in Today's Sunday Worship also!
Pictures as follows..taken by my dearest sister:

This picture of me is sooo DARK.. Wahahahahas!!! Dearest Yinghuan..u forgotten the FLASH gal...

Though I feel tired, my heart rejoices for the fact that I'm serving a G.r.e.a.t God. Trust me... He is worth e.v.e.r.y moment of Your L.i.f.e.
Orange retires to her KING KOLL bed...zZ.