Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Orange.. LOST ???
Hahahahs...Orange FINALLY found some time to tell bloggie..
I MISS YOU!!! ^^
Arightys.. I've changed my bloogie skin.. to something WHITE.
This doesn't means I'm no longer call Orange.. hahas..
xiAo Chen is going to blog her pictures!!! This is gonna be a LONG blog.. watch out!
Here's IT:
===CNY's EVE===
Me..! setting off from Beijing Airport to Guangzhou

Ahh.. thats Beijing Airport.

See the mini bus on the left? Its so cool la.. we took this bus to reach the big iron bird's bottom..then we climb up a flight of stairs from the runway to the big bird!!!

we woke up super early that morning.. ahh.. u can see how tired we are..

Me... reach Guangzhou Bai Yun Airport!!

Elizabeth's 2nd cousin with his son (little boy) and her 1st cousin's son (older one). So nice right.. they drove abt an hour's journey just to pick us up.

Here's her 1st cousin's wife, she is really super motherly to us and also.. a capable woman who cooks well, work, and looks after the home well.
Here's me, with Elizabeth and her Kao Fu.

Our bedroom that they prepared for us.. ahh.. what can I say.. Thank God for this family!

Here's FIREWORKS!! we reached on CNY's eve and had reunion dinner with her Kao Fu, 1st cousin family and 2nd cousin family... after tat we went to this place to put fireworks!~

We are holding on a mini red parachute that explodes out from a fireworks..
===CNY DAY 1===
Day 1 of CNY! 1st cousin brought us to their home town, Heshan, their house..we went with Kao Fu, 1st cousin 's family and 2nd cousin's family.

Ahh.. this Elizabeth posing outside her village house!

Up the attic of their village house!

here's Kao Fu showing us the things up at attic. ^^
Outside the attic balcony...
I saw this SUPER BIG SPIDER outside at the balcony! arghhhh...
En Yuan (2nd Cousin's son) posing in one of the rooms in the house downstairs.
En Yuan at the Living Room of the house!
The firecrackers that is to be set off later outside the house door.
oh man.. look at the view from the balcony.
ahh! thats the chef at home (left most) is 1st cousin!!
Da Biao Sao!
okies.. here's ME with the Fire Crackers that u seen just now at the balcony.. NOW hanged at the main door now.. ready to be set off!
Ahh.. see the difference in the bricks? one is built from olden days.. another is recently one..
Can u guess what is this used for? ^^
Here's something cute.. HAHAS.. I forgot what it is now.. -.-
This is the 'SONG' (chinese pinyin) Tree...
We climbed up the slopes up... outside the house.
An ancient vehicle.. what do u think its used for?
the lion came over to dance at their house!
After that we went to a temple.. oh man.. the temple outside there is this pool thingy that u can try to aim and throw coins that can reach a particular part of the stone in the pool. Then xiAo Chen managed to get one of my coin in!!! Hahahas.. talking abt marksmanship!
And we went climbing up the Pagoda! But its too foggy up there to see anything..
Then her relatives brought me to Taishan!!! My roots are from Taishan by the way.. but cos my dad couldn't gave me an exact location of my hometown on time... so end up they brought me to the Taishan City area... look at the number of pple...scary!
Look how this man do the cotton sweet stuff MANUALLY.. cool man!
Then we had our CNY day 1 dinner at a very nice restaurant ..they booked a room.. thats so big. its like watching the Zhen Qing drama.. so big until can eat dinner and another group can play mahjong on another side!
===CNY DAY 2===
Early morning we had breakfast then big cousin brought us to Da biao sao's fish farm... they own one.. and really profits from such a humble fish farm. I'm 120% sure their profits will be like an exponential curve graph! ^^
Here's me and Da Biao Ge! (Big Cousin).. we are inside one of the big rooms containing the fishes.. they have to be breeded under a specific temperature.. outside is too COLD. Hahas.. they got 3 such Big ROOMS.

there were dogs guarding the farm.. (of cos i was still afraid as usual.. except that.. i kinda prefer such dogs.. cos.. hahas.. they don't have much thick fur!)
They even got a vegetable farm outside the fish farm!!!
En Yuan is really a mature boy.. at 10 yrs old.. i can tell u. Singapore children are super spoilt until now i see with my own eyes when those spoilt ones became grown ups.. =.= sorry, i can't stand inmature guys.
Here's Da Biao Sao with her radishes!!! ^^ Its really nice and crunchy.. :)
Orange among the fresh vegetables!
The fish pond beside the vegetable farm.. awesome!
Then we went Strawberry Farm to pluck FRESH Strawberries!!! ^^ Oh man.. the view is breathtaking!

After strawberry plucking, we went CNY relatives visiting in the village! (hahas.. as if its my own!)
We had a sumptuous LUNCH of steamboat.. me and ting ting kinda couldn't stop ourselves and ate 3 bowls of rice! Hahas.. We also ate LOTs of fish slices.. black fungus and mushroom.. i tell ya.. its hmm, very VERY delicious. Our 3 bowls of rice is those 1 grain 1 grain hard cooked rice.. its SO NICE and orange really dint have such rice..ever since i stepped into BJ.. oh BOY, and I love the black sauce with spring onions and ginger bits.. oh man.. i can just use it as gravy and eat my rice with it!!! ^^
The corridors along the house..
Ahh.. this is the toilet! The red piece of thing with handle, is to cover the squatting hole..
The views from the house balcony.. its super nice.
hahas.. somethings from the village really.. can never be experienced if one never have the opportunity to make such a trip.
orange should rest now. hahas. wonderful pictures from the villages right? I really enjoy the temperature and rest I had there. Really.. Singapore dont have these. Daddy.. I wanna go back GZ again... hahas. oh WELL. This is only 3 days in GZ. I'll post some MORE when I'm free. Will continue the days in GZ then will move on to my trip in HK!!! ^^
Tmr is schooling again in Tsinghua University. Whole friday schooling.. hahas.. ever since school started for me.. I only have to work from Mon - Thurs... Friday (whole day study) and Sat (half day study).
This coming Sunday will be Great Wall Climbing for me!! thats is if the weather is fine and the wind is not too strong. Else.. hmmm... i think our GIP BJ Grp will end up singing KTV?? hur hur hur.. (learnt from pearlyn! :p)
This is Orange.. reporting LIVE from my BJ home.