Monday, April 23, 2007
Great Wall Pichas!
This is the bus that xiaoshi took to go Jing Shan Ling
The gang that went to CLIMB the GW. With Elizabeth as the photographer..

i just woke up lo.. the journey was super long...
then we change to take a mini van.. still gotta bargain for a gd price b4 we set off to the GW..
We've reached Jin Shan Ling!!! ^^

Heres the ticket counter to PAY to CLIMB.

The route begins with a long walk and climb...heading straight into a path of No-Turning-Back

Into the TREES.. rough road...

The road became steeper... and soon we saw the GREAT WALL..

uP and UP we went.. UP the torturous path ahead..

GUESS.. who is thiS?

Hmm.. can SEE me and CeCiLia?

what a VIEW! *breath-taking*

camera on ITS TIMER MODE!

Isn't it cool... i really wanna thank the person who invented the TIMER on camera..

the 'little' gal in action once again!

this is wat happen when the climb seems NEVER-ENDING...

okies.. if u LOOK closely enough.. there is a person in front of me.. as well as behind me.. so... dun freak out.
When boys meet gals....

Look who's being attended to... the 'little' gal once again...

aiyo. 2 person to FIX her pants... =.="

now. does xiaoshi look FAT? nope.. its the pants.. the Track Pants. I dun have the biggest bum here.. cos someone won me here in BJ.. hur hur hur!

we gotta cross this bridge towards the end of the climb.

nice scenary ar?



Next up... Excursion 4!!!