<body> The Walks and Talks

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

State: Tired out

Sheesh. Today I went to the future of education and have to part away with my $31. Well. At least its cheaper than N U S. Yh said it costs $32+... Saved SGD$1= 5 RMB. Not bad ah. Now I got a new exam approved sticker on my calculator.


Toilet Story

Just now was chatting with roomie.. hur. She recalled how she locked me in the toilet during our year 1. Haha... Though it has been hall 2 all the way, we started off with a damn small room. And although we got attached toilet to our room, it was a shared toilet with our 2 neighbours next door. So you can imagine.. the lock of the toilet door naturally will be outside facing the room.. not internal to the toilet.

One fine day.. I was bathing.. and roomie cleanly forgotten and left for school.. naturally.. she locked the toilet door from outside before leaving. The rest.. you can imagine la. Walkergal stepped out the shower.. realised the toilet door to her room locked... both neighbours also not in their room... It was super cold and I only have my mini towel..

Hahaha... Time passed. Finally roomie was back.. after I forgotten how long. The moment she opened the toilet door... I stumbled out... Haha.. she was so shocked. She couldn't believe she had actually locked me in the toilet! Hur. Thank God I didn't have lessons during that period...


Stories at Sea.

Why is a ship referred to as "she?"

"It has always been customary to personify certain inanimate objects and attribute to them characteristics peculiar to living creatures. Thus, things without life are often spoken of as having a sex. Some objects are regarded as masculine. The sun, winter, and death are often personified in this way.

Others are regarded as feminine, especially those things that are dear to us. The earth as mother Earth is regarded as the common maternal parent of all life. In languages that use gender for common nouns, boats, ships, and other vehicles almost invariably use a feminine form. Likewise, early seafarers spoke of their ships in the feminine gender for the close dependence they had on their ships for life and sustenance. "

another one:

"A ship is called a she because there’s always a great deal of bustle around her...because there's usually a gang of men around... because she has waist and stays...because she takes a lot of paint to keep her looking good...because it’s not the initial expense that breaks you, it’s the upkeep... because she is all decked out... because it takes a good man to handle her right...because she shows her topside, hides her bottom and, when coming into port, always heads for the buoys."

One more:

"A ship is always referred to as 'she' because it costs so much to keep one in paint and

Hur.. Whichever way you like it, accept it then.

Apparently a Naval traditional toast that continues till this day:

Monday: Our ships at sea. -I think this is logical.
Tuesday: Our men. - This is fair too.
Wednesday: Ourselves. - Of course!
Thursday: A bloody war and quick promotion. - Yeah. A risky but fast way to get promotion.
Friday: A willing soul and sea room. - Certainly. One must be willing to sail.
Saturday: Sweethearts and wives, may they never meet. - Ah. What does this tells you about sailors?
Sunday: Absent friends and those at sea. - Yeah. Those who are no longer around, they do play a part in our lives.

Here's a list of the Core Values that one must have in Navy: -Ahh I wonder if I qualify
  1. Loyalty
  2. Leadership
  3. Discipline
  4. Professionalism
  5. Ethics
  6. Fighting Spirit
  7. Care for men
  8. Firmness
  9. Tact

Do you know that the Republic of Singapore Navy is the smallest among the three services in the SAF? The largest of them all is the Army, followed by the Air Force.

Yeah. Another minority for me.


FYP Rants.

Each time when I update my FYP report.. Its a tricky issue. After an immense amount of readings done, I tend to fall into the trap of SIDETRACK and end up with remarkable research done on Attacking Phishing Acts rather than on Stepping up Anti-Phishing Measures to help users. That I'm supposed to be doing. I have to remind myself that its not the quantity but the quality that matters.

Researching definitely has its fair share of headaches.. Although THANK GOD I'm not touching anything on programming.. The amount of time spent in research can never be seen by the FYP examiner. Thats why Walkergal aims to produce QUALITY work.


Times have changed. When men can have a change of heart, women would too.

WalkerGal walked on the sunny side.
8:01 PM.