<body> The Walks and Talks

Monday, December 03, 2007

howdy people!

this is walkergal, the town noob speaking.
just yesterday, it marked my first step into town after... a break of about 3 months?
and what's the purpose? not shopping.

it was to run the standard chartered marathon. but of course. there were some termed as 'illegal' runners around like me who never registered. ended up being denied entry at the starting point. it was sad. so only those who can afford to pay will get to run?

what kind of impression would this give to foreigners? would some flexibility given hinder the runners from running properly? if the idea was to limit the number of runners to a certain number for the entire route, it wasn't so. there were counters setup there for registration on spot. so, tell me what's the main aim of this marathon.

nonetheless. walkergal did not let this stop her from running. all thanks to her wonderful little runners. we took mrt from city hall to kallang. started running from kallang all the way till east coast park food centre. halfway through, the route was no choice but to merge in the route with the S C marathon. by then, it was clear that anyone can join in the run. well. i really have no comment for this.

anyways. this morning... walkergal was like walkerobaasan. whole body aching... this is the result of inconsistency in running.. =.="


do you know that with effect from late Nov 2007, entry into Japan will need two more security implementations... taking a photo and fingerprint will be taken from the person entering Japan. cool right? this means it will take a longer period of time to clear the customs.


i was at the istana on sunday to catch the Changing of Guards. it was interesting to see the two officers marching up and down to and fro when they were facing each other with the band playing some catchy tunes... hahaha.. its really kinda nice and smart. then the military policemen in their no.3.. very hardworking NSFs.. but one dropped the rifle during the swinging. nonetheless, the audience was really amazed by their rifle performances. so to all the NSFs.. WELL DONE!


the stress of FYP is in and travelling thoughts have to be held back first.. at least for this week!


friction and friction and still friction.

WalkerGal walked on the sunny side.
8:23 PM.