Thursday, May 04, 2006
oRaNGe renovated b.l.o.g s.k.i.n
yOyO!aiyo... miss me huh! Hee.. don't worry.. this is gonna be a long bloggie! ^^
How's my new blog skin? Wahahahahas...! Well, well...WELL! Got so many peeps requested for me to change my blog skin... aiyo, previous one not nice meh?!
fINALLY oRaNGe decided to source for nice skins on
Its tough work OK! Sooo many skins to choose... aiyo. Some templates very nice BUT the wordings are like..SO HARD TO READ! Dunno y Peeps like those blurry b-l-u-r-r-y texts... i see until i so blur! @.@
wahahahas... then some templates very dark lo, text content font colour also soo dark... LOL.. how to expect Peeps to read huh? aiyoyo... Then some font text very nice BUT templates opposite.. (oRaNGe is complaining, as usual! Its my forte OK)
oRaNGe wants some originality, simple at the same time with some style, some feminine style also.. else all my gal friends will start nagging again... After searching long and hard.. finally saw THIS SKIN! Must give the credits to Colleen! This gal is young and creative OK!
But if got time.. oRaNGe may wanna change the nike shoe to very own asics! Heh.. cos the quality of the shoe not very clear ~ (if u loOk closely)
Hahahas... sooo, what did oRaNGe did during her absence in blogging?
Let's start from 1st May OK.
1st May at night. Tired oRaNGe took bus 179 went back hostel to zZ. Upon opening her hostel door, 2 distinct feelings smacked her face hard! What happen? What are those feelings?
Emptyness and Loneliness. On 29 April, oRaNGe was busy in church with GELebration while on the west side of Singapore in NTU, oRaNGe's roomie, Debbie was moving her belongings out of their room.
Sigh... some good things will come to an end someday. Debbie already finished her last semester of her degree course. Can't expect her to continue staying with oRaNGe right.. But thats not all. Debbie isn't just leaving NTU.
She will be leaving Singapore for a 3 months working stint at USA at an ULU place. (so sorry..i forgot the name of that place..but cos its really ulu ma..)
Emptyness.. cos the room is really so empty lo! LOL... see for urself.

Vertical view worst lo...!

Can see the difference now?

Loneliness... and I'm feeling so sad...*sOB!

After a good cry I'll feel OK de... Debbie don't worrry about me k!

I'll be alright de! Hope u like the gift... Debbie u must take care OK!

2nd May morning, Debbie came to room to study her last core paper.. hee, at the same time to see me la! :)
Cos oRaNGe meeting mummy at Hotel Rendevous (spelt correct?) for lunch buffet.. so leaving Debbie earlier than I thought.. :(
Hence had a quickie bathie, and then 'disturb' Debbie from her studying to take some photos with me ^^
Realised forgot to ZOOM!

Zoomed v.e.r.s.i.o.n

You see... Debbie was wearing one of my favourite colour wo... both of us like celebrating Chinese New Year once again... LOL!

Aiyo! During lunch with mummy, she says she wanna go home quickly to watch her korean drama, Palace. Haiz... where got Peeps go for buffet so fast eat finish one? Haha.. oRaNGe uses some Orange Power!
Mummy was amazed by the amount of FOOD oRaNGe could eat... Hee... Actually you need some strategies to ensure u gain rightfully from the buffet! If u really interested, tag me! Will feed u more info then... ^^
With a bloated stomach, oRaNGe went to help BM to fix some computer problem at his place until 8pm plus then oRaNGe retreat back to empty hostel...
I'm a Computer Scientist u know... wahahahahas!!! Any computer queries, tag me! Will try my best to help u... If I dunno, I'll learn through the process too! :)
sigh... then another thing happen. 1 thing after another. LIFE STILL have to go on. oRaNGe faces many trials daily and treats them as challenges all the same. oRaNGe is still very much learning through life lessons... just like you!
If u think what u are facing now is the worst u can face in ur life now, how can u live the rest of the days in your life? Thats why oRaNGe says, no matter what. Find something in life to move on. Do not allow whatever u are facing now to be your stumbling block..
so far oRaNGe been busy with stuff in hostel and watching the Korean Drama 'Stained Glass' vcd (cos Debbie brought her tv home... hostel no TV anymore..*sOB) The actors and actresses are great in acting and nice looking wo... ^^
Today oRaNGe receive orders from Empress Dowager that tomorrow gotta teach tuition. What to do... my exams ended ^^ and secondary students having exams ma ^^
SO, today oRaNGe will go back palace... not so soon cos going to Gu Gu's place in 1 hrs time to check out another computer moved from Yi Po's place to there.
Anyways! oRaNGe is back blogging! ^^