Sunday, March 11, 2007
Continuation of GZ pictures ^^
Here's the followups of my GZ trip pictures that Orange had promised aLL! ^^We went to do another village visit the next day! Hahas.. this time round is the Niang Jia of Da Biao Sao's side!
I tell you.. the area is soooo beautiful. The rivers.. the boat.. the fresh air.. and wahahahas! I shall let the pictures do the talking! ^^

Pigs on the road... rolling good times!

Look at how navigation paths can be made along the buildings in this village...

This river lane is used for the annual dragonboat race here... its super long and

Here's Mr Fishmonger with his cigarette in his mouth and him working skillfully on the fish..

Here's just a view at one side of the river we walked pass...

Kampong Chickens!!! ^^ I tell u.. the real authentic kampong chicken.. so delicious.. *sedap!*

we found a boat lying nicely at one side of the land...

We went on top of this sampan... hmm.. whose our boatman? or.. the boat went off by itself!?!?

Hehe.. as first it was quite wobby.. then as seconds flew.. we grew bolder and bolder...
until we stood up!!! ^^

There u go... our dearest boatman is none other than... DA BIAO GE!!!

Look how well Da Biao Ge manuovre us... Kudos to him!!

This naughty Ting Ting went to take my candid shot while i'm walking!! On my left is Kao Fu.. on my right is En Yuan with Biao Jie
Here's me and Biao Jie walking along the village streets!
Ahh.. finally we reached. Da Biao Sao's Niang Jia. As u can SEE. there is a dog. Hahas.. But i kinda like this dog.. cos firstly.. it does not have LONG FUR.. and secondly.. it doesn't care much abt visitors.. (which is GOOD!!!)
Ahh... u can also see just outside there is a mini vegetable plot of land.. i tell u.. the vegetables are so fresh and tasty.. u can't get this elsewhere!!

Just at the backyard of the house.. there is a sampan lying at the river side.
Hmm. i forgot how to call this uncle.. but he just hop on the wobby boat so skillfully.. then he posed for us to take him and his caught fishes!
Ahh.. this is taken from the 2nd / 3rd storey from the house.. hahas..
Look at this humble spread.. orange love it.
Ahh.. this is the one orange LOVE BEST. Its made up of the ge(3) cut up in thick pieces, placed carefuly with 1 slice of lean meat and 1 fatty slice. It's steamed together for sometime until the sweetness of the pork fused into the ge(3). This is an authentic cantonese village dish.

Ahh.. looking at small plates of black sauce with ginger bits and spring onions... Hahas!
Its super delicious.. eating it together with hard fragrant rice.. i can keep eating and forget about all the fats i'm taking in... its super nice. REALLY.
Ahh.. then the very good Er Biao Ge took both of us with his family to HotSpring!!
I tell u.. orange has never been to Spore Fantasy Island.. but this Hotspring.. its like they had converted the Hotspring to one Fantasy Island!
Er Biao Sao took this picture for us!!
Yup.. then Orange and Ting Ting went to HK from here onwards.. Hehe.. will post my HK pictures here next.. Ahhh.. thats gonna be the next time i blog! My 4 days 3 nights in HK.. shopping and eating and shopping and eating....
Next STOP: Hong Kong Station