Tuesday, April 24, 2007
4th Excursion
Ahh.. xiaoshi was brought to the steel making company in BJ.. to watch their steel making process. oh BOY it was piping HOT in there. We were equipped so well with construction caps.. which really.. dunno was it for safety or for show. =.="Anyways! it was a nice day of outing for xiaoshi with the GIP gang once again! ^^
Shall let the pichas do the talking!

The GIP gang.. of cos less xiaoshi.. cos I'm the Photographer HERE! ^^

This is wat its like on the outside of the building tat we were in...
Our Bus to bring us to the actual PLANT next....
how do we look with construction caps on? dunno if its we the ones constructing or being constructed...
xiaoshi with xiaozhu
the 3.... sexy ladies!
The sun is on the wrong side.. but i think both of us look good in this picture man.. hur hur hur..!
Then we watched the hard process.... thru a protected screen.
Heres the protected environment that we were at.
Back to our bus!! Home Swwwweeet Home~~~~