Tuesday, October 09, 2007
After watching The Nanny Diary.. I felt that its gonna be a big mistake for the kid if he was to kick my leg. Oh man. Super Big OH NO. Did I ever mention before that I like babies and totally dislike those little naughty kids?Many a times, people only look at what the problem is. After tracing it, you realised.. Big Mistake. The kid is lack of love. Yearns for attention.
Now isn't that who we are?
Even as adults. We are just like little children. Just that we have a little more manners than them. Isn't that so? Hurhur...
Let's just say IF we have manners, Thank God. Many people out there who just simply do things that piss people off.. they could be from that little percentage of having a deprived childhood.. Thats perfectly normal man. Nobody can choose to be born into a well-mannered family or well-to-do family.
But as for those who are born into a good family and yet take for granted for things, worse still, choose a path purposely just to irritate people, good luck to you kid. You better wake up your idea or else you can kiss goodbye to your freedom soon. You won't live long to carry on this kinda living in Singapore. This island is Singapore. Don't drag down others. Get a life.
oh well.. I totally disgusted by certain people nowadays. The younger generation is simply out of control. oh crap. I'm not the least interested in wanting to control them. I would gladly love to put them out of my sight. Let us just cross our fingers and pray hard that they will grow up fast in their mind or that Education can work out some miracle to knock some senses into them.
I wish I can have some Tuna Salad now.
I think I better get some sleep soon.