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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
News Updates

State: Very Tired

Guess what?

WalkerGal just heard from the radio station about the latest news on Section 377A. Well. After hearing from Uncle Lee.. I guess he is doing his best for the welfare and happiness of his people from all walks of life.. I believe that he wish that all will be happy with their personal lives and sexual activities and work well for a good future towards the country's stability, security, economy and everything.. but not to the extent of allowing Singapore to be viewed as a country that is termed 'homo'. For that, I respect him. He is trying his best to protect the reputation of Singapore.. to strike the right balance with everyone. With his explanations, I can understand why Section 377 is abolished instead of Section 377A.

I guess for now, it clearly shows one thing. People, you can fool around all you want. Either the Man or the Woman, is free to try out whatever you want. Just keep the divorce rates at a moderate rate and not make Singapore top any charts of bad reputation. Heterosexuals, Homosexuals, Metrosexuals.. etc, do whatever you want but don't get caught. Afterall, Ah Beng would rather prefer to be well known for his honesty than to be known for his actions in bullying people right?

Well of course. One can easily add in now that in keeping Section 377A, it might just mean that the education opportunities to promote tolerance and diversity is once again sealed. Too bad then. Singaporeans just got to.. learn through things in other ways then.


I went downstairs to top up my supply of milk this morning and to my surprise, I got a free glass that came with my milk. The damn interesting printings on the glass said the following:

There's no need to count sheep.
Just drink milk, for a deep beauty sleep.


Oh. Did I mention before? I've tasted rabbit before. Heh heh... Please don't kill me because of that.. I didn't kill the rabbit.. I merely ate it by accident. I thought it was chicken. And may I add? It was when I was in Beijing. :)


Whatever doesn't kill me, has only made me stronger.

WalkerGal walked on the sunny side.
11:35 PM.