<body> The Walks and Talks

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Rumbling Rumbles

State: Bushed.

Last night was good and bad.
The good thing was.. not sleeping on sofa. The bad was... can't sleep.

When crisis happen.. what do you do.
Instead of waiting for God, sometimes we flee from Him.
In our impatience, do we realise God is waiting for us..

There's a new addition to my bed. My faded doramon cushion with a big smile.. to make me smile more.


Anti Drug Campaign

This year's anti-drug campaign aims to grab attention with an edgy visual campaign that will also go digital.

The National Council Against Drug Abuse decided to use street art to reach out to the youths. Edward Pank, Business Head of Bates Singapore, said: "What we want to do is to take images they aspire to and then disrupt that glamour by transforming these images with a very real and stark message of what prison is all about."

The campaign is focused on youths who are at risk of falling prey to drugs, particularly synthetic drugs. In addition to the traditional print medium and television, the anti-drug message will feature on blogs, instant messaging software and social network sites – digital spaces that are popular with the youths.

Armed with technology, the council wants to blast the message that "if you play, you pay".

So do you think taking drugs is cool? I don't think so.
I think its a temporary 'coolness' that drug takers had deemed it to be and paid with their reputation, money and life. To me, taking drugs is like taking medicine. And its like being sick forever so those taking it will keep taking it. What's the difference between this and having a terminal disease?

I guess the only difference between a drug taker and a terminal disease patient is that a drug taker has a choice to stop taking the drugs and won't die by doing so. After weighing out the pros and cons, I've decided to give it a miss. Drinking seems much cheaper.


Died in rush buying cooking oil at Carrefour

Can you believe it?
3 human shoppers died with at least 31 others injured in a stampede when the doors were opened at the start of a sale at a Carrefour outlet at Chongqing city on 10 November. People had rushed to buy discounted rapeseed oil for cooking. This was the result of the risen price of cooking oil.

Well. Due to the recent increment in prices of flour, sugar and oil, its sad that such situations can surface. Seriously, I'm glad that my Government had enough foresight and it is certainly a relieve that this kind of things don't happen in Singapore. If it does, I think the newspaper will gonna get thicker and broadcasters will be alot more busier.


Living in turmoil sometimes is not a bad thing. At least you are still alive to change things.
Thank God for that.

WalkerGal walked on the sunny side.
9:34 PM.