<body> The Walks and Talks

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Body Lody Pain

State: Full.. BURPED!

With Christmas coming just round the corner, what's the first thing in my mind? Catch the christmas decorations before they cleared for 2008! Sigh. I need a break to hit the town!!


Its been a nice day today.. Went to tampines sports hall for badminton with some of the nbs babes. Haha.. well done.. we finally meet up again!

I missed Beijing. Again and I say again.

Wonderful Li Xiang jie.. A capable woman with a great husband and a good son studying in New Zealand. God is good. I had lunch with her and all at Tampines Mall's Crystal Jade. Well... I must say the food really. It tasted better at Beijing.


FYP lecturer still haven't replied me when he can meet. Well. Could he be busy marking the examination papers?? =.=

I hope I didn't disappoint him with my cryptography result!!


Some modules have past year's exam paper for reference. Some don't. Its a tricky issue. Its gonna be quite a bit of dilemma for me. Each day I have a different perspective of the modules. I pray that God will guide me to choose the right cores.. its gonna be my last semester of studying.


What's Stressed spelled backwards??




Its Desserts. So. Don't get stressed. Get some desserts instead. :)

WalkerGal walked on the sunny side.
9:11 PM.