Friday, May 12, 2006
p.o.w.e.r-f.a.i.l.u.r.e + G.e.n.t.i.n.g
Last night evening my room power failure.. pENgz.. i just topped up the fridge the night before.. LOL... dunno what time no electricity.. my entire day was in school doing project. so i called the electrician-in-charge, swept, mopped floor, wiped table, wash whole toilet...(did i mention my foreign toiletmate went back to her homeland, now im staying in double-double-deluxe room lol... toilet all by myself.. so lonely!) literally did a FULL spring cleaning... room actually ready for OOD rounds! ^^ and the electrician haven't come yet.
can u imagine? He had not come at yet!!! I even left my door wide open...
Tired.. hungry in a room no electricity... I'm not in the mood for survival camp yet!
Finally after I called again... then electricity was restored. Sigh. Before I can finally relax, room outside became so noisy. really don't understand. can't they be more considerate? are they monkeys? argh. maybe those in the zoo are more tamed i guess..
alrights.. away from these crap..
Recently really so tired and no time to blog but at least got a bit of time to TAG! Wahahahas...! Guess wats in for me for daily breakfast? Fast and convenient de...

Hmmm.. since today is public holiday, i shall spent some time blogging!
These few days friends really kept me motivated to work on project thru many ways... hahas! Here's 2 links to really k.a.w.a.i.i AND super f.u.n.n.y flashpages.. Remember to keep ur speakers ON.. ^^
1. Super Mario
2. Dae Jang Geum
Hahas.. wanna know more about my Genting trip and see Genting pictures? Hee... can only put some cos Empress said oRaNGe cannot put too much photos for peeps to see.. copyright issues.. wahahahas!! okies, oRaNGe shall obey!
^^ here goes...
Remember I mention the trip was s.w.e.e.t and s.o.u.r? Heres the justification:
Stayed in First W**** Hotel.. main reason was to attend Emperor's colleague's wedding dinner in KL. by then dinner ended was already so late and Genting was the nearest best place to stay over.. end up the emphasis is not on the accomodation comfort as its only 1 night of.. a few hours? wahahahas...
My First time at First W**** Hotel in Genting...and it will be the last time i visit such place..****. Other than when oRaNGe zZ, entire environment feeling is SOO s.o.u.r. Don't believe me? Hahas..go and have a look for urself then.
when i wakey wakey in the morning, the buffet breakfast was SO ****. went for morning walk with Emperor and Empress and to oRaNGe's sHocK... the hotel on the outside look sO ****... my first time seeing a hotel outside so colourful...
Can't they just give it a new coat of colour huh?
Usually when oRaNGe goes travelling will take pictures of almost e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.
wahahahas...i guess this is the FIRST time I actually JUST f.o.c.u.s on just the natural scenery and the 3 of us... wahahahahahas!!!!!
Alrights.. moving to the s.w.e.e.t part... ^^
LIVE fashion show in shopping centre called '1 UTAMA'... its SO Singapore shopping environment.. aircon super nice, all the super branded shops are big, authentic and nice!

hehe.. now the genting pics...

Stairway of Heaven!!! wahahahas... protect Emperor and Empress's privacy, I shall just put my pics! ^^
Visit to Organic Farm!!! wahahahahahas...!!
Can U i.m.a.g.i.n.e... the young of spinach looks like this?!?!?!

our Mr Farm Guide...

the maize field!

peanut plant actually look like this lo... LOL!!!

Guess what is this?? Hahahas... its the flower of dragonfruit! LOL...

OMG.. dragonfruit plant actually look like THIS..

Hahas... now an e.x.c.l.u.s.i.v.e view of Emperor, Me, and Empress...wahahahas..
one and only pic I can disclose.. how come we seems same height or i'm like the shortest???

WELL... look carefully then... hahas... we are on an up slope. so who is on the higher point of the slope? wahahahahahas... photo trick! ^^
Entire field of dragonfruit plants..LOL!

sIMply loves fresh green organic vegetables and fruits!!! OMG.. maybe oRaNGe just marry a farmer and then settle down! wahahahahas...
something about oRaNGe!!! i actually enjoy sunset and sunrise views...

and I r.e.a.l.l.y love the sun very much!
back to CID.. TILL THEN! This is oRaNGe signing off! ^^