Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I love watching Jumong...Its a really nice SHOW! ^^
On another hand... I'll miss home.
Going to leave Singapore in about 10 days..
I should be happy?
I'm worried about many many things...
1. Home
2. Family
3. Sisters
4. Parents
oh BOY.. aren't they ALL refer to the SAME thing?
oh WELL. I thank God for bringing me through the exam and got myself promoted unscratched.
Its really a wonder that i cleared that 2 modules.. i really wonder how the marks are given until i could actually passed it. No idea.. no idea at all. its really scary to know that its something i should have failed but ended up clearing it just nice.
God.. really orange dunno wat to say... i'm just overwhelmed with gladness and relieved.
Went Sentosa with Xuan and Wei and Huan last Saturday! Hahas.. its really amazing and wonderful to hang out together with my cousins. As Singaporeans.. with education system and lifestyle.. it almost impossible for the 4 of us to spend time together! But thank God for the wonderful quality and time we had together and all I hope is our kinship and friendship will continue to strengthen, and will bring us through all future hardships and problems.
Life is interesting when you open your eyes BIG enough to notice the little wonderful things you have RIGHT before you.