Monday, May 22, 2006
C.I.D over...coming W.O.R.K
yoyoyoZ!hahahas... love my sista so much.
Last friday was huan's DANCE CONCERT!!! Wahahahas... SO NICE LO!
This gal ah.. she can dance so well... really take my hat off her...
YINGHUAN...ur ERJIE here is P.R.O.U.D to have u as my beloved sista OK! She choreograph 2 dances in total, danced so many different kind of dances... i see her even dancing a kind of indian dance! out of so many...ballet.. hiphop..comtemporary..indian + + + ... ^^
Me, as usual, taken LOTS and LOTs of pics of last fri dance concert. But as usual, Empress's instructions.. hahas must obey!
My bouquet of roses for Huan!

Wahahas.. My first time ever.. went online learning about flowers... just for my dearest sista! OMG.. those who know me know i'm a non-flower lover ya? wahahahas... thats before. now then i discover myself.. i actually like flowers! lol... and roses i really think its SO common la! hahas.. as usual.. oRaNGe's taste always unique..hahas cannot help it! ^^
I realised Tulips actually attracts me...walau.. they are j.u.s.t SOO.. irresistable! Calla Lilies are equally wonderful! Gosh... when will i get a chance to see a garden full of them? wahahahahas...
Hee..below are some pictures taken after the dance concert ended!
Me and Beloved Huan! ^^

Huan and Alson from GEL!

Hahas.. nice pal lo.. come to support Huan..
Me and Alson!

Oh gosh.. we didn't arrange to wear the same colour OK! first time wearing so P.I.N.K!!! its for sista la...and end up we look so pink lo!! LOL...
Me and Yaochuan!

Good bro.. turn up for my sista's dance concert after 'release aeroplane' to me during my Gelebration event! Hahas..
Phew....after the long night event, reaching home before shower, we sistas took a quick photo once again! ^^

Yup! oRaNGe needa turn in early tonight... cos tmr START WORK OFFICIALLY.. if got time will continue to blog OK!
oRaNGe says tata!