Friday, January 05, 2007
T.H.I.N.K. P.A.D. T60...AND....^^
Firstly.I THANK GOD!
Though I couldn't get to order my T60 from NTU.. HE has allowed me to get it through Funan.. and I order today, i get it today!
I'll love to elaborate more on the entire process... BUT... my eyes are closing.
So, in a snapshot, here's the DEAL:
ThinkPad T60 - Model: 1951-BW7
Freebies: WebCam, Cable Lock, Upgrade Original RAM from 512MB to a 1GB RAM, Optic Mouse, Backpack
Additional: Get to see how the addition 512MB is added into the laptop..all configuration settings done, detail explanations of the functions of T60.
Price: SGD$2899
Although I don't need the bluetooth and fingerprint reader.. and could have save around $600++ if buy from NTU...BUT NTU still could not take in orders for this lappy yet... HAI. So Orange has no choice...
Now Orange is gonna elaborate on my current Favourite Korean Actor!
His name is Kang Ji Hwan. He's the male lead actor in 'Be Strong, Geum Soon!' together with my ohhhhhhh very pretty favourite korean actress, Han Hye-jin! ^^
oH man.. in this show.. both of their acting are superb and really professional!
I'm really touched by the role of the person he acted. I'll really be drawn to such person... if such person EVER exist around me... hahas!
Alrights! Enough said... HERE's their PHOTOS! ^^
Han Hye-jin in her role as a Hair Stylist in the show... she got this child like and innocent smile.. so nice!

Here's them together with Geum Soon's son.. whom Geum Soon went through so much to raise him after her 1st husband died in the show... this little boy got the same hair style as Geum Soon during her days in the early episodes of the show...hehe!

Now.. they really look like a couple hor? well... i must say its their professionalism and the effort they put into acting this show!

I simply love BOTH of them! ^^

Now... here's their 'Family photo'

Here's Hye-jin once again! ^^

oh MY oh MY... i love this show to BITS!
it speak of real issues in current family context, a person's strong determination despite all the unfortunate things around... a LOVE that is pure, genuine and sincere.
Right... Orange learnt alot from this show. Its really a nice show that my mummy had recommended me to watch after my exams ended last december. Hahas... after such a long break from korean drama due to schooling and stuff.. its really a great show to me!
Presently... hahas.. Orange has been engaged in YOU-TUBING on JUMONG! Another fabulous show... but for now.. this two person will supercedes all others I have liked previously! heh... ^^