Thursday, January 17, 2008
State: Hot and StickyI was reading from my favourite online magazine website this morning
and I stumbled upon that migraines are caused by the following:
When your nervous system responds to a trigger, such as stress, spasms then occur in the nerve-rich areas at the base of the brain and constrict the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. The migraine pain comes from other blood vessels that open up further to compensate for the constricted blood vessels. Pain also comes from the excitation of the nerve pathway that runs from the brain stem to the head and face. - From ivllage.
Hence, this very much explained about the symptoms of a migraine victim such as pulsating, throbbing headache, with upset stomach, and sensitivity to light.
As I read on, I realised that there is actually a list of food that could trigger migraines..
Aged cheeses, bananas, figs, raisins, beer, wine, hard liquor, dairy products ice cream/milk/yogurt, cheese, Sour cream), fermented and pickled products, MSG (Chinese food, frozen dinners, processed meats, certain seasonings, soups), citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons), papaya, passion fruit, red plums, seasoned salt, soy sauce, avocadoes, chocolate, lentils, nuts, peanuts (peanut butter), onions, pea pods, lima bean pods, nitrite containing meats and processed meats, saccharin/aspartame (diet sodas), sulfites in shrimp and processed potatoes, yeast containing products (donuts, breads). Alcohol, such as red wine and port can also
trigger a migraine. - From ivillage.
Reading on...
Drinking or eating foods that contain caffeine can trigger a migraine; so can rapid or sudden withdrawal of caffeine. Remember that caffeine can be found in coffee, regular and diet sodas, teas, chocolate and chocolate products, and supplements, especially weight loss supplements. Any medication that dilates blood vessels can also trigger a migraine.
Migraines can be triggered by smells, fumes, perfumes, strong floral smells, tobacco smoke, bright lights or flickering lights, light glare, bright sunlight, paint thinner and ammonia and cooking odors. Travel motion in a car or train can instigate a migraine. Dust can trigger a migraine in sensitive individuals.
Hunger can bring on a migraine attack. One of the mechanisms may be low blood sugar and its impact as a stress on the vascular system. Fasting is not a good idea for someone who suffers from migraines. Low levels of magnesium and calcium have also been examined as possible initiators of migraine attacks. Some well know "migraine supplements" contain magnesium and calcium in their formularies.
What to do?
Don't skip meals Don't fast or go for long periods of time between meals Make sure tosupplement with calcium daily and eat calcium rich foods (also important to prevent osteoporosis) Take a daily multi-vitamin with magnesium
- From ivillage.
OMG. I think I am a raisin, beer, wine, milk, soups, citrus fruits, onion, nut,...etc lover... I should be always having migraines isn't it??? =P Well... I guess I don't have it is because I'm born with a system that is kinda immune against migraines??
Hmmm... it seemed that its the most logical answer I have for myself.
Today, he said this during tutorials: Perhaps those who are tired can use a bit of their brain for a while... The whole class went: !!?!?!?
Hahaha... I really pity him though I'm really mentally on his side and physically on the students side.
I really longed to touch blackie. Nvm. I shall settle with fyp bit first. I know blackie missed me and surely its long out of tune! Ahhh. Set your priorities RIGHT. Afterall, blackie won't run away eh? :)