<body> The Walks and Talks

Friday, February 01, 2008

State: brain freezed.

meeting fyp woo in an hour's time..
in a dreadful state.
woke up extra early today to battle the headaches and it was headache all the way.
its like nothing moved. not even an inch.
how can i meet fyp woo with nothing done up?
source files cannot be compiled..
tried umpteen ways to do it but still in vain.
uninstalled and re-installed everything..
admin console can't understand anything..
googled, read tons of tutorials and can't understand a single thing.
is there any thing i can do to clear this mess?

i can't even reach into the programming part without setting up the environment properly.
march is drawing nearer................

God.. Help me.

WalkerGal walked on the sunny side.
1:11 PM.