Sunday, April 30, 2006
GELebration + Sunday Service = Nice Experience
Today's leaders meeting ended quite late. All 4 of us were all so tired... tired from LAUGHING...Wahahahahas...! LOL... Just by recalling the things done, I can SimPLY BURST lo!!!
Hahaha...don't ask me what happened... its JUST FUNNY! Come to GEL Youth Meetings on Saturdays, then U WILL KNOW! :)
GELebration on sat was really an enjoyable learning experience for all of us! Thank you Musicians..! Thank you Worship Leaders..! Hope you all individually had gained some personal experience working with one another through the rehearsals we had, as well as during actual event! If the audience turnout had been alot more, it would really be more encouraging to the GEL band. Hence, I really wanna thank all GEL members who came and brought their friends too. Thank you for making the effort to come. ^^
Oh yea... not to forget the Camera Man. Was really encouraged that he took time off and helped us to take photos. ^^ Below are SOME of his productions :p
Taking our positions:

General view of 4 worship leaders holding microphones (from left: Alson, Charissa, Orange, Charmian):

So engrossed in worship...

Suddenly Charmian disappeared!

Phew... camera effects!

1st part GELebration ended... and our GEL President giving short speech!

Uncle Lee giving short presentation on topic ~ Worship:

Continued 2nd part of GELebration...wahahahas.. this is a very nice angle!

Now... Introducing our Musicians!
Here we got Cheryl our Acoustic Guitarist of the Day, with Shawn (seemed camoflaged...) as our Drummer Boy!

Nice looking guy on the right is Darius the Base Guitarist!

And here we got Gabriel (nicely camoflaged with the curtain..) as our Lead Pianist, lets give him a round of applause for sitting in that corner, playing without ceasing throughout 2 hours GELebration... Now can U IMAGINE...
Standing in front Gabriel, is Zhi Yong our Electric Guitarist!

Well..well..WELL!!! What can I say? The entire event wouldn't be complete and successful if not for God's presence with us on that day! Thank You Lord! To God be the Glory! ^^
Missing in action: Matthew couldn't be part of the band due to badminton tournament on saturday. This guy can sings and harmonises well OK. Though he couldn't sing for us, we hope he did well in his tournament, that the Lord be glorified through him!
Yea.. so Saturday ended and we performed in Today's Sunday Worship also!
Pictures as follows..taken by my dearest sister:

This picture of me is sooo DARK.. Wahahahahas!!! Dearest Yinghuan..u forgotten the FLASH gal...

Though I feel tired, my heart rejoices for the fact that I'm serving a G.r.e.a.t God. Trust me... He is worth e.v.e.r.y moment of Your L.i.f.e.
Orange retires to her KING KOLL bed...zZ.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Details for GELebration
GELebration is TODAY! ^^OK. For the sake of newcomers, Orange decided to provide the details once again!
Here's the details:
GEL-ebration: Our Youth 1st Worship Concert!
Time: 4 - 6 pm
Venue: Glad Tidings East (My Church)
Address: 4 Changi South Lane, #06-01 Singapore 486127
Those taking public transport, take mrt until either Tanah Merah or Simei (cos church is in the middle)
For tanah merah, exit to the side that has the flower garden, at the bus stop take bus 9. Alight at the 3rd stop.
For simei, exit at main entrance then cross the road to the oppsite, facing Eastpoint. Take bus 9 and alight at the 2nd stop.
Upon alighting, can just call me or locate Nan Wah Building (church is at 6th floor)
Its gonna be FUN, so do COME! ^^
C.L.A.S.S Gathering
*yAWNz... (cover mouth)Orange would really like to sleep more... but very soon got to teach tuition already.
Dragged myself up this morning to charge batteries for later GELebration, as well as to BLOG!!!
Wahahahahas... YeSTerDAY's gathering was really not bad... Had it at a restaurant called Ma Maison... Singapore's one and only one branch!
We started to meet all at about 7 plus, I was there VERY EARLY though... how come? hahas.. cos BM was not convenient for me to 'rescue' his computer so I ended up having nothing to do after having SUBWAY lunch (~again! Lunch was Spicy Italian Daily Specials ^^) at Jurong Point. Hahas...
OK. So since after my exams, I haven't really done much window shopping, I decided to get Mister Dinesh (who is SOOO free, having 2 weeks of block leave from work) to join me as well as to do some catching up with him.
WOW... bugis was sooo packed with students lo!!! like staying on mountain top... very long time never see so many peeps, especially in uniform, walking around... HMMM...i tot their exams are like next week?! Guess their studying style are not like me. Wahahahas!!!
Then finally we seemed like walk the entire bugis le... legs quite tired wo... so we rested at coffeebeans for like some hours la. This Dinesh (as usual like poly days) like to twist the straw round and round until left 3 cm for someone to stike it with fingers. So was there somebody around who know him?
Yes... Who? ME. Aiyoyo... I gave a hard strike at it and there was a 'thunderous' POP sound (pardon me, im not exaggerating cos this lady from my right eye corner, literally 'JUMP' from her seat!!!) Wahahahahas...! OK. I shouldn't have laughed.. BUT I can't HELP IT! Wahahahahas!!!
Okie..I started as an accomplice and ended up being the murderer lo.. LOL..! OK. BACK to class gathering. Soon Roger, Alvin and Yaochuen came...yeah! We finally got seats at Ma Maison Restaurant, after like waiting for SO LONG! But the wait was worth it man... I can tell you... the place is nicely decorated. I can't disclose too much.. You got to go there and see for yourself...
Place nice, food not nice also pointless right? Hahahas...AGREED. But Ma Maison's food was SOOOOO nice. It has been ages since I last eaten good food at a classy place. AND the price was really..AFFORDABLE ^^
Mr Dinesh and me ordered Beef Butter Stagonoff (hope i spelt correctly) It costs about $15 and TASTED o-i-s-h-i-i!!! and the rest... haha. Can't remember! none of us brought camera, so thank God that Dinesh hp can take some photos! So we took photos.. wahahahas...most of them got ME!!! hahahahas... Will try to post up some the next time! ^^
OK. Orange need to prep for tuition.
Ta ta!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Last time this online novel website: posted by one fan on Teresa's online YahooGroups Fans Club (I really enjoys listening to Teresa's singing by the way...if u still dunno ^^) OK. If u also dunno who is Teresa, she is the recently crowned Female Campus Super Star, Teresa Tseng Yung Lin, 曾咏霖. Hahas... The thing to note HERE is that she is only 15 years old.. after 19 Oct this year, she will turn 16. AND SHE CAN REALLY SINGS and SINGS THE BEST AMONG all female contestants :) This is my personal opinion.. OF COS your opinions can differ from mine.. ^^ its a fair world :) all Teresa's fans out there, this is Singapore. Education has always been a priority to MOST students (the hardworking ones ^^). Its impossible for Teresa to be a full time singer now.. So be patient and look forward to special events like 1st July 2006 Singapore Youth Festival celebrations at National Stadium, where both Zhiyang and her will be singing the theme song ^^
Wahahahahas... BACK TO MY ONLINE NOVEL! so that time no time to read online novel due to exams period. So what I did? I saved that website into my Favourites Folder! ^^
Today due to last min something cropped up from my poly friend's side, ended up postponing the gathering to tmr (EH..BUT now no more postponing le hor.. rain or shine, tmr even only 2 person, the gathering will be ON! ~To: You-Know-Who :p) Hahas.. thats why I end up having time to explore the online novel!
OK.. Back to the online novel website :) There are a total of 20 chapters to read.. The story seems like normal story at the beginning..(when I say Normal, I mean Normal = Nothing interesting nor catchy) But as the story advances deeper, the characters seemed to come a-l-i-v-e! I'm not kidding. Read it then you'll know.
I couldn't believe myself that when I read until the last few chapters... I was so TOUCHED that tears came rolling down my cheeks! Goodness... and its like erm.. nonstop! Hai yo... i feel silly but can't stop crying at the same time... ><
Thank God Miss Debbie haven't came back that moment (my roomie is studying hard for her last paper due on 2 May~~~pheew... ^^wahahahahaha!!! Think she will laugh when she sees this!)
Okies.. the story was indeed touching. But it didn't reveal the final ending lo.. pengs... but I'm still very touched.. ^^
Check out the website and you'll be touched by orange... er, by the STORY OK!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
SUBWAY + STARBUCKS + Variables = Wo Pang Le!!!
Today had a fruitful day! Long time never eaten SUBWAY.. (Let's see.. Hmm.. last time it like during my final year in poly..3 YEARS ago!) Hahas, today got the chance to do so ^^ .... Sigh.. but my RafflesCity SoupSpoon is gone!!! :(
Really seldom go Starbucks.. in fact think never went before. Sigh.. the drink didn't taste really well.. think the person remove the whip cream didn't do a thorough job (he added in whip cream by mistake..) The drink had a weird butter milk taste. And I ordered a frappuchino tea by the way (tasted >< ) Orange never likes cream stuff excepts ice-cream :) Hahas! but I guess its alright la. When the company is good, its worth it. (Learnt from BIG MAN)
Today did some catching up with BM. Hahas...glad to know he is doing fine! Chatted long and then after some final discussions, BM decided to cut his hair. So happy to hear it from him...cos his current hairstyle is like..ERmmm...Hahas! Just joking OK. His current hairstyle is fine la.. but will make him look not just OLD.. but OLD-FASHION also.. hee.. so we went Far East Plaza to get a good trim at a good price.
Far East Plaza is like a MAZE u know.. aiyo... walk and turn and walk and turn.. until i dunno how to walk back to entrance... LOL! Thank God that BM knows the place :)
Finally we found a place called Pointer... (erm, forgot is Pointer or Pointers la..) Same spelling as the NS men and regulars receive from their SAF every month if they subscribes to it.
Yup, the place is nice and hairstylists there are very friendly also.. BM sat down on the chair with a 'like a-sheep-to-be-skinned' expression on his face... Wahahahahas...SOOOO FUNNY!!! ^^ Yup, then the hairstylist started the 'operation'...
Then HEY PESO! BM was 'transformed' into a neat looking suave guy...haha...i dunno how the rest of the people think about his new hair style.. but at least to me it fits the words that i just used to describe in the 2 lines above ^^
So glad BM likes this hairstyle...^^ else i would be 'K' by him for bringing him to cut his hair.. but its only $12 bucks ma.. BM is rich enough to pay la..
if not, 1 month his hair will grow long anyway... wahahahas!
After that, we went separate ways :( Me back to where i come from... Went Jurong Point shop for my groceries. So guess what's my dinner?
:) chicken kebab + popiah + lunch(subway,starbucks) = Wo Zhen De Pang Le!!!!!
YUP... so whats on for tmr? Hahas... poly class gathering! :) yeah! but quite a small group actually...but nvm. Seldom have time to catch up of them all.. Since exams are over, Orange makes the effort for them! ^^ retires for the day le!
GEL-ebration Tuesday Rehearsal
Yesterday night rehearsal was great!!!Good job everyone! Beautiful music... Amazing harmonising voices... Great to see the passion of playing and singing for God in all! Keep it up everyone!
Saturday is THE DAY! Hope all will keep yourselves well prepared for GEL-ebration!
If YOU wanna know what is GELebration and what's going on, pls contact Orange okies!
Dunno who's Orange, but wish to join in this event?
Leave your queries at Orange Tag-Board. Will get back to you asap! :)
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Now the time is 1330, Tuesday 25 April 2006.I had slept through 5 hours of sleep only. But I feel GREAT!
Let me share what I did on 24 April 2006... the last day of EXAMS.
Yesterday after my last paper ends 1530 (Techical Report Writing - only 2 AUs ~pengs!)
Weather was quite nice, Orange went with Eileen and Lishan to Orchard Rd, we had 'Pepper Lunch' at the Big Isetan (Actual name I forgotten again! ~pengs)
We went KBox Cineleisure next and sang non-stop for 3 hours (7pm - 10pm)! Okay.. I know this is not very long. But we paid student price ma :) What to do.. I'm still a student wo.. Paid $9+++ ^^
Yeah! so long never got time go singing lo.. all because of tons of assignments and labs due! Finally got the time to try singing the new songs that caught my attention while watching CSS! Hee...
Okays, at 10pm, 3 gals at Orchard Rd... what do u think we can do? Haha.. nothing. So we chill out at Top of the M, so near and ambience so good... who can resist it???
On Monday night.. Of cos not much Peeps there... (Just the way I like it ^^)
Nice music and ambience.. Great relaxation and enjoyment.. Drank Margarita myself.. Lishan's was Tom Collins.. Eileen's Pink Lady. (oh gosh did I just type Eileen's Pink Lady? So she drank ~herself!? ^^)
Hahas.. then we talked thru the night till 0100 then Top of the M have to sad :(
So we did some talking + walking.. haha.. walked from Orchard all the way till Raffles Place Lau Pa Sat! Continued to usual..Orange talked the most. By then me feeling hungry as usual (like I said Wo Pang Le), so I ordered fishball noodles.. sigh.. regretted so much. Not because of the extra calories and fat, but the yellow noodle quality was like sticky sticky.. Sigh.. should have ordered just the fishballs!!! :(
Can U imagine.. We chat thru the night till morning where public transport regain life... hop on the train, then back to hostel!
By then I bath finished, its 0730! L-O-L.... ZZ for 5 hours..
I have to wake up! else.. tonight cannot ZZ how!?
Nice once-in-a-blue-moon experience. Hope its the same for Eileen and Lishan too! ^^
Alrights! I must go fill my stomach le... Later still have rehearsal for GEL-ebration..YEAH!
This is Orange signing off!
Mic test... 1...2...3...Hello EveryB-O-D-Y!!!
First and foremost, I wanna thank God.
He sat with me through my entire exams.. Gave me the confidence, committment and courage to perform what I couldn't have done it without Him.
The bible says "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5
I am so glad that when I 'upload' my prayers to God, He nevers forsakes me. The bandwidth of Internet access to God is ever so MEGA-Bandwidth that there is simply no lag when I 'upload' prayers to God or 'download' blessings from Him.
Jesus, God's Only Begotten Son (Internet Service Provider) had paid the perfect price and made it so easy for me to access to Him.
John 3:16 : For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Well... what else can I say? When emails get lost or trashed, none of my prayers ever get lost or erased either...
I'm so thankful that I can go to Him in prayer, lay everything out before Him, and ask for what I need at the moment. And I am so thankful that He doesn't ask me to hold on, shut me out or shut me down. He knows the cries of my heart, He listens, and He answers.
He is This Wonderful Great God to me :)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
T.i.r.e.d + B.r.u.i.s.e + 1 more paper + FYI
Went home last friday night.. back in hostel today. Got 2 big bruises.. one on left arm, one on left leg. Don't ask me how I got it. Life is full of shocks and surprises.Tomorrow is my final paper. After which I can fully concentrate on this coming saturday event. Dear friends pls do come and support okays :)
Here's the details:
GEL-ebration: Our Youth 1st Worship Concert!
Time: 4 - 6 pm
Venue: Glad Tidings East (My Church)
Address: 4 Changi South Lane, #06-01 Singapore 486127
Must come and support. Support who? ME.
Cos I'm singing.. wahahahas! If free, do contact me Okay! :)
Friday, April 21, 2006
Today finished my 3rd paper! Thank God for everything. It started with 2.5 hrs to do.. then got StuCk in qn 2... Took 50 mins to finished qn 2.. CAN U IMAGINE...? its like Left only about 1 hr for qn 3 and 4... then found out killer qn is QN 3. Funny part was: (when doing Qn 3, it requires us to draw table with many columns..) How come nobody around me draw lines arh? I was the only person breaking the silence with the noisy pencil drawing lines madly lo..
Wasted so much time in that. Thank God that qn 4 dint took much time and I ended up having just nice time for me to complete the paper.. :) even managed to go back to do those 1st few qns which I skipped :) NOW, CAN U IMAGINE...? Hehehe... Praise the Lord! Anyway, completing the paper in time doesn't guarantee will do will also. I believe I had tried my best already. Even dunno how to do, I've thrown all the 'smoke bombs' I had! What to do... Keep on praying!
Phew.. 3 core papers are over! LEFT Tech Report Writing on 24 Apr (Mon). After that its strict exercising for me.. COS IPPT is just round the cORNER. O.o
Orange... Jia You!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Exams... Break... Exams
2 papers down le.. Can u imagine.. 2 papers on 2 consecutive days...OK. I shall not grumble much.. Goodness for those peeps who got 2 papers on the same day... I should thank God for my papers arrangement! Anyway.. So long never blog le.. hahas. But the feeling still remains. Wahahaha...! I had renovated and gave my BLOG a NEW LOOK!!! Hee... think this is a lot better than my prev template.. But think blogspot should offer me more varieties of template to choose lorz..LOL!
By the way.. I was amazed by the CSS (if u dunno btw, CSS = Campus SuperStar) show by MediaCorps. At first thought that its just a bunch of kids singing... Goodness, I was TOTALLY wrong lo! After narrowing down to top 10, wow... I'm amazed by their singing! Ever since I watched the 2nd episode, hahas... The Female and Male Superstar already birthforth! As expected, both Teresa and Zhiyang breeze through the few rounds, cleared semi-finals, and obtained their respective positions, in the Final. Hahas... I'm so happy for them!
To me, there is no clear cut overall Superstar because Male and Female singing are SOO DIFFERENT! Zhiyang has his singing that sways the audience, and Teresa has this very 'shu fu' soothing voice which doesn't need much effort for her to sings out as the pitch gets higher :) Its good to know Singapore have a younger generation that CAN REALLY Sing!
ALSO... I had put a tag board on my blog le! requested by my roomie... Haha... Just saw your comment today only lo... LOL.. so long never have time to write ma.. so how Miss Debbie? I have not let you down huh... Haiz.. Think it will be some time before you read my blog lo.. Someone so good life can go Genting in the midst of exams hor.. Good. Hahas... Enjoy your trip OK! I'll keep our room 'warmed' awaiting for your return.. so don't worry! :p
OK. 2 more papers to go... Fri 21 Apr(Database Systems) and Mon 24 Apr(Technical Report Writing) ...
Orange must go back to study!!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
8 traits every man is looking for in a serious girlfriend
My first blog here :)Got inspired by many of my friends to set up a blog here. I'm always very lazy to make changes in life. Haha.. but I think this is a good change as writing a blog here is really a lot userfriendlier than my current one... at friendster.
So! I decided to start my blog now ah. I came across some articles in the Internet last few months. Some instances shown on those articles really got me to agree hands on. By the way, I'm free from 4 wisdom teeth officially now. The gum is still in its healing process but I'm sure I can recover to start my exercising regime soon...
Yup, check out these traits!
1. She has a life of her own -- and it's pretty good to boot.
Ladies, this means that you take care of yourself, pay attention to your personal style, go church and find time to hang with your fabulous friends and family. You seek adventure by traveling and experiencing. And you take in life's pleasures -- from indulging in dessert to walking through the park on a sunny day… alone. Not expecting your boyfriend to be your entire existence. Gentlemen, this means if you are able to take the initiatives to be by their side, do it.
In other words, you're not waiting for some man to show up, and you can get your "real life" started.
2. She never makes the first move.
This issue has been debated to death, and there is no true consensus. Women should never, ever pursue a man. Instead, if there is this man who is willing, let him initiates and do the planning. If the woman is always the one calling, she will never know if he is really interested in her or if it's just convenient for him. She may find herself questioning the relationship every step of the way.
Men simply aren't programmed to think like that and therefore are better suited to the chase.
3. She is sexy without being trampy or bitchy.
This means something different at the beginning of the relationship than it does down the road. In the beginning of courtship, a woman should refrain from making any comments that are overtly sexual. When the relationship gets more serious, and presumably more intimate, sexual touch and the displays of affection can then be more appropriate.
A woman, however, should bear in mind to protect herself, not foolishly indulging in premarital sex before the once-in-a-lifetime called Marriage.
4. She does little things to show she cares.
The bear-in-mind factor is that you should want to do the little things that let him know you care and you are paying attention to his individual needs. Tell him when he needs a trim, or a change of hairstyle.
Gentlemen, at this point, show your appreciation genuinely. Even in your busiest moments, remember to reciprocate and do the same for her… cherishing every time spent with her together.
5. She should be her boyfriend's best wingman -- err, wing woman.
Help him to look GOOD in front of the boss, in front of everyone who is around him… and in front of you. His hairstyle, eating hygiene, eating diets, handkerchief, wallet… etc. Man actually knows certain changes he needs to do in his life. However, he prefers you to guide him to do it. Laugh at his jokes and help him shine when it is important. Be his best partner in all functions in 365 days a year.
Of course, again, he should do the same for you. In fact, he can do better than you.
6. She does not take any crap -- from anyone.
A good woman never accepts bad behaviors. Guys respect women with whom they can't get away with anything. If he knows there's a penalty -- like getting thrown to the curb -- for a serious violation like cheating, he'll respect you more, and he will be far less likely to do it.
You should also never even bother to date married men, those who already have girlfriends, those who loves to show off, those who gives up easily in life challenges or anyone who verbally or physically threatens or abuses you.
She has her principles and lives with no compromises according to her belief.
7. A good woman always chooses a good man.
That means that you should look for someone who is honest and dependable. He has to treat you right. If he says he is going to be somewhere, he is there. Though his educational status may not be the same high level as you, you can see that he continues to put in true effort. Chivalry is not dead, by the way. Good manners are a deeper window into what kind of man he truly is.
You should also have compatible views on money (which is the number one thing couples fight about). Even though they say opposites attract, savers should think twice before shacking up with wild spenders.
Knowing those places where temptations of lust are present, he should know and not be part of those places without you. These areas can be really nice, non-expensive and relaxing to holiday. But a good man never visits such places without your presence with him.
8. She knows that love is the biggest part of the mating equation.
Just how does a good woman know that she has found that crazy-for-you, toe-curling relationship? Some women have an "a-ha" moment… “I guess this is it” feeling… while love simply sneaks up on the rest. The feeling includes a unique sense of comfort and acceptance… the feeling that someone else's happiness is as important to you as your own.
Please note that she may or may not reveal this to her good man. This is going to be tricky because only for those men who made initiatives or really know their women, can feel it.
Haha... tricky traits but it appears true in reality. Dare to take the challenge?