Wednesday, May 31, 2006
stinky D.A.R.K O.R.A.N.G.E
yOZ!!!Hahas.. surprise to see me blogging at this time?
Hee... I'm also surprise myself aLSo!! ^^
Today fINALLY...after 2 nights onboard..can actually come out for a breath of FRESH AIR.
Hahas.. by RIGHT should stay in till friday. But training is more impt ma and tmr is at the east..hahas then today went to visit MPA! for those who dunno what MPA is....Maritime Port Authority!
So requested to go home la since gg from home to tmr work place is so much nearer!
Hee... Thank God for everything once again! cOS PSA building is SOOOO near my Gu Gu's place la..hee so managed to blog while eating pineapples...SO NICE! pineapples also another of my favourite food OK!
AND! u know what? orange now become dark orange... hahas...can change name to B.R.O.W.N.I.E le.. these few days i really learnt quite a lot of stuff onboard!
Yup! Thank God for the motivation He provided for me
Okie, gtg off to bath cos i soooo stinky la!
Yup confirm now that i'll be 'released' on friday! yahOOOOOO! ^^
By the way, im teaching basic guitar lessons every sat at my church, the church address is somewhere located at my april archives for those who are keen to come to attend ^^
KEY THING TO NOTE THAT ITS FREE!!! just have to bring ur guitar along and if u don't have a guitar, don't panic and just come attend the lesson first =)
wahahahas, once in a lifetime experience OK!
will kena scolding from me if nv practice what i teach! hehehehe ;)
Details as follows:
Venue: Glad Tidings East Church
Time: 1430 (tune guitar) 1500 (start)
Things to bring: YOU + GUITAR
OK really gtg wo!
d-A-r-K o-R-a-N-G-e says CHEERIOS! ^^
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Working really worked me out...S.I.G.H!!!
MY First day at work:
~Reported 0840 and was supposed to be late
(cos was asked to report at 0830)
~But it was actually a powerpoint briefing by my own batch mate..
(wahahahas..saved by God)
~Out of only 2 possible places, was assigned to the better one.
(cos the other one had a BIG BULLY SADIST in it.. notoriously known to torture freshies like me.. *p.h.e.w...Thank God again!)
~Then received bad news..
(ship will be doing overnight sailing for 2 days!?... and that's the day sailing begins)
~Rushed back hostel..
(had quick lunch, rest of time pack my stuff..halfway realised i FORGOT to BRING my safety boots!!!!!)
~Rushed back base...
(pengs...not much time left and ship is leaving soon! went to e-mart got my safety boots... my 3rd pair already lo!! Haiz... don't wanna buy but no choice! cos safety first.. wa biang..if continue like this, i can open a shop to rent safety boots le..)
~Rushed to ship...
(then everything else next happen very fast.. got my cabin, so COLD lo! argh.. had to tuned my brain to the SEA again... so OFF...and I'm like studying Computer Science.. duh~! to those who know computer terms.. its JUST like doing a quick format to the brain ... 'quick NTFS format')
WELL.. hahas.. really must thank God for assigning me there.. some how i meet back some colleagues, male counterparts whom i worked with last vacation...female counterparts whom i met during last december sqn carolling singing! and lastly 1 who was my trainee from tekong last year!! wahahahas.. and both of us are in the same cabin and are bunkmates! its really so surprised to meet up with them ^^
But when its working time, ITS WORKING TIME. NO JOKES. NO CHILD'S PLAY.
Thats where i kena shot by Ops O here and there... hai. what to do when i only return once in every 6 mths? my brain only contains software. WAHAHAHAHAS.. i can't answer MEANS i can't answer!!! smoke bombs also became so CLEAR. argh.
these 3 days 2 nights was really tiring.. only zz for so few hours.. then must work. hai.. but i should not complain too much. cos my bunkmate really zz less than me lo. cos we are of different level.. argh.. hate this level thingy.. then although she has more workload than me, i had higher responsibility burden compared to hers actually. hai.. this is the REAL LIFE OUT THERE. really sick of all these at times!
This morning set alarm to wake at 0310.. but cos i put the HP at wrong place... couldn't feel the vibration at all lo! But thank God for YIYAN! she is SOO GOOD! She woke me up to work at 0322.. REALLY...speechless. SOO THANKFUL and GRATEFUL to YIYAN!! I shall not elaborate on what can actually happen to me if i was late this morning..
Working .. blah blah blah...
Then i reach back hostel this afternoon.. with loads of stuff on my mind. pengs..
guess what?
Congratulate me.
Was told today that I'll be given FREE FOOD AND LODGING at ship for entire next week.
isn't that cool?
after staying at hostel, so frequently away from home has become a norm to me. So by right i should feel fine ah. but can u imagine... the buffer said the heads are prone to be choked easily.. so each time can ONLY use 2 pieces of toilet paper. NOT because to save the world but because the toilet cubicles choke easily..
now i think my hostel toilet is so big lo compared to the heads! wahahahas...!
sigh.. but this is the first time i'm given such chances to learn, i think i will think in a positive way to allow me to learn faster. else next time i returning to base for good, i think i'll be left-right-centered even more.
Anyways! I believe everything is in God's hands and He will not foresake me! ^^
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29
Because we can work in areas where strength and power are praised, many of us do our
best to hide our insecurities and shortcomings. We often go to great lengths to
exaggerate our strengths and downplay our weaknesses in order to make ourselves look
better to others. In truth, the very people we try to impress may be struggling with the same feelings of weakness and may be just as weary from trying to hide it.
There are times when my physical health isn't as strong as I would like it to be.
During those times, my spiritual health can also wane. Although such times of weakness feel like they last for far too long, I know that each and every time that happens, God has given me a new point of view and a new way to trust in Him.
I have learned that it is okay to be weak just so long as I remember that there is One who enables me to be strong.
The very fact that I cannot do certain things on my own only serves to emphasize
that Christ is the One who works through me. If I never struggled with anything, I
would never learn anything. If the path I walk as a Christian never trip me up, I
would never spend as much time on my knees in prayer as I do. Being strong has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with God.
I H.A.V.E to admit that I am weak when it comes to certain areas of my life.
I H.A.V.E to A.L.S.O admit that I have come this far by faith and it is this very
faith that connects me to a source of strength and peace that is indescribable.
Nothing this world has to offer even comes close to this kind of power.. not even to this 'Nothing Comes Close'.
Will love to do more exercises now.. cos IPPT is coming next wed. and food at work place really...not very healthy. But the whole place is so argh..COLD! i cannot don't eat! also can't work when stomach is so fast emptied by my brain cells hard at work.
dear oranges.. tonight i'll eat my rightful portion of U ooo...
Monday, May 22, 2006
C.I.D over...coming W.O.R.K
yoyoyoZ!hahahas... love my sista so much.
Last friday was huan's DANCE CONCERT!!! Wahahahas... SO NICE LO!
This gal ah.. she can dance so well... really take my hat off her...
YINGHUAN...ur ERJIE here is P.R.O.U.D to have u as my beloved sista OK! She choreograph 2 dances in total, danced so many different kind of dances... i see her even dancing a kind of indian dance! out of so many...ballet.. hiphop..comtemporary..indian + + + ... ^^
Me, as usual, taken LOTS and LOTs of pics of last fri dance concert. But as usual, Empress's instructions.. hahas must obey!
My bouquet of roses for Huan!

Wahahas.. My first time ever.. went online learning about flowers... just for my dearest sista! OMG.. those who know me know i'm a non-flower lover ya? wahahahas... thats before. now then i discover myself.. i actually like flowers! lol... and roses i really think its SO common la! hahas.. as usual.. oRaNGe's taste always unique..hahas cannot help it! ^^
I realised Tulips actually attracts me...walau.. they are j.u.s.t SOO.. irresistable! Calla Lilies are equally wonderful! Gosh... when will i get a chance to see a garden full of them? wahahahahas...
Hee..below are some pictures taken after the dance concert ended!
Me and Beloved Huan! ^^

Huan and Alson from GEL!

Hahas.. nice pal lo.. come to support Huan..
Me and Alson!

Oh gosh.. we didn't arrange to wear the same colour OK! first time wearing so P.I.N.K!!! its for sista la...and end up we look so pink lo!! LOL...
Me and Yaochuan!

Good bro.. turn up for my sista's dance concert after 'release aeroplane' to me during my Gelebration event! Hahas..
Phew....after the long night event, reaching home before shower, we sistas took a quick photo once again! ^^

Yup! oRaNGe needa turn in early tonight... cos tmr START WORK OFFICIALLY.. if got time will continue to blog OK!
oRaNGe says tata!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
am d.r.i.f.t.i.n.g BUT NO more
sorry people.. im really putting in effort to learn.working hard to go thru things for the first time..
really wanted to do it well.
but my efforts were seen as some things against me..
other people can misunderstood me for all they want... but why some people can misunderstand me?
really feel disappointed and maligned.
if those people directly involved don't know what's the real problem, will other people who are concerned for them understand?
guess its quite clear to some but still cloudy to some for this answer.
tried to clarify things..
tried airing things out.. hoping things will work out better..
it was all in vain.
really pains me to see that even hearing what i had clarified, they are not willing to change those wrong perceptions about me at all..
feel terrible.
my life is messed up.
it boils down to fact that we really didn't spend enough time together.
in the beginning.. told myself that i can work on this then..
tried to bridge things up..
still in vain.
gap became wider.. so much that i had to release myself from it.
i sincerely wished i hadn't.
apart from this, there were occasions that they really helped me and i sincerely appreciate them for helping me through little bits of hurdles i faced in school.
donations for school..
points and means to reside in school hostel..
time spent in sourcing for cny goodies..
cleaning fridge for me.
sweeping floor for me.
cooking pasta for me.
i remembered it all.
i am firm and do set standards. it may seemed high to some, may seemed challenging to others.
harsh i might seemed from my words used at times.. i'm not from golden spoon family.
ended up being regimental to some at times..
but they couldn't see the big picture.
was i wrong to have expectations?
really wanted to give myself and them another chance..
i realised, it was all to my own wishful thinking..
it never came across to them that i meant well.
those people hadn't change any of their impression of me at all..
every words i said, seemed threatening to them now and then.
gosh. can i really make this 'impact'?
still remembered my OCS Commander gave us the V.I.R.O framework.
Sir.. i had not forget ur guidance. Thank you for being such a wonderful and fatherly figure in OCS.
an aim in mind help us to know how things can be set to improve for better.
can there be a chance that we never reach a particular standard that we set?
yes there will be. but its the learning process and effort made, that actually improve us.. not the end result.
more people learnt of those wrong perceptions of me after i released myself..
and i never felt so wronged before.
i really doubt now... if time is really the crucial factor between us, will my situation be any different?
asked myself why am i taking this so hard... have i not fall before?
..yes i did. but not in this area.
im truely convinced now.
realised its pointless for me to explain who i really am..
those who already placed a ceiling on me.. had wrong perceptions of me..
especially to those who didn't really bother to know me personally.
oRaNGe will not drift any longer.
though this experience had really impacted me,
i will not allow myself to dwell in it any longer.
its not worth it for God, my family and friends who truely know me and are with me.
These are the people whom i really need.
Someone who believes in me.
o.r.a.n.g.e p.a.n.d.a
how come i'm walking in circles? =.="will there be an answer to my life?
i'm so tired.
been running away and giving own excuses..
end up hurting myself.. even more.
think this time i'm finally convinced.
with my eyes and wonderful brain, there's no reason i should deny any longer.
i'm glad that i'm honest with myself this time..
nothing can start.. nor end unless u do it.. no one can force u.
i thank God for everything i had experienced till now today.
Friday, May 12, 2006
p.o.w.e.r-f.a.i.l.u.r.e + G.e.n.t.i.n.g
Last night evening my room power failure.. pENgz.. i just topped up the fridge the night before.. LOL... dunno what time no electricity.. my entire day was in school doing project. so i called the electrician-in-charge, swept, mopped floor, wiped table, wash whole toilet...(did i mention my foreign toiletmate went back to her homeland, now im staying in double-double-deluxe room lol... toilet all by myself.. so lonely!) literally did a FULL spring cleaning... room actually ready for OOD rounds! ^^ and the electrician haven't come yet.
can u imagine? He had not come at yet!!! I even left my door wide open...
Tired.. hungry in a room no electricity... I'm not in the mood for survival camp yet!
Finally after I called again... then electricity was restored. Sigh. Before I can finally relax, room outside became so noisy. really don't understand. can't they be more considerate? are they monkeys? argh. maybe those in the zoo are more tamed i guess..
alrights.. away from these crap..
Recently really so tired and no time to blog but at least got a bit of time to TAG! Wahahahas...! Guess wats in for me for daily breakfast? Fast and convenient de...

Hmmm.. since today is public holiday, i shall spent some time blogging!
These few days friends really kept me motivated to work on project thru many ways... hahas! Here's 2 links to really k.a.w.a.i.i AND super f.u.n.n.y flashpages.. Remember to keep ur speakers ON.. ^^
1. Super Mario
2. Dae Jang Geum
Hahas.. wanna know more about my Genting trip and see Genting pictures? Hee... can only put some cos Empress said oRaNGe cannot put too much photos for peeps to see.. copyright issues.. wahahahas!! okies, oRaNGe shall obey!
^^ here goes...
Remember I mention the trip was s.w.e.e.t and s.o.u.r? Heres the justification:
Stayed in First W**** Hotel.. main reason was to attend Emperor's colleague's wedding dinner in KL. by then dinner ended was already so late and Genting was the nearest best place to stay over.. end up the emphasis is not on the accomodation comfort as its only 1 night of.. a few hours? wahahahas...
My First time at First W**** Hotel in Genting...and it will be the last time i visit such place..****. Other than when oRaNGe zZ, entire environment feeling is SOO s.o.u.r. Don't believe me? Hahas..go and have a look for urself then.
when i wakey wakey in the morning, the buffet breakfast was SO ****. went for morning walk with Emperor and Empress and to oRaNGe's sHocK... the hotel on the outside look sO ****... my first time seeing a hotel outside so colourful...
Can't they just give it a new coat of colour huh?
Usually when oRaNGe goes travelling will take pictures of almost e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.
wahahahas...i guess this is the FIRST time I actually JUST f.o.c.u.s on just the natural scenery and the 3 of us... wahahahahahas!!!!!
Alrights.. moving to the s.w.e.e.t part... ^^
LIVE fashion show in shopping centre called '1 UTAMA'... its SO Singapore shopping environment.. aircon super nice, all the super branded shops are big, authentic and nice!

hehe.. now the genting pics...

Stairway of Heaven!!! wahahahas... protect Emperor and Empress's privacy, I shall just put my pics! ^^
Visit to Organic Farm!!! wahahahahahas...!!
Can U i.m.a.g.i.n.e... the young of spinach looks like this?!?!?!

our Mr Farm Guide...

the maize field!

peanut plant actually look like this lo... LOL!!!

Guess what is this?? Hahahas... its the flower of dragonfruit! LOL...

OMG.. dragonfruit plant actually look like THIS..

Hahas... now an e.x.c.l.u.s.i.v.e view of Emperor, Me, and Empress...wahahahas..
one and only pic I can disclose.. how come we seems same height or i'm like the shortest???

WELL... look carefully then... hahas... we are on an up slope. so who is on the higher point of the slope? wahahahahahas... photo trick! ^^
Entire field of dragonfruit plants..LOL!

sIMply loves fresh green organic vegetables and fruits!!! OMG.. maybe oRaNGe just marry a farmer and then settle down! wahahahahas...
something about oRaNGe!!! i actually enjoy sunset and sunrise views...

and I r.e.a.l.l.y love the sun very much!
back to CID.. TILL THEN! This is oRaNGe signing off! ^^
Monday, May 08, 2006
1/2 D.R.A.I.N.E.D
SO t.i.r.e.d......Genting trip was sweet and sour... Get what I meant? ^^
wahahahas... Lotsa things to say.. but oRaNGe is really t.i.r.e.d today.
started CID today...(not Criminal Investigation Department.. CID = Computing Innovation and Design)
WELL... learning a new programming language (PHP) for oRaNGe ain't so easy...
For those not computer programming literate... u can try to understand what I'm going to write next..
This PHP is really a powerful language. So powerful until oRaNGe finds it hard to digest.. o.O
Can U Imagine... Javascript + SQL + JAVA...all in one code page = ?
To experts is = P.H.P...
But oRaNGe think its = R.O.J.A.K!
Wahahahas...! But ALL the same, oRaNGe will make sure this language is learnt and implemented in 9 days... The school made us complete this project within 10 days!! So horrible.. everyDAY is like have to complete a LAB. During semester we were given 2 weeks to complete 1 LAB. Now 1 Lab in 1 day... how to swallow? o.O
No matter what.. the game is NOT over yet. oRaNGe will start this battle together with her 5 team members! Software Engineering... the BEST has YET SHOWN!
D.r.a.i.n.e.d oRaNGe need to zZ...U too!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Yeah...! So nice to see things working fine for Peeps! :)oRaNGe managed to do 3 things today:
1. Went to In Leaping Lizard (weird name huh..) to custom-made white court shoes for Meiling Jie.. Hee.. going to attend Meiling Jie's Military Wedding in June and I'll be a sword bearer for the first time! Wahahahahas...! Imagine in all white (Navy No.1 attire) holding a sword... Something which oRaNGe had never done in her life! ^^
2. Taught tuition.. of cos got make sure she learns well... her math exam on coming Wed lo... ^^
3. Solved Celine's wireless network connectivity! ^^
SOOO... why the e.x.c.i.t.e.m.e.n.t?
Wahahahahahahahas.... COS tmr is oRaNGe's first time doing GENERAL ELECTION! Wow.. finally past the age of 21.. able to get 'ang pows' from government... able to take part in DA XUAN... hehehe...
Hmm.. Actually oRaNGe has never wanna be involve in political issues.. Had been ignorant all THESE WHILE.. I'M a Bad GaL :( AND Daddy's not very happy with oRaNGe for this lo.. Sigh. OK. Daddy, I'll do my best OK. I know u care for my future career.. (I cannot afford to NOT KNOW..) and general knowledge of things around me. For your sake and my sake, I'll put in effort OK! ^^
This is part one of excitement only... Wahahahahas...! COS oRaNGe is going to Genting Highlands tmr also! Hahas...after the DA Xuan.. oRaNGe is going with Daddy and Mummy to KL first...
1. Reach KL, shop and shop...
2. Evening, go Daddy's colleague's Wedding dinner...woooHOOO!
3. After dinner, check in Genting Highland Hotel...(i still dunno the name)
4. Explore and Zz.
Itinery on sun.. sigh. oRaNGe also wanna know.. but nothing from Daddy yet... y so secretive..
Latest news from Mummy was..will be back on sun evening.. sigh.. very helpful indeed.
But, oRaNGe is very happy to travel once again! Yeah... don't worry, oRaNGe will take lots and LOTS of photos.. hahahahahas... as usual! ^^ AND oRaNGe will be very cautious during the travel.. cos oRaNGe got read news.. Don't worry for me!
Must Bring Items:
1. Camera ^^
2. My Orange Zen Neeon! :)
3. Daddy, Mummy, and Myself
Sigh.. huan ah.. don't worry... Erjie will buy for u something OK! Jia you for ur school work and teaching tuition tmr OK! Hee.. Btw, I'm teaching Math and Huan is teaching science wo!
There is this ONE thing which I regretted not doing this week...
EXERCISE!!! LOL... ya lo.. I told myself will start exercise regime this week and what happen?? I still eat and eat.. somemore everytime return back to palace, the food is simply irresistable! lol... neng chi shi fu ma... ^^
But oRaNGe must really start coming week. Only 2 weeks b4 going back unit.. Lol.. by then really too late le.. sigh. oRaNGe has NO ONE to motivate her LO.. everytime is me, myself and Orange! But coming week project term start le.. 8 May to 22 May. Must find time to EXERCISE! oRaNGe must do it! ^^
OK. oRaNGe must return to pack stuff.. hahas!
Dear readers, enjoy ur weekend OK!
oRaNGe will return on Monday!
Don't miss me wo... ^^
Thursday, May 04, 2006
oRaNGe renovated b.l.o.g s.k.i.n
yOyO!aiyo... miss me huh! Hee.. don't worry.. this is gonna be a long bloggie! ^^
How's my new blog skin? Wahahahahas...! Well, well...WELL! Got so many peeps requested for me to change my blog skin... aiyo, previous one not nice meh?!
fINALLY oRaNGe decided to source for nice skins on
Its tough work OK! Sooo many skins to choose... aiyo. Some templates very nice BUT the wordings are like..SO HARD TO READ! Dunno y Peeps like those blurry b-l-u-r-r-y texts... i see until i so blur! @.@
wahahahas... then some templates very dark lo, text content font colour also soo dark... LOL.. how to expect Peeps to read huh? aiyoyo... Then some font text very nice BUT templates opposite.. (oRaNGe is complaining, as usual! Its my forte OK)
oRaNGe wants some originality, simple at the same time with some style, some feminine style also.. else all my gal friends will start nagging again... After searching long and hard.. finally saw THIS SKIN! Must give the credits to Colleen! This gal is young and creative OK!
But if got time.. oRaNGe may wanna change the nike shoe to very own asics! Heh.. cos the quality of the shoe not very clear ~ (if u loOk closely)
Hahahas... sooo, what did oRaNGe did during her absence in blogging?
Let's start from 1st May OK.
1st May at night. Tired oRaNGe took bus 179 went back hostel to zZ. Upon opening her hostel door, 2 distinct feelings smacked her face hard! What happen? What are those feelings?
Emptyness and Loneliness. On 29 April, oRaNGe was busy in church with GELebration while on the west side of Singapore in NTU, oRaNGe's roomie, Debbie was moving her belongings out of their room.
Sigh... some good things will come to an end someday. Debbie already finished her last semester of her degree course. Can't expect her to continue staying with oRaNGe right.. But thats not all. Debbie isn't just leaving NTU.
She will be leaving Singapore for a 3 months working stint at USA at an ULU place. (so sorry..i forgot the name of that place..but cos its really ulu ma..)
Emptyness.. cos the room is really so empty lo! LOL... see for urself.

Vertical view worst lo...!

Can see the difference now?

Loneliness... and I'm feeling so sad...*sOB!

After a good cry I'll feel OK de... Debbie don't worrry about me k!

I'll be alright de! Hope u like the gift... Debbie u must take care OK!

2nd May morning, Debbie came to room to study her last core paper.. hee, at the same time to see me la! :)
Cos oRaNGe meeting mummy at Hotel Rendevous (spelt correct?) for lunch buffet.. so leaving Debbie earlier than I thought.. :(
Hence had a quickie bathie, and then 'disturb' Debbie from her studying to take some photos with me ^^
Realised forgot to ZOOM!

Zoomed v.e.r.s.i.o.n

You see... Debbie was wearing one of my favourite colour wo... both of us like celebrating Chinese New Year once again... LOL!

Aiyo! During lunch with mummy, she says she wanna go home quickly to watch her korean drama, Palace. Haiz... where got Peeps go for buffet so fast eat finish one? Haha.. oRaNGe uses some Orange Power!
Mummy was amazed by the amount of FOOD oRaNGe could eat... Hee... Actually you need some strategies to ensure u gain rightfully from the buffet! If u really interested, tag me! Will feed u more info then... ^^
With a bloated stomach, oRaNGe went to help BM to fix some computer problem at his place until 8pm plus then oRaNGe retreat back to empty hostel...
I'm a Computer Scientist u know... wahahahahas!!! Any computer queries, tag me! Will try my best to help u... If I dunno, I'll learn through the process too! :)
sigh... then another thing happen. 1 thing after another. LIFE STILL have to go on. oRaNGe faces many trials daily and treats them as challenges all the same. oRaNGe is still very much learning through life lessons... just like you!
If u think what u are facing now is the worst u can face in ur life now, how can u live the rest of the days in your life? Thats why oRaNGe says, no matter what. Find something in life to move on. Do not allow whatever u are facing now to be your stumbling block..
so far oRaNGe been busy with stuff in hostel and watching the Korean Drama 'Stained Glass' vcd (cos Debbie brought her tv home... hostel no TV anymore..*sOB) The actors and actresses are great in acting and nice looking wo... ^^
Today oRaNGe receive orders from Empress Dowager that tomorrow gotta teach tuition. What to do... my exams ended ^^ and secondary students having exams ma ^^
SO, today oRaNGe will go back palace... not so soon cos going to Gu Gu's place in 1 hrs time to check out another computer moved from Yi Po's place to there.
Anyways! oRaNGe is back blogging! ^^