Wednesday, June 28, 2006
t.a.n O.R.A.N.G.E t.a.n
hee... after one night onboard a ship with no toilet, no water.. Orange is back.. still in ONE PIECE Wo! Thank God! ^^Haiyo... forgot to bring my small pack of shampoo, bathing soap... all left at home from last sat sentosa outing... argh. No towel somemore... aiyo.
wat to do...
went to the ulu place to bath.. sian.. everywhere is men. no women in that area. so dark somemore. but alrights la.. orange is not scared of dark. only fear God. ^^
hahas.. guess wat i use to dry myself after bathing?
wahahahahas.... toilet paper!
disgusting? hahas.. well.. up to individual la. if nv wipe myself dry after bathing, think i'll be freeze to death by the ship's blasting aircon!
Thank God that xiaofen lent me her 'passion fruit' body wash from BODYSHOP... OMG... though i love passion fruit smell..i didn't know BODYSHOP got sell la! aiyo....its sooooo...NICE! heh.. Orange loves passion fruit smell...
wanna know what Orange usually drink during karaoke sessions? Hee.. Passion Red or Passion Green. dunno y... but i simply loves the smell and taste of it la!
Hahas... Had a nice night rest and woke up early in morning to go for IPPT.. guess wat... the person whom was in charged to print out our group taking IPPT.. he made a big bundle this time la! Hai... xueying already sent to him few days b4.. even call him up to confirm he got receive.. then he NEVER print out la! wa biang...
Ended up we 4 FNOs plus some other guys cannot take our IPPT today.. we reached the place so early la...argh.
WELL... not to waste our meeting at that place SO EARLY in the morning, xueying suggested we gals just go for a run around the base. waHAHahahahas... YEAH!
so we ran around the entire base.. cool down... then xueying told me a good method to build up my abdomen muscles!!! ^^ Hee... yea...! Orange wanna build 4 packs! not really like those hard core body builders...eeee.
i'm just tired of having my current tummy appearance! hahahas... i want a 4 packs! SOOO... i tried doing the exercise... OMG... its aching la! but i know.. no pain, no gain... this one can be done anywhere, anytime.. a flat ground will do. Wahahahas... hmmm... i think i'll go into full swing of doing this after my IPPT on fri. voice is really recovering.. just now bought another bottle of pure 'luo han guo' from jurong point.. hope my voice will recover in time... still got a bit 'SA ya'...
Today Empress called me and told me tuition for tutee will be on sat morning.. cos my tutee she got to go kallang stadium in the afternoon! Wahahahas... same as me la! Hmmm.. looks like whole Singapore youth will be there on Sat la! Hahahas... can't wait for sat to come! ^^
Monday, June 26, 2006
TanGY oRaNGe
hmmm... today managed to be back hostel earlier... was thinking will I be down for any worship duty this sat? Hmmm... worship schedule not up again.. hai.anyways, this I'm looking forward for SAT! Hee... being able to be released out from work and hostel is ALWAYS SO nice... ^^
my note to my computer:
Dear PC..
After doing endless online search for so many days.. today i came across this!!! Hahas.. found this website:
while helping my XO to find his 'James Bond' camera.. which I still yet to locate a possible outlet in singapore selling it la... HAiZ.
This website really amazed me la.. for those PEPs who enjoy viewing latest techie gadgets.. THIS IS.. the place!
Hahahas.... today got chance to blog, OF COS must blog... tmr must stay onboard.. cos wed may have ippt... can sleep more need to wake up so early... haha!
alrights... oRaNGe must zz now... more sleep less pimples! ^^
Take care all..see u peps online after wed...
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Super Tanned Orange...super tangerine
yoyoyoyoz... this will be a long BLOG!HAHAs.. now i'm like from another race la...
Hmmm... let's see.. sentosa... Saturday's outing was at sentosa..
SO U GOT IT? wahahhaahas... THATS IT. Super pain now la..
Haiz... Empress said I should have applied sun block.. Emperor didn't mention anything... hahas... WELL... ALRIGHT.. oRaNGe shouldn't have tanned just her tummy..
Muhahahas.. OK LA. But I should have applied sun block... my fault OK.
SOOO... saturday we so many gals and THREE guys went Palawan Beach at sentosa!
Me long time never play volleyball la... then play until both arms aching..
Thats not the end of story.. Now MY WHOLE BODY aching la! AIYO... old already.. HAI!
Hmmm.. hope this won't affect my taking of IPPT on coming wednesday..
Haiyo.. also forgotten to bring moisturiser to my hostel!!! aiyo.. got to wait for 5 more days before returning to palace.. now how brown cow? Hope my skin will be alrights... hai.
Hee.. I wanna thank God for making my this week so filled of satisfaction! ^^
U see.. Through Him, I was able to help out to solve 2 problematic viruses problem during my 2 days of MC.. Hmm.. hope its fine for Charissa and Cheryl now.. and one ALICE programming yesterday.. aiyo. This software.. i dunno what to say.. too userfriendly? or too stupid... Haiz.. whatever..thru His wisdom I managed to help Celine get her program running!
Eh.. but hor.. celine must generate some passion for computing abit la.. I was teaching halfway.. and celine's eyes.. whahaha.. it was like half closing la... wahahhahas...!
But she was quick to realise it la... GOOD GAL... but then she start munching on chocolate bars..! AIYO...!
YUP. Something to share again! Today's sunday service, 3 lines of text attracted my eyes:
Hmmm.. it strucked me to realise that simple texts it might seems but it holds a great meaning behind it.
How many people nowadays are able to achieve all those 3 lines of text? Our busy lifestyles somehow had robbed us of many opportunities..
By the way...GEL is going to youth rally at indoor stadium this saturday!!! Meeting at 2pm at Kallang Indoor Stadium Yeah!
I wonder what is it actually... cos only got informed of it today..
Hahas.. will find out more and let U readers know about it! ^^
oRaNGe gotta zz now.. zzZZZ
Thursday, June 22, 2006
soooo tired.Hahas.. but today wanna share something..
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward
appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
YOU agree with me? I only realised it myself during March this year. Love defined by man is so shallow. With God's strength, I stepped out. Life is much more on living than living the way as it is. I still thank God for everything I been through. Lots of lessons learnt.
Now daily at my work place I noticed. Ships out at the sea. Gliding on the glassy waters... What a glorious sight.
Gazing at the sea... I watched the horizon and really admires God's creation.
A family that's somehow related to the sea.. That's where I come from. And I know that looking beyond the sea surface, you see more. The farther you travel in the ocean, the more you see. Different people, different relationships..
There is just so much to discover and to experience out there!
Similarly..its possible to go deeper in the word of God, too. There is more to be seen; more revelation.
It is good, also, to go deeper with the Lord in prayer and meditation. Going deeper
with God, and His word, giving us wisdom in our day to day relationships.
The bible tells us that God looks beyond the surface, that He is looking deeper;
He looks at our hearts.
Deeper... is better than shallow. Truth sets us free.
Thats what I'm going through at present. Discovering about new things.. new creations.. new relationships.
Today may I go deeper with God and His Word that He can guide me to a more fulfilling and ultimate relationship with Him.
oRaNGe feels so blessed! Praise the Lord!
Hope my voice can be restored quickly... Hahahas..can't wait to PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
OK... back to ROR. This is oRaNGe signing off. ^^
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Power G.E.L
yoyoyoyo....hahahas.Hmmm..this moment I just take a little break to do abit of blogging!
Hee... I should be studying hard for my ROR due on Fri la... HAI.
ANYWAYS! Today's day was really cool! Somehow, God allowed me to have 'half day' off and was able to go karaoke with my ship's crew la! REALLY.. Hee.. I'm supposed to be like.. no voice.. ended up singing until my voice came out! Hahas.. but still recovering OK.. no more karaoke until voice recovery complete!
THEN! Managed to get a hitch ride back to NTU for GEL GALS Captain's Ball matches! Hahas.. though I missed the 1st match, which we lost by 2 points, we WON the remaining 2 matches! Hahas..
Thank God for His grace and strength on us! ^^
WELL DONE LADIES! Hope u gals will continue keep up the 'mo qi' on court and give ya best shot on FRIDAY to enjoy the game!
Hee.. also pray that I can get back school in time on fri to see the match la!
Alrights! End of the juicy news for tonight!
To the GALS:
Hmm... the 'hairless balls' are chewy isn't it? Wahahahas...
OK...THIS IS.. oRaNGe siGNing OFF!
Back to ROR!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Basketball match 200606
wahahahas...first time seen GEL guys in ACTION! Hehe.. right at the basketball courts at NTU..
SUPER convenient for me la! ^^
Not bad.. they done well but I'm sure they can do more! Hee.. All the way man!
today is my 2nd and last day of MC.
Tmr...back to work ah! Must study for my ROR.. Hai.
I'm actually not required to take this test la! Unfair. unfair. unfair. argh.
Things are always like that. why can't i just save my money? have to be forced to pay things which are so ...
Okies... just some thoughts for tonight:
Just now, manage to send a folder containing photos to a person thru msn.
after receiving it, he said 'Thank You' and went offline when i was typing 'no prob'
Normally when u see the other party typing on msn, would u wait for that person to type finish?
Though its just a small thing, but to oRaNGe, it reflects a person's basic courtesy.
Hmm. interesting. Nvm. oRaNGe is a Child of God. Thank God for everything and I don't think I should pursue this la. I'm just doing my part to pass to him his photos.
oRaNGe is not the same old oRaNGe who do things the worldly way like the last time..
oRaNGe seeks on God's strength and aim for God's purpose, living a purposeful life!
Life is getting more and more exciting when you depend on God more and more!
SO! Don't hesitate to ask me anything if you are struggling with life..or ANYTHING!
oRaNGe says: Good Night!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Mr Doctor... I need a MC
oRaNGe needs more time to rest... to recover.. to have some fun. FOR MYSELF ah.What do I mean by 'For Myself'?
Wahahahas... to be with family and at church. to be at home doing nothing. to enjoy the feeling of at ease with just the responsibility as being a good daughter and a good sister. do a bit of housework for mummy... a bit of cooking here and there.. To fellowship with my fellow worship GOD... the joy..words cannot describe la...
Mr Doctor... think i need 1 day MC... my headache has become so consistent until I don't think i can move around la..
... i trained quite hard for my IPPT.. then it rained on the day i wanna take ippt consecutively for 2 weeks la!
Now cannot take ippt this week.. have to wait till next week ah... hai. -.-"
But I believe all things is in God's hands. His wisdom is far beyond the understandings from Man.
This weeks is gonna be exciting! Hahas...oRaNGe look forward to weekend! ^^
Friday, June 16, 2006
yO Everybody!Hahahas...this week had really been a blessing to me. So many miracles happened.
Wanna give God all the glory ah! Thank You Lord!
Things just happened like that! Hee... God is really faithful la!
Thank God I got the chance to blog now! Later going off to Ship Dinner...following by Church!
Life is full of surprises... its only when we really take time to acknowledge them...
Lord, I'm glad I made the choice. You never forsake me. Thank You SO Much!
Despite my ups and downs, Lord, You were there for me.
Dear Friends, lets not wait for God to come to us. Let's take the initiative to draw nearer to Him. For it is only though Him when things are made straight and cleared.
Can u imagine? Hard ya? Waste brain cells... Better don't then... Just do it with action and obedience! ^^
Monday, June 12, 2006
I'M BACK!!!Wahahahahas... I'm SOOOO happy. ^^
Yesterday was my FIRST TIME in my life, going through a wedding, with so much excitement, so much anticipation... so much satisfaction. ^^
This is how it went... ^^
1. Met xueying, jiahui, jasmine 1pm at HarbourFront PastaMania... Jasmine super late la! Hahas..cos she went to make her hair for the occasion. WELL.. on the account that her jonathan fetched us to sentosa, i shall not complain much..hahas!
2. Reached Shangri-La's Rasa Sentosa Resort...about 3pm checked in.
3. The room was nice and clean! After a series of photo shots of the room here and there.. with us supermodels in it... hahas.. went for a bath and the mission begins...
4. Once my hair was blown dry, jiahui began to help me make my hair... she was superb man! though the hair making process was a little pain here and there (cos i'm not acustom to tie hair in different styles, my hair was transformed la! never seen my hair plait and tuck until sooo neat. Hadn't realised I got so much hair also.. hee..
5. Next up, xueying helped me to make up... aiyo... the entire process is soooooo torturing!!! whahahaha... i remember one part is the curling of eye lashes.. OMG.. its soo scary and painful la! Dear viewers.. u can laugh.. but don't laugh too hard OK.. ^^
6. Oh man.. i was transformed. OK... must give them the credits.. they did such a good job la! even commented that it was a challenge to them! aiyoyoo... Mummy, xueying said u will be so glad to see your daughter la! Hahahas..
7. I was taken by surprise when i look into the mirror la... maybe i had never been put into a MUST makeup position b4.. Hee.. its my FIRST TIME OK. last time was stage production.. not counted..the makeup then was super thick like opera la! Lol...
8. Then we changed into our No.1 attire... took more photos. ^^ Next got to learn how to fix the sword belt to our waist. 'tick tock'...'tick tock'... Not much time left!!!
9. Then! we made our way to the ballroom! The rehearsal was a breeze through.. we ladies were paired up with male sword bearers... hahahas... nothing much difficult for us...hee.. since we were all military personnel.. the atmosphere was there.. everything was just GREAT.
10. We waited and waited for the cue to slow march into the ballroom. THEN.. FINALLY.
The door opened and the MOMENT was then. Smoothly we swordbearers slow march in, turned and faced one and another. Next, raised our sword (like a roof top) to welcome the bride and bridegroom to walk pass us. The wait seems ETERNAL! Our arms were aching by the weight of the sword... Hahas.. my male sword bearer even hold his sword until it was slanted! I had to rescue his sword to put it back to position! so CHALLENGING la!
11. After the tekan which finally the bride and bridegroom cleared all of our sword roof tops, we turn and walked smartly back to outside.
12. Next challenge! we quickly walked back our room, off the No.1 and on our dresses for the night! Thanks to jiahui who helped me changed my hairstyle again! hahas... with a little bit of makeup to touch up, we ladies enter the ballroom once again! Wahahahas... this time to EAT! After all... who want to miss the sharkfin dish... or have it cold? ^^
13. Yummy... the food was great... I LOVE GOOD FOOD. ^^
14. Next, we had another job to do.. the bride went to change into another gown then we position ourselves to blow bubbles when she returns again with the bridegroom :)
15. The Dinner was a success and i met soooo many of my ocs instructors la! I'm from sierra wing platoon 1!!! Met our PC also! hahas...
Nothing much to comment cos u got to really be there to feel the first hand excitement :) oRaNGe really thank God for this bunch of great pals that He had blessed me with. Hee..
Here's the ME BEFORE makeup..hahas.. with xueying(left)as my great makeup artist and jiahui(right) as my great hairstylist:

Here's the Me AFTER makeup in No.1 with xueying and jasmine! Hee..notice we are all in white.. this is because we are all from the navy!

Finally... Now here's the Me AFTER sword raising session.. changed and back to ballroom! me with xueying... Operationally ready to EAT! Hahas...

Alrights.. Readers... this is the few snap shots of the fabulous wedding dinner which I had experienced. Hope u readers can enjoy a similar level of excitement one day! Hehe.. I really feel so happy for Flynn and Meiling ^^ May God bless them with good health and strength, that they will continue to help one another to face life challenges together! :)
Yeah! This is oRaNge signing off! ^^
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Life is FULL of challenges!I feel that I'm always learning lots of things la.. wahahahas!
Thank God for all the opportunities I had to learn things which I never imagined myself doing la!
My life is currently interesting though tiring. ^^
5 Things drilled in Mind last week:
1. Safety of Ship
2. Safety of Men
3. Security of Ship
4. Watertight integrity of ship
5. Ship shape
Interesting ah!
I promise I will to do my best this time.. for God!
Will work hard to create this passion in my heart.
God, I pray that may You bless everybody whom thats related to me, whom I encountered with, whom I acquainted with.
Thank you Lord.
Watch, protect and guide over us physically, mentally and spiritually.
In Jesus's name I pray, Amen!