Monday, October 30, 2006
*BRRRRR...*lee wee nam library was so cold today! Just back from school. one word.. Tired.
And this morning driving started off so nice.. then almost ending i turn right almost went straight into the divider! then drive back to driving centre left turn up slope in, i turn too much.. almost knocked onto a test instructor standing at the entrance.. arggghh!!! Who ASK him to STAND there to talk with security guard?! ARGH!
woke up 0630... after driving went straight to study.. end up dozing off.. argh. can't stand the sleepiness. but that was during 1 hr break in between lectures.. realised although my body was long.. and the previously so NOT comfy seats in LT.. dunno y today seems duper comfy. -.-
But it was power nap la. then got waken up by mummy's sms... =.="
but after reading her msg.. HAHAHAS. i had a GOOD laugh. WAHAHAHAHHAAS!
This is what she wrote: "Dad reach 4am.. called me so i told him we went wonderland yesterday evening.. he laugh.."
LOL!!! hehehehe... ^^ she and him duper funny right? muhahas.. i felt BOTH funny and relieved la! tot that he will be so mad at me for taking him for granted.. nv notice the route always.. hehe!
sometimes i wish things can always be like that.. that all of us won't be stressout by DJ.
OK. orange needa good BATH. whole day out. sweat so much in the morning and feel so cold in the evening.. hope immune system continue stay strong..
Sunday, October 29, 2006
orange miss has certainly been a while since i last update bloggie.
=.= so much things has happened lately..
orange's mind is FULL FILLED with things.
let me start with an interesting smsing with this person whom I've nv imagined i'd be smsing him so much in just 2 days. he is none other than my CO. CO = Commanding Officer, is a person who has the ship fully under his control. my only smses to him was only work. who knows last thursday he actually suddenly sms me! hahas... here's some smses between us..
CO: Shi yi, CO here... Do you remember me?
SY: Hi Sir, yes I still remember you of course! Your hp no is still in my hp! Haha... Yes Sir, how can i help you?
CO: :-) Got Boy friend or not? Need me to introduce someone? Just kidding la... I heard your uncle runs a bum boat... Am keen to find out more...
SY: Haha...! My uncle offers fishing service. Can book his bum boat for entire day for fishing. Different rates for peak period charges. Have to book in advance cos sometimes its like fully booked during different seasons. u want?
CO: Can you ask him if its possible to ferry to seletar Island or kelong and back? Tks... BTW, are you still as tom boy as ever? Still owe me a treat!
SY: Yes, i still owe u a treat. =.=" school work super busy now... exams just round corner. Stress..! I'll check with him then get back to u.
CO: Pls check if your uncle can accomodate... Work hard for your exams. Don't over stress but don't do stupid things like not studying. And don't be so fierce. :-)
SY: Haha.. I'll study de! Else it won't be shiyi... Haha! Am I so fierce? Just tat I more serious towards things. Sigh.. Stress people right. Haha.. update u again.
SY: Good evening Sir, had checked with my uncle. His november is fully booked!
CO: Take care and I look forward to seeing you contribute to the organisation in the near future...
SY: Roger. Thank you Sir.. All the best to you too. I'll do my best. ^^
CO: You better! That's what I expect from my AOs...
SY: Sir.. U know I'm not superwoman. But always taking things seriously. Kinda slow at times.. Will improve myself.. My choice to be in this.. Will do my best.
though the path ahead is unknown. i know God will see me through.
Today's service was great! Haha.. well.. GEL Band playing for the third time of the year! every each time will have new learning processes to further improve us for the better! yea.. God has been faithful to us.. so much. looking at the missionary trip to bhutan photos today.. lots of thoughts in my heart. God loves people of the world. He has been so forgiving to all.. when will we ever come to a realisation and start focusing on Him rather than on our problems?
Today during sermon, i think orange almost run out of... Tears. Hahas. Hmm.. the speaker's name is Pastor Joshua Jacob.. if not remembered wrongly! hahas. He is really a super SUPER MOST HUMOROUS speaker I've ever seen! Engaged us with his interesting stories.. and most importantly the serious message he had for the entire church. Every single person in church was greatly touched. Then he invited all youths to gather in front while he pray for us.. one - by - one. Amazing man.. who can talk super fast and long. i wonder how big is his lungs.. hehe!
I agrees with him wholeheartedly for many things.. to find a man who loves the Lord more than he loves me. taking responsibility over our own future generation.. important for us to have a someone.. to pour out our deepest sadness. well... we are all human... we do need encouragement and love.
hmm... his prophecies for me from God was kinda of amazingly true.. wahahas.. hmm. But i can't really remember all that he said. =.= sad right. my memory always kinda bad... =.="
during my secondary sch days in main church, i had a hard time figuring out how to know for sure when God is speaking to me! i was puzzled. is it really an audible voice? heh.. after that i gave up trying.. hahas.. after that God mainly speak to me through people, and bible (if i do spend time to read!)
but i do remember clearly tat God spoke to me last night.
till now.. i think i seldom allowed God to speak to me.. i have always covered my ears with my problems. not that God didn't speak to me.. but I didn't allowed myself to hear Him. yea.. now it seems so clear to me.
Wanna know what God said to me? ^^
Not Until You Have Tried The Impossible, You Will Never Know What Is Possible.
This sentence came into my ears when i was in the toilet after church last night! oh well... Sometimes.. you will just know it when God speaks. Totally no doubt about it.
now. back in hostel... and guess wat.. my mummy fetched me back! wahahahahas...! an accomplishment for her leh. hahas.. finished dinner just now super fast. hehe... both me and huan in car with her... then it rained! we went TPE.. SLE.. until Woodlands!!! HAHAHA! we dunno need to go BKE (PIE) ... *pengs* then reached Marsiling Mrt.. went to ask for directions at control station. heh... THANK GOD! met this very nice uncle who knows the road la! Through him, we went BKE (PIE) then KJE... THEN Jalan Bahar.. hahas... we finally safely reached back NTU. then when they drove back home just now.. they went wrong way again! =.= due to the rain.. they couldn't see clearly.. i was their eyes when they drove to my sch.. won't let this happen again.. so worried for them la!
Hahas.. this is my first time being fetched to NTU by mummy. sigh.. had always been ignorant and sleeping in car while dad drove me almost every sun night to NTU.. =.= Thank God for everything.. mummy, huan and ME learnt MUCH today!
daddy went overseas again... this time to LA. hope him and family will be safe and sound..
tmr early morning will be my last driving before my long break from driving due to exams. 1 more week to my Final Theory Test. 2 more weeks to exam. 1 more week to project submission for C# programming. BUT, I'll still pray for my beloved sista! ^^
irregardless of my busy hectic life.. i will still sing to the Lord! Though i still complain much.. hahas!
i'll not give up... watch me.
Thank God for this once a week exercise on sat... at least i have something to relieve my stress.. RUNNING! hehehe... not bad ah.. went to Mac Richie Reservoir to run yesterday morning with huan, pearlyn and cheryl! hahas.. completed the full female route of 3.4km. apart from getting a bit burnt from the sun, nothing beats a full body sweatout!
then met sophia with her 2 friends after we ran finished! hahas.. so coincidentally one of her friend is huan's senior from TJC previously!
*smile* i LOVE mac richic reservoir... so long nv been there since my last running marathon from secondary school! yup... will update bloggie when im free again!
Orange says: The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the length between your knee and ur feet, when they are horizontal at the same level.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The Time.
yO!orange SAYS: I got sweat out today!
Love to sweat out... sweat out my stress.. frustrations.. sprint out my joy.
It never fails to make me feel better.
I'm a KID.
a DUPER childish little gal who loves to LAUGH.
I'm also a victim to stress. to worries. to BIG ADULT's problems.
And I'm still living with a hope in my heart.
orange SAYS: Don't Give Up.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
time: 0325H plus.. -THURSDAY-why am i still in front of the pc and not sleeping?! argh...
seeing the test outcome: BUILD FAILED for umpteen times is not fun ah.
Really thank God for Hai'an and Ronald and Kok Heng... finally my testing got some moving on... else i think i'll be stucked there forever.
stress...yes i am. ahh.. my beloved yinghuan... why erjie can't be stressed? all man are made differently by God. its according to His will that we can learn things and perform to our fullest ability. i'm not yet there tats why i'm stressed up. u too.. faced stress in studying for A Levels.. its the same. haven't I had my share during my poly days? Hahas... erjie this week really v v stressed up.. everytime its different stresses forming together. i think i may go bonkers anytime. so yinghuan ah.. cannot compare OK...
also yinghuan ah.. try to rest early ok. erjie is trained well to zz late in poly days.. hahas so nvm... but u haven't. Don't even try. Clear ur A levels first. U will have lots of time to try in Uni... LOL!
Now is already THURSDAY.
seeing my roomie sleeping so soundly...
why i'm blogging still? simple. if not, i'll lose my focus. i need to do sth else.. apart from programming.. Thank God.. CSC304 Lab Assignment 2 finally completed. ^^
i shall write anything that comes into my mind NOW.
hehe.. just added Aunt Rita's Blog linking.. cool huh! She is a very cool lady OK! ^^
then got my new comfort food. Yummy.. RED BEAN OMOCHI BUN! I was soooo surprised when i saw Crystal Jade Bakery at Jurong Point today la! Guess i can enjoy it every week now! WAHAHAS! its my DUPER favourite.. thought i got to go Taka then can eat it... YAY! Yinghuan... remember sun we just ate it? ahahahahs...
hmm.. if u might think y i'm like so free to be at jurong pt... PERIOD. orange won't be out of sch for no reasons K. today went driving. it was alright.. got commented by instructor tat i'm a daring person.. he said he was kinda surprise to see me dare to speed! hehe.. what to do.. i got guts ma. (hey.. don't choke!) ^^
After tat dine at jurong point. hahas.. was eating halfway then got a SMS from roger.. wahahas.. then saw him la.. he was just like 1 table away.. after finished eating, i dropped over to say hi.. then realised his group of friends together with him.. they were celebrating his birthday LA! aiyoyoyo... tsk tsk.. orange completely forgotten! SO PAISEH! after congratulating him, i went to shop for groceries then back ntu.
WAHAS. tuesday night had dinner with a very special guest, DISTINGUISHED GUEST i would say.. Guess who?
wahahas.. she is so cool la.. brought me chocolates..
nowadays giving me.. THE ORANGE, chocolates is the trend ah?
hehe.. then the 3 of us chatted.. together yuhong, who is my current and first yr roomie! talk and talk.. until who to fill up my other part. WAHAHAHS... aiyo!
To Dearest Debbie: orange haven't found The ONE yet.. maybe i'll settle for gals for meanwhile? WAHAHAHAS! ^^ oh.. pls don't mind me.. orange can be pretty naughty.. sometimes i get out of hand.. WAHAHAS..
this reminded me. last night was a horrible one. slept around 1 am plus.. then before entering ZZ world.. gastric problems again. argh! there was practically nothing in the room to curb the hunger... hahas.. so guess wat? Thank God for Celine's dark chocolate tobelone.. i was SAVED by IT. 3 mouth of it.. all i took.. to tame my tummy back..
Maybe.. i can't sleep well due to what dad said during yesterday's lunch. i'm kinda sadden by some facts which can't be changed. more problems again. its just so.. not helping me to face things better.. ARGH!
on top of it..Dad's gonna be gg overseas again. i can't bring myself to imagine.. God.. pls take charge. I know u are already in charge.. in fact u know EXACTLY wat will happen.
... God, strengthen me then. Make me able. For all things You know will happen.
to think that I'm still surviving.. its kinda an incredible thing to happen.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
first exercise THIS WEEK!
i feel so lethargic. tats the word man. its duper tiring if u run only once a week.Heiz.. i think exams coming and its really to the verge of impossible to push myself to run. mind is duper tired and i just wanna collapse sometimes.
just wanna THANK GOD STILL! For giving me wonderful friends.. heiz.. though i'm still kinda stress out.. but He is faithful.
Hahas.. just completed a run today! heh.. my first exercise of the week leh.. oh WELL... i might as well stretch myself a bit! hehe.. WELL DONE GALS! well.. u can see me motivating u all during the run... fact is, u gals are motivating me too! YUP.. its really ALWAYS better to run in a groups than alone! which although i've done it umpteen times.. i still feel very tiring running alone.
Alrights.. shall get my stuff prep for GEL later! oh yar.. to all keen strumster.. hahas... i'll be gg to church early at 2pm every week to do bs with the leaders.. after that i'll have some time before GEL starts.. hence, if anyone keen, just come down to strum along with me! ^^
Friday, October 13, 2006
s.t.r.e.s.s.f.u.l .... ORANGE IS.
orange been really busy these days... especially when exams are just like, round the corner.. WHHAMMED! Thats it.Thank YOU LORD! wahas.. orange haven't complete her stuff completely.. but the TO DO folder is shrinking. YUP! Glory be to God! For sustaining poor orange.. so duper lacky in zz.. been experiencing duper splitting headaches these few days and no zz any earlier than 2 am plus continuously for days! dunno whats wrong with my stomach.. its just not the usual self these days.. maybe its stomach flu. also LS a few times on monday. after tat every day was the urge to LS. what is going on?? but i must confess. God made me stronger and stronger each time i face problems.
Today received THE EMAIL from GIP Office. sent ME a list of IT companies for me to choose and I'm supposed to rank ALL of them in preference.. =.="
After thinking long and HARD.
I made THE choice. -.-
1. 北京可口可乐饮料有限公司
2. PMG China
3. Sykes Shanghai Co Ltd
4. 上海百林通信软件有限公司
5. Beijing CCS Optical Fiber Cable Co., Ltd.
6. AMD Technologies ( China ) Co., Ltd
7. Gemplus
8. Worksoft Creative Software Technology, Ltd
9. Corning ( Shanghai ) fiber optic company
10. StarComLog International Logistics ( Shanghai ) Ltd.
i really love my family. but i dunno y i kept taking up the opportunities to leave them. HK Poly attachment, OCS 1 year training, Hostel living, and next, GIP China of 6 mths..
once i graduate, it will be 4 years of long busy bond of not able to be at home long. heiz.. i'm confused by all these.. is it meant for me to grow stronger emotionally?
Hmm... i guess I'm not as young as i was in the past.. the tiredness due to lack of zz had taken its toll on me.. and i'm really affected by it. take my driving session yesterday as an example.. I totally got BIG problem in braking the car.. can't seem to brake smoothly in time and made my instructor so disappointed in me.. =.=
can't control my mind well.. these are all the consequences of me lacking in zz. argh. sometimes i really hope to have someone pushing me.. keeping me in discipline. everytime i got to take on such role.. and there's practically no one to keep the reins on me.
Do u call this freedom? If it is.. i won't want such freedom. Sometimes being independent.. it can be really lonely ya? no one to remind u things.. no one to nag at u.. absolutely no one. u are on ur own.
Exams are just round the corner. Very soon it will ends. Immediately come next the work. Working is stressful once again. Very soon its Christmas. Next, The Attachment. Time really doesn't waits for me. sometimes i think of it, its so cruel to me. what am i doing all my life with? for what?
am I normal to think of such stressful thoughts? or am I the only one who really have nothing better to do and so such thoughts will race across my mind?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
BLOOGIE.. u know something?Orange... the ever SO HEALTHY orange smoked today.
y? cos the ENTIRE NTU was COVERED with SMOKE today.
eeks... orange wanted to go running.. but then couldn't. External and internal factors. =.="
Whole day NTU was covered in HAZE.. argh... plus me DUPER lack zz.. argh! running = killing!
heiz.. finally the Business Plan IS COMPLETED! WAHAHAHAS!!! after late nights.. and little zz... couldn't have been better! -.-
THANK GOD that I finally came up with the SONGS for SUNDAY WORSHIP! YAY! Hope the songs will be okay during sat rehearsal! ^^
orange recently recall back lots of memories in secondary school. really really good memories.. was so young.. and innocent. wahahas. can always end with: "Really ah? paiseh I dunno leh"... those days still can act blur sometimes.. nowadays.. not in any position to act blur.. anything dunno will kena: "How can u not know? u SHOULD have KNOWN!"
sometimes.. i really wanna be ignorant.. to me: "Ignorance is BLISS!" yeah!
i wish.. i W.I.S.H.. I WISHED.
Went Bloggie-reading yesterday and found out there are so many people like me who LOVES FOOD! WAHAHAHAS... They are the self-proclaim FOODIES! Just when I about to leave the amazing foodie life.. =.="
Also came across many.. and i mean MANY old friends blog! OMG... it has been years.. and i'm kinda so happy to see them well and healthy still! Some of them went overseas studying.. some of them still in this land with me.. dunno y.. we never seemed to meet each other in this SMALL DOT. =.= Hope ONE DAY we'll all meet up! To my dear secondary OLD friends: "DON'T feel SHY to TAG me if u come across my BLOG can? orange or shiyi.. whatever the name i give to myself, i'm still the SAME OLD GAL like before!"
orange wanted most in life is people to be happy. u happy i happy ya! though i have lots of unsolved things on my side, I know God has His purpose. So my problems aside, orange wanna help ALL as much as possible! I'm not a perfect person.. don't look at my flaws.. or judge me.. i'm just an ordinary gal who feels glad seeing people happy. ^^
i realised the world is so much smaller when what u didn't expect to bump into.. its right in front of u.
Then! i saw some of the wonderful pics taken during meiling's wedding from Jiahui's bloggio! HAHAS.. orange too busy la.. no time to scan the photos.. Kudos to Jiahui.. the pics are grabbed from ur site! MUAHAHAHAS!

Female Sword Bearers with Male Sword Bearers!

Sierra Gazelle with Bride and Bridegroom!

Finally FOOD!!! hehe.. see i so happy!

After dinner.. The Sierra Gals GAZELLE Spirit FOREVER!
God bless you all AND orange loves u all! ^^
Wahahas.. alrights.. so fun right.. getting married from what i see is really a duper expensive thingy and its DUPER BUSY for both the bride and bridegroom! Hahas.. but its really a happy occasion cos u know tat at the end of it, u are doing it for ur partner. Thats the BEST BUSY THING EVER! ^^
today got a SURPRISE! didn't realised mummy and dajie was back from korea last night! Wahas.. was so caught up with work.. until just now saw dajie online.. i was shocked la.. tot what happened. Hehe.. mummy called me just now! *SMILE* i miss her so much.. her voice also. wahahas.. u must be thinking i'm like so childish ah? Orange respect her mummy and loves her alot. she has been thru alot with the family. she is always the pretty mummy who is strong in temper and stength in my heart. without her.. i think ocs won't be easy for me to go thru. yea.. thats how much she mean to me.
YES! and just now she also msg orange that she ALREADY bought the Raffles Hotel Rum Mooncake for me last week! aiyo! This huan never tell me.. heiz.. guess she forgotten about it totally. nvm.. hope tmr go back can EAT IT! ^^
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
*ouch*orange today sprained her right wrist.
argh.. last time was during ocs training. dunno wat happen now.
Nevermind.. still got tutorials to chiong. hope can write properly.
today driving was interesting LA! this uncle look abit gayish. and he is really gentle wor. wahahas! he taught orange how to SPEED today! HAHAS... can u imagine? I speed all the way then learnt to brake smoothly without JERKS. HEE. after tat he taught me how to change gear without looking at the gear but instead focus on the road. wahas.. abit like playing guitar.. but this one play wrongly.. engine STALLS.
heiz.. now i WISHED i could have been able to clear driving first before leaving. =.= today got my Provisional Driving License (PDL) ... expiry date is in 6 mths.. when i'm back it already expired. i only got like 2 months to play with PDL.. then it will become rough paper.
Yesterday kena gastric attack.. PAIN AH. today sprain wrist. -.-
i wonder how's things at korea now.. hope mummy and dajie and cousin jenny are doing fine.. it had been a few days le.
sometimes my heart can't stop worrying. maybe one day it will.. when it stops.. ya.
God.. pls take charge.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Miss ME?WAHAHAHAS.... i'm BACK!!! ^^
heiz... was busy duper duper these days.. heiz... of cos lots of things still undone.. but God has been giving me lots of motivation these days thru different people in my life.
Alrights.. don't blame me for being naggy... cos I AM. HAHAS.
Let's start from Sunday ya? *SMILES*
Went to Church early.. wahas.. cos got guitar duty.. heiz.. my bad habit of being late to church service.. still yet changed totally.. but orange is putting in more effort nowadays!
wahas. My first time playing guitar... in STANDING POSITION. HAHAS. Feeling? Great. Never thought of doing it cos always in sitting position so nice and comfy ma. Hehe.
After Church service ended. WAHAS.. another event to go. Huiyun's ROM at Four Seasons Hotel! Yay! HMM.. but hor.. orange need some guidance to be a woman in 10 mins. can that happen? HAHAS. a bit hard wor.. my hair was in a mess.. i also don't really bother la. =.= but then hor.. i went to the ladies.. so many WOMEN there wor... HAHAS. end up i learnt abit on how to be woman la. WAHAHAHAHS... i skipped many details here.. hahas.. guess only WOMEN who read this first part of my bloggie will understands. HEE.
ZOOooooooooooooooM to the hotel.. then went up to Huiyun's deluxe suite.. Hahas.. there.. the washroom BIG BIG.. bed also BIG BIG.. think everything also BIG la! HAHAS.. took photos there with Huiyun.. AH, by the way, Huiyun is my Secondary Sch Best Friend ah! We were from same class 1EC.. 2EC.. then streaming came, we also streamed into same top class.. hehe.. 3EA.. then 4EA!
Wahas.. oh, we were also same from Prefectorial Board, and Girl Guides! HAHAS... all the stories.. oh BOY, she knows the BEST la! HEHE.. Now back to ROM! Then met her Fiance, Mr Ong! HMM.. based on my opinion, YES, HUIYUN, U ARE IN GOOD HANDS. orange is really HAPPY for her to get a good MAN. Was quite worried for her at times.. dunno she will kena bullied by people or not. BUT this time, HAHAS.. I can really set my heart at ease now. ^^ Among my very own secondary school friends, Huiyun is the FIRST one to go thru ROM. Once both Mr and Mrs Ong get their little home, they will then get married! YEAH! hehe..
Now to the FOOD! *GOSH* its very very nice spread of food... delicious and yummy! AIYO... orange almost forgotten she is at her best friend's ROM! WAHAHAHAS! Then took photos! hehe.. it was also the day whereby our gang: Kevin, Chunmei, Ailing, Me and Huiyun were REUNITED! ^^ ever since we went separate ways after secondary.. so many things changed. After poly days, i signed on with SAF.. Huiyun went to work in her current company till now.. Chunmei got selected by Singapore Airlines as Air Stewardess! She already completed her training and this friday she flying to Melbourne! back sun, mon got off... then tues she will fly to Seoul! Wahahas.. Life is good for her la! Ailing working at CitiBank and she was among the First Channel U Project Superstar top 12 Finalists.. oh, her singing is DUPER GOOD! YEAH.. and Kevin went for NS and now ORD lo!
Here's a photo of us BEFORE orange signed on!
Leftmost is Huiyun, Chunmei, Ailing, ME.. Hahas.. then the Big Boy in front is Kevin.

Heiz... i still can recall the days when we all had lots of fun in secondary school.. Hahas.. oh, by the way, all of us were Prefects.. YEAH! Went to Chunmei's place to sing karaoke.. Hahas.. then sometimes went to Ailing's place for karaoke... HAHAS.. thats how i got this thingy for singing.. Hahas!
OK.. back to ROM. Then flower throw ya? orange went to hide behind chunmei.. hehe.. then the flower landed on her! HAHAHAS... then she didn't wanna bring the flowers walking at orchard rd.. then as usual.. orange's bag is always big enough.. so i became the carrier la.. *pengs* brought home the flowers (pink roses with white carnations) then yinghuan tot WHAT... AIYO! =.=
Hahas.. Sunday also receive Worship schedule for Oct, Nov, and Dec. Hmmm.. very challenging ah.. last week played guitar, this coming week gonna lead worship on sunday. hmm.. sat GEL meet also lead worship... oh BOY. God.. preserve my health... i cannot fall ill...
Woke up EARLY at 0630 to go driving lesson at Bukit Batok Driving Centre (BBDC)... oh BOY.. *pengs* DUPER tired la.. finally dragged myself out of hostel at 0700 only... aiyo... so worried i'll be late.. prayed like nv pray before.. *Pengs* THANK GOD ah! Thank God for my wonderful legs. Reached BBDC at 0750.. HAHAS!
1st lesson! really no idea how it would be.. just committed everything to God lo.. then found the car. the uncle was very nice. First lesson already taught me everything in the car.. how to adjust the mirrors.. the blind spot.. lift car bonnet.. do tyre puncture drills.. then the DRIVE! YAY! i was waiting so long.. finally can get my hands on the wheel! heiz.. start engine, clutch in fully.. to gear 1.. then the tricky part. SLOWLY release the clutch.. heel CANNOT touch floor.. (can u imagine.. i'm seated with my legs wide la) release the clutch until car starts to move forward. then can slowly accelerate in.. then slowly remove left leg from clutch.
Just this few steps.. not done properly.. CAUSED me to stall the engine for about 7 times? =.= argh.. oh ORANGE AH... HMM.. but the uncle really nice la. kept telling me to relax.. HMM.. then he kept talking to me.. while i'm driving. HAHAS.. dunno good or bad.. but i think its good la. although its distracting.. i can't concentrate on my driving.. but i'm learning how to multi task.. and still can drive! HAHAS... there was a few parts when he was going like 'wow' when i could turn the car properly in the circuit.. then orange suddenly dunno what to do la.. *pengs*
Anyways! monday morning was my First lesson and WEDNESDAY afternoon is going to be my 2nd lesson! Hahas. 1st lesson was clock wise round the circuit.. and 2nd lesson? anti-clock wise round the circuit! *pengs* i'm not kidding ok.. but its not easy also la.
Really wanted to give the first lesson a miss this morning. But, i overcame the temptation. HAHAS. YAY! I went OK! and Lecturer was like only at 2nd slide? Hahas.. Thank God for my legs again! Heiz.. but did i mention it RAINED HEAVILY this morning at NTU? Heiz... orange was DRENCHED totally. BRRRRrrr! LT was freezing cold. come to think of it, it was somewhat like TP... HAHAS.. remember the days when i got drenched by rain even walking within TP! WAHAHAHAS.. so i guess in comparison, NTU is still better ba!
argh.. but NTU administration side is DUPER lousy! argh... orange today received email from GIP requesting me to submit a resume.. and its like my THIRD TIME doing this??? *pengs* how come the Industrial Attachment (IA) planning so lousy? I already painstakingly written a complete whole resume with all my secondary sch grades to poly and until UNI year 2.. can't they get the info from IA side? and when i tried to access into the IA side.. hoping to copy and paste my grades, i was prompt the error: System is CLOSED. How great... =.="
NVM. orange shan't let such lousy matters ruin my mood for the day.. i got better things on mind to think and better things on hand to do!
Went running just now in the evening! oh BOY.. running alone really DUPER TIRING! =.= But Thank God for His discipline.. Orange get to SWEAT OUT! Hahas.. then went up the hill.. the top where me and SQ discovered last time. SO NICE UP THERE! Did my cool down stretches and push ups before going down to get DINNER! ^^
Today finally got the time to BLOG abit.. HAHAS.. yeah.. 'abit'.
wanna know more about ORANGE? ^^ got some questionaire in some email which i tot might as well BLOG IT! SO.. here's some interesting FACTS about ME which maybe not found in friendster or HERE. Alrights.. here goes!
1. Whats your favourite stationary from your pencil case?
hehe.. thats my pencil! I always prefer pencils than pens. Cos when write wrongly can erase ma! Save the earth from liquid paper!
2. Which part would u normally look at a passerby first?
Hahas. the SHOE. Shoes of passerbys always fasinates me!
3. Which part of a guy will you notice normally?
HMM. The Hair. Cos guys with long messy hair will eeks me.
Next, The Smell. Cos guys with STRONG smell.. good or bad smell also eeks me.
Next, The standing posture. Cos guys that slouch.. eeks me.
Next, The Nose. Cos I've seen guys with their nostril hair jutting out..eeks! Lastly, The Eyes. It shows one's sincerity. Hahas.. this can't be hidden unless the person don't look in your eyes, or the person close their eyes la!
4. Do you like flowers?
Not exactly no. But because i find flowers are short-lived and cost outrageously EX.. hmm.. so i normally don't wanna waste $ on it. but one thing for sure.. I'm NOT a ROSE person.. HAHAS.. orange always like to be unique. and i love tulips. ^^
5. Have you been in loved?
Not exactly no. But its too short to be stated as an answer. Cos to me, to love.. it has to be for a lifetime. (wow.. orange is getting philosophical again!)
6. Do you consider yourself as STRAIGHT?
Wahas.. if my answer is no then does it mean the gals will scream (like those living along my corridor) and the guys will cry? Hahas... oh BOY.. i AM STRAIGHT. BUT I can be naughty at times u know.. Hehe.. HMM.. but normally to guys I'm pretty strict la. Oh maybe give me a stage role and I can fully act it out well. I can be any gender u know.. Hahas.. BUT one thing for sure.. if had I strayed from home since secondary sch, blaming it on family problems and had not known God, i might not be STRAIGHT now... THATS FOR SURE.
7. Been kissed?
By the sun? or the moon? wAHAHAHS.. Both.
8. Who is this person?
oh.. person u mean? HMM.. when i'm a baby and was still young, we know nothing ya? Hahas.. but once i reached secondary school.. SAD TO SAY.. the first person i know who kissed me was not from my family. Nor was it an animal. Now guess the gender? You won't believe me. Its not a guy. *SCREAMS*
WAHAHAHAS.. really. Long story la. Didn't got the chance to even tell my beloved family. cos i already freaked out myself. didn't wanna freak out someone else. oh BOY.. OK.. i shall DUPER summarise it today.
orange was a prefect. and i picked on many people who BROKE sch rules. In my dictionary.. RULES are Meant to be FOLLOWED, NOT to be BROKENED. So there was this gal who often gave me problem. Heh.. then there was no flaws about me. yeah.. not tat i'm bragging OK! i absolutely couldn't be found any fault.. from my school uniform to my socks, my hair.. no earrings somemore.. hahas.. what fault to find with me? Scold me vulgarities? oh BOY.. thats all u can do? Goodness.. i don't understand a single word. pls carry on...
I think I practically drove this gal nuts la... she maybe can find fault with others but not me, absolutely. So long she nv break any sch rules and not within my radar scan range. I'll move on to others. ^^ HMM.. then one day after school had ended for me, i stayed back in class for something..maybe class duty.. can't remember. SO by then i left sch, many students already left. Now, there was this long street I got to walk out. There was this little stall along the street that many bengs and lians often hang around before and after sch. Surprisingly when i approached the stall, not a soul was around.
The usual fast walking me just walked pass the stall.. then i heard someone calling me. Of cos u turn around to check ya? then that very gal was there standing in front of me. oh BOY.. what's next? She was smoking... then she approached me. Orange got nothing to fear man.. HMM. i think i DUPER brave at tat time. Hahas.
She merely walked towards me and then said in chinese tat sounded somewhat like this: 'hey, i think U GOT GUTS'. HMM.. I was strangely calmed at tat time. i guessed maybe there was no one around? Hahas.. this ah lian is so light. orange is a strong gal OK. Then she took a deep smoke, then by then she was so close la. aiyo... then she puff the stupid smoke in my face! argh.. i hate smokers. oh BOY.. In the midst of the smoke, she did the unexpected thing. I dropped the files i was holding after tat.. I was shocked! Heiz.. then she even picked them up for me! *what is this?*
oh BOY.. I was only 14 years old then la! *pengs* this ah lian of secondary one! argh.. Maybe she did it to spite me? Hahas.. dunno wor. After that Friday, from Monday onwards, she became a good gal. Dunno she still smokes or not.. but she didn't gave me any problems in school after tat.
Heiz.. maybe i was too boyish? OR WAS IT MY GUTS? WAHAHAHS. NVM. All these are secondary memories!
Wahas.. 8 facts of Orange.. still got appetite to eat? Wahahahahas! ^^
Alrights, hope didn't put u to sleep!