Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Some ThOugHTs
Orange saw this and thought its applies to herself...A large flock of birds swooped down from the sky, landing on many branches of the big oak tree out back. They settled in the naked branches immediately, not stirring at all. As a matter of fact, I could not see them unless they moved. A twitter here, a wing stretch there, a little preening of some feathers yes, motion told me they were in that tree.
Christians can be like those birds, I thought. We can love Jesus with all our hearts, but if we just sit in a church pew and don't move or do something in His name, He will not be seen. Acts of love and kindness do not need to be gigantic endeavors , just ones that God lays on your heart. Remember, I knew those birds were in that tree when they only made a small motion- just a twitter or a stretch. Likewise, we Christians can let the world know Jesus is alive and ready to reach out His hand of love with any act of kindness done in Jesus' name.
Lord, don't let us be ones who just "sits there", motionless, not moving or doing in the name of Christ. Give us the desire to be "seen" - not for ourselves , but for the One who lives within us.
May the Lord bless each of you who are reading this now! ^^
Saturday, January 27, 2007
More Pictures!!
DEARIES...Yesterday's KTV was a FLOP.. the service was BAD. and LOUSY. WASTED our time..
Oh wELL. Orange just take in LO. HAI. BUT still since we were there, we took pictures!!!
HERE IT IS.... ^^
Orange and Shi Ting and Claire
Orange and the SASSY Kristy!!
Not bad ah... my Canon PowerShot with Timer.... HAHAS
Back to HOME! Now here's wat u call.. the COUPLE Suit...
This is taken this MORNING during my guitar playing rehearsal for the sun worship tmr!
Beside me: Li Xiang Jie, Feng Di Xiong, Erm.. the pink lady i forgot her name... paiseh ah.. Orange seldom use brain cells to remember names.. heh. BUT beside the pink lady.. her daughter, is Qin Qing, who plays the keyboard there. Only 2 musicians, me and her. But i believe God will provide and this Church will GROW!!! ^^
HaH! then after tat orange went to a place here..famous for wholesale stuff.. meet up with the rest of housemates.. the place is called "ZOO" in Chinese... OMG.. very interesting... the bus stop i stop to change over to another bus.. was called "Swimming Pool" in Chinese.... HAHAHAHAS....
Alrights here's the Things I bought.
Finally a jacket I bought.. and its really gd quality... cos as u can see my 'mongolian' suit in the above pictures.. i couldn't take it anymore.. the coldness was really cold here... today was -6 Degree Celsius lo.. Okies i bought this jacket for 120 RMB ^^
Okies.. this is consider EX. Cos Orange thinks can bargain it cheaper.. cos quite tired.. so didn't use my ENERGY 100%... its 30 RMB
Okies.. This is GD. The Brand speaks for itself.. 50RMB. ^^
Hmm. My 3rd Boots here. I think I wont buy any more boots le. 50RMB!
My 4th Boots.. Its nice rights!! Its Girly.. my intention is for either huan or mummy to wear back.. maybe if the event calls for it then i'll wear ba... hahahs... 70RMB
Alrightys.. here's the lovely Kristy with me! Orange piggybacked her!!!
Okies. Shall go ZZ cos tmr gotta reach church early. ^^
Hope u've enjoyed the pics!
Friday, January 26, 2007
More Things To S H O W ^^
Heres the Di Xiong and Ju Nyong..Last Sun they celebrated their Birthday there... ^^

A Di Xiong praying for them...

A Baby and a Cake.. what will happen next?! HAHAHAS!!

A Blue top cost me only 20RMB... AHHAHAHAs! KTV now.. BYE!!!
Orange and Housemates
Before Orange continues.. let me start on myself.I first got sore throat when i reached BJ. Then it worsen, then i kena fever.
Soon Cough came along.. although i didn't invite it.. Then i was SMACKED by the COLD temperature here. Been to 1st hospital, it wasn't too gd.. somemore i bought the wrong cough mixture.. end up coughing like mad....2nd hospital was gd. Saw the doctor and ate the right medicine... ^^
Orange is HERE to show u ALL my fabulous housemates..
Individually they each have their talent and skills la.. be it in WORK or at HOME!
I'm very happy to have mature housemates who take initiatives to keep the house spick and span! ^^ Orange is a clean freak u know...
Here's US at the Lao Beijing eating dinner last friday.. we make it a point ..sort of family gathering every fri evening from our each busy working schedules.. ^^
Thank God, I was placed in a good house with good facilities and good, kind housemates who are always helping around one way or another.
I'm the only one from School of Computer Engineering (SCE) here, then 4 of them are from Nanyang Business School (NBS), 1 of them is from School of Communications and Information (SCI).
What a coincidence that Yuhong and Lee Choon (my current roomie in BJ) are from the same course! ^^ Seems that Orange will always end up with SCI pple!! wahahahas...
Starting from LEFT:
Here's Kristy (the one who helped me to get extra baggage allowance by her powerful letter), then Elizabeth (the one who will be my travelling partner to Guangzhou, HongKong and Tibet),
AND ME!!! If u notice... my left eye seems red huh! Hahahas.. don't freak out.. cos its not contagious.. The doctor from the 2nd hospital said that orange had cough a bit too hard until she accidentally burst the blood vessel near her left eye while coughing... WAHAHAS.. scary ah?
YUP. So u can imagine how madly i had coughed. Come to think of it.. i shiver! =.=

From the LEFT:
Here's Claire (always SUPER helpful and NICE), then Shi Ting (The gal with a SWEET smile), then Lee Choon (My Current Roomie!!!)

As u can see... the table is filled with our group dishes.. forgot to take our individual each dish. ohh.. BUT NVM.

We ordered Brinjal, Fried Mantou, and Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli.... YUM!
But Orange was ill.. remember? Hahahas.. so i gave the Chicken and the fried Mantou a MISS!
WAhahahas..think my mummy will LOVE the fried mantou... cos the plate in the middle is MAYONISE... her favourite....

Heres a couple eating.. notice the walls.. they hang their menu one by one on the walls...

Alrightys! Later I'll be going to KTV here! hahahas.. hmm. but I won't be home too late la.. cos tmr morning need to go church at 0930 to rehearse guitar playing for sun service worship! After that.. orange will buy another jacket!
Hmm... but currently.. one issue. My visa is Single Entry. So i really need to know how i can go abt changing it to a Multiple Entry Visa. Else, I can't go HK.. argh.
SO. Orange got a prayer request. Help me pray that God will provide a way that i can change my Visa stuff during weekends and will be able to go Guangzhou and HK during CNY.
I shall stop here. Anymore free time or pics.. I shall UPDATE again!
Till then! This is Orange reporting LIVE from my Comfy Home @ BJ.
Hello Singapore!
Orange SAYS YOOOOOO!!!!Not much time to express myself..
But HEY, THANKS for sending me off on 12 Jan 2007.... Orange REMEMBERS ALL of YOU dearly in her HEART. ^^
Here's the LUNCH i had ..some of the dishes.. on the First DAY in HERE.

I got too hungry then forgot abt taking pictures.... HAHAHAHAS!
Heres the restaurant.

The sunset tat day... the coach bus brought us to our respective houses.. I was super tired lo..

Then i wonder.. what is this on the road!??! Hahaas... have u got it? Their car park lots....

Botak Trees... Its a NORM here.. u see them EVERYWHERE...

Ahhh...My place of residence... its really nice. ^^
Hahahas..3 of my housemates..
Shi Ting, Kristy and Claire
Home Sweet Home!!! ^^
Hahahas... HERES my Company!!!
Its really a BIG company. But I'm still under paid... okie la.. considering my free flow of cokes here.... ^^
Can see My Company in this map i found along the road?
Now..heres a shopping mall with ice skating ring inside.. cool huh...

Then i saw this CUTE little boy.. and he fell down a few times...
So Naughty Orange waited for her chance to catch him in ACTION!

There YOU goes... HAHAHAs.. I'm mean... AM I? ^^

Then I saw this public toilet...
Now look carefully at the road sign...

Hmmm.. can u guess wat its suppose to mean? ^^

Orange went to explore this Lao Beijing Best Zha Jiang Mian..
So Culturedly dressed waiters... then i noticed there isnt any waitresses here...

I had bad cough. So I ordered a bowl of soup.. who knows its SO BIG!!!

Plus I also ordered a bowl of Original Zha Jiang Mian...

Together... hahas.. its only 20RMB... = SGD$4

Yummy... and I finished it ALL!!! HAHAHAHHAAS ^^

Oh well. I shall stop here.. feeling hungry now. Hahas!