Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The visit to the 13 Ming Tombs
xiaoshi woke up early on sun...it was the day to see the tombs of the prev Ming Emperors..empresses..
Felt like a tomb raider...
On the BUS ride.. the pples on xiaoshi's RIGHT

The only guy on the last row with us!

The 2 GALS in front of me.

The gal beside ME.

the standing team in front...

the long walk to the tomb.. actually they build a good path for it..BUT to walk that path.. u gotta pay 30rmb.. thats so... HMM. so we chose to walk the road outside!

The route was long.. and boring.. so xiaoshi started camering *snap*

the place was nice.. but i didnt really take myself with the tombs at the underground.. hahahs!

Kristy UP in the TREE..

The Flower Gals...

Made xiaoshi to put on the flower!! =.="

i saw a BIG CHOW CHOW...

U point where? Point ME.. i POINT BACK!

We met the hotspring grp pple at the end of the tombs visit! Then we retreat back to the city for DINNER!!! yummy yum yum! Heres the pple sitting with xiaoshi...

Another table..

The last table! Our dear Ban Zhang with Dong..

***Miscellanous pictures taken during the outing***
Hahas.. here's a jumping shot of Xiaoshi and Lee Choon! Kudos to Ban Zhang who took it for us on his camera! ^^ hmmm.. i realised i can jump!

Heres the 3 of us.. enjoying the scenary.. our dear Aijia saw us standing there.. went to take our candid shots.. hehe.. not bad ah.


Clare and Xiaoshi on the bus BACK!

Gang with funny and weird poses along the stairs...

Once again, presenting the Gals Of the DAY!

now.. heres a newcomer...

alrightys.. xiaoshi shall stop here now..
===Some updates of Xiaoshi===
1. Going to Inner Mongolia during the May 1st Vacation (Labour Week Holiday) from 30th Apr - 2 May
2. Going to climb Pan Shan at Tian jin from 5 May - 6 May
Yup... do pray for me... protection, good weather, good experience, good bonding session with the group! ^^
Xiaoshi takes her leave now... *bow*
4th Excursion
Ahh.. xiaoshi was brought to the steel making company in BJ.. to watch their steel making process. oh BOY it was piping HOT in there. We were equipped so well with construction caps.. which really.. dunno was it for safety or for show. =.="Anyways! it was a nice day of outing for xiaoshi with the GIP gang once again! ^^
Shall let the pichas do the talking!

The GIP gang.. of cos less xiaoshi.. cos I'm the Photographer HERE! ^^

This is wat its like on the outside of the building tat we were in...
Our Bus to bring us to the actual PLANT next....
how do we look with construction caps on? dunno if its we the ones constructing or being constructed...
xiaoshi with xiaozhu
the 3.... sexy ladies!
The sun is on the wrong side.. but i think both of us look good in this picture man.. hur hur hur..!
Then we watched the hard process.... thru a protected screen.
Heres the protected environment that we were at.
Back to our bus!! Home Swwwweeet Home~~~~