Friday, November 30, 2007
Love my Life.
I can't believe it. But its just so so so...VIRGO -
The Perfectionist Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative.
Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful.
Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.
This is like SO me. Except the Argumentative, Very smart, Beautiful and Often shy..
The whole thing is like PART OF ME. All because of this uncle who sent me this email. I'm just sooo amazed by zodiac signs sometime. Well. It just goes to show that God knows
I can't believe it. I'll be going to Mount Fuji. Yes. Haha. Not kidding. In fact, I'll be residing over the base of Mount Fuji for one night. That very night, I'm gonna experience onsen (natural hot spring). Doing such research really eats into my time BIG TIME. Since after the 15 mins of grace given after I had cleared my last paper this morning, Empress has been calling up and giving her ever so famous: So HOW?
I must say. I have made some head and tail of my hotel accomodation location from the tokyo map. =.= I kept searching between the railway station lines and subway lines until my eyes almost gave up on me. Nonetheless. I made it. Finally found out how to get to Mount Fuji from my hotel. Not just that. The time taken to travel, the type of transport and how much. =.= Here I am helping her to budget out things.. there she is.. so happy and say I'm stingy. The best part? I told her that we should get stuff from the city supermarket before we go to the Mount Fuji base because things there sure cut pockets. Guess her reply? "Ok, you just go there watch me and my friend eat." =.= Big bully right...
FYP can only start tmr... sigh. SAD.
I think I'm a bit too excited over the Hokkaido trip now..
Registered Vs Non-Registered
All for planning to run the S C B marathon as a free runner.I called the S C B marathon office to check if its possible for a non-registered runner to start the marathon at any timing. Well, guess what reply I got??
"I'm sorry that since you didn't register for the marathon, you can't run. The usherers will check your bit number".
What crap. Didn't they encourage Singaporeans to stay active in exercise?? What is their aim now? So I got to pay just to run. How come Army Half Marathon is open for all runners then? Registered and non registered runners all ran the same!
Fine. I've discussed with my little runners and all of us shall make our way to Raffles place at 0700. If the usherers forbid us to run, there is just no-thing we can do. I suggest go mac out at Raffles Place. A fattening opening to start a wonderful sunday. At the very least, we will get fresh egg muffin sandwich with freshly brewed coffee to reward ourselves for waking up at freaking 0600.
Exam Day 3
State: OkThe last paper was alright. My first paper of the three that I have ample time on hands to flip here and there to see what I can add in as and when.
Anyways. I have completed my exams of this semester. Its gonna be chosing modules of next semester for next week. Its really fast.
I hope there will be some nice modules which I will get to choose as my core for my next final semester. For now, its gonna be FYP-ing all the way before Hokkaido takes place. After Hokkaido.. its still FYP-ing before Christmas takes place. After that, its gonna be the final blast of FYP-ing before I budget my way to rock Ho Chi Minh City.
I'm at war with the cats.
I HATE CATS!!! Its not the first time I hear them fighting outside my shell. And yesterday's afternoon it was that way too. But they did something this time that made me almost hit the ceiling.
I left the shell to get dinner last night and guess what. I saw my red esprit slippers were like messed up. One further away than the other. That was still ok. After slipping on them, I was shocked. One of the slipper got badly scratched with holes! Its not just one big scratch. Its millions of holes.. I can imagine the cat's claws dug into it when I wore that slipper. Utterly disgusted. ARGH!!! Why ruin my slippers??!?! Not being brand conscious, but it was bought by the Empress! She actually bought esprit slippers. I wished she had put the money into better use. But thats besides the point. Now the slipper being so badly ruined.. with millions of holes dug in.. By stepping on it already gives me the creep from the stupid cat!
I know its a fruitless war. I have no claws.
News from ChannelNewsAsia.
BEIJING : Twenty-nine Singapore students are in the Chinese capital Beijing for a study tour organised by Channel NewsAsia.
They visited historical sites like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City where they learnt more about the Chinese culture.
This year's tour is the second to Beijing held by the broadcaster.
For their holiday "reporting assignment", the students from East Spring, Hai Sing Catholic and Tanjong Katong Girls schools checked out the local arts scene with a visit to one of Beijing's latest artists' haunts - 798 - an art district that used to house electronics factories.
The education tour takes a different turn this year by taking the students through China with a different perspective - Chinese contemporary art.
At the Ullens Centre For Contemporary Art, students learnt about China's artist movement of the 1980s and found their own angles for news reports.
The students learnt several basic rules of the craft, and pulled through like professionals.
"I managed to finish a PTC (piece to camera)," said one student.
"It's so tough to remember my lines," said another.
But they all took home exclusive reports that they will remember for a long time to come. - CNA /ls
I've been to 798 street too... Hahaha.. brought there by an arty mama. As a result, walkergal took lots of narcissistic photos there. It was really a great display of arts there. Well. It was my first time knowing such place and going for it. Truely it was really a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. I get to see the different themes... styles.. all in the name of ART. Its definitely an eye-opener for those who have never been exposed to such a display of Arts.
So Beijing, anyone?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Exam Day 2
State: TiredHowdy people!
Today marks the end of Cryptograpy. Well. The paper was surprisingly not as tough as all of us had prepared for. Thank God.
The Invigilator in charged of today was a super hilarious guy.
He speaks with an interesting accent by pronouncing all the 'L' in a word as 'R'.
I'm not laughing at him, I do that sometimes.
Hur.. well.. it destressed all of us.
===Here's a little bit of what took place this morning===
After talking for 1 minute.
Invigilator: You are not to bring in any form of references, paper.....
Invigilator: You are not arrao - allow to bring in .....
A few seconds later..
Invigilator: You are not to switch off your electronic devices...
There was a brief silence.
All of us burst out laughing!!
HAHAHAHA.. I was one of the first few who started laughing and ended up having a hard time to stop it. =.=" He was a super joker. He realised his mistake and he smiled to himself. HAHAHAHA...
Indeed, that was damn funny. I got to tell myself that I still got a paper to do to force my laughters to continuous giggles and then finally back to my serious mode.
Moving on. Next is Advanced Computer Networks. Last and final paper. I'll just have to reformat my mind abit to make space for the networking theory. If there's one thing you would like to pray for me, pray for good memory and a peaceful mind. Thanks!
It was a bad night rest. Hope tonight will be better.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Exam Day 1
State: Burp.Yes. I've just lunched. It feels good to step out of my shell for 2 hours for 1 paper .
And to walk back to my shell, I got my lunch along the way.
===45mins ago===
At canteen 1
WG: Auntie, I want black pepper fish, bitter gourd and tofu please. Less rice, no gravy :)
Auntie: Hello. Have you finished all your exams?
WG: Haha.. no. Today is my first paper. 3 days in a row. I'll finish mine on friday. I'll buy lunch around this time from you for 3 days too :)
Auntie: Hahaha.. Good to hear that.
===3.5 hours ago===
Met a school friend walking around SRC
WG: Hello...
Friend: Hey, long time no see!
WG: Yeah. Haha.. How's exams?
Friend: Great. Today is my last paper.
WG: Oh. Congrats.. Haha. Today is my first paper.
Friend: Oh. How come?
WG: .... well, it just happened. Haha. Just got to clear mine in 3 days then I'll get my rest too. :)
Yeah. I've passed the stage of grumbling why my exams fall on the last 3 days of the entire school examination period. Its not something I'm in control of. I'll just do my part and clear my exams well.
Well. Despite studying so hard and the four questions can still shock so many of us... I don't think the markers will see our effort during the marking of our papers. oh well. Its okay. I will still work hard for the next two papers.
Time to study!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Tissue Box
State: HungryToday is MONDAY! I hope time can pass faster?
I'm thinking. I hope to get a lift to the starting point of the 10km marathon on Sunday. Hopefully all 4 of us can get a lift... Then after marathon end, get a lift to church. Will someone be able to find time to fetch us?
Let's pray and commit this to God together!
The visual personality of facebook kicked off my day with the following about me.
You like to keep things simple and don't play games when it comes to dating. If you like someone, they'll know it because you'll straight-up tell them.
First impressions do make a difference and your body is a temple. You make the effort to watch what you eat and work out at least a couple times each week.
I just glanced across my roomie's table and saw this written on the Scott Facial Tissue Box: Soft and Strong.
Well. After all the digestion of logical IT knowledge these days in preparation for exams, it seemed totally illogical for that statement. How can something be soft and yet strong??
Then this statement came to my mind: I am like that.
It shocked me.. just for a moment.
I guess God made me in such a way that I can be used by Him to touch the people around? So thats for the soft bit. Imagine yourself as a tissue. If you are rough and hard. Will people need you for their delicate needs? They probably will need you just for a moment to wipe their bottoms.
Strong. How will that be possible then?
Ever wonder why its called a Tissue Box? Still no? Nevermind if you can't catch it.. =P
Well. As ironic as it might sound, only those who have been weakened before by situations and circumstances, they learnt to pick up themselves and what is unseen here is the strength that they gained from it and unknowingly they get stronger each day, compared to those who have yet been through those pastures. Not saying I've been through much. I'm still very much learning each day. The point here is that it is important for people to accept that no one is born strong.
Of course. This journey is always ongoing. The challenge will be how long can one take it.. before Christ comes back again. So are you good for this challenge?
I got my accomodation all booked for Tokyo! is really good. Sigh.. normally I don't do all these. What happen to my carefree life when I have a travel partner.. forever so enthusiastic to plan and book accomodation when I go travel?
Hahaha! Well.. it sure feels a bit strange this time but sometimes doing things on hand ourselves sure have its pros. You will learn better.
Anyways. I think what I've chosen is alright... else, I'll sure get hamtumbola by the Empress. :)
I think the tummy had given up hope in reminding me to take meals. As a result I forgot to lunch again!! =.= Its not my fault. The time just flew pass me. I can't be bothered to catch it. oh nevermind.
Dinner time now!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Open Slowly
State: Baked.To my 3 young runners who are running with me on 2 Dec for Standard Chartered Bank Marathon 10km, please maintain healthy living for this week so that you are well and fit for the run on Sunday alright! :) Hydration is important. I'll tie up the loose knots with you all after my friday paper. *smiles*
Seen the Sunday Times?
I heard of the news. Bad.
5 dragon boaters. Missing and now found.
5 bodies. 2 identified and 3 still in progress.
Investigation is now being carried out on why those 5 dragon boaters rowed without donning their life jackets...
Hmm. Well, still.. this won't stop me from joining the dragon boat team in a few months time.
Singaporeans or not, do help to support the (One Life Experience) OLE movement.
Know about AIDS and educate the people around you.
You never know, you might just be the one who could prevent the birth of a next victim.
A nationwide advertisement was published today in Sunday Times. The objective was not just getting people to learn and volunteer for just AIDS. There's more to it.
What one can do with your one life. Be it slacking, smoking it away or committing suicide, or volunteering for different campaigns. Its a person's choice.
I can't run for the OLE run this friday... its the day of my last paper. Sad. Wanted to run.. with Eunice Olsen and Jaymee Ong.. Hur. Well.. since I cannot run with them, it won't stop me from running still. As planned, I'll execute my run around 1700.. hopefully I can FYP productively from 1100 - 1700 straight after my last paper!
Last night's dinner was OISHI.
oh man. You dunno how much walkergal craved for nice cooked hard fragrant rice.
To take it with braised sea cucumber with taupok, beancurd, and a rice wine drumstick, it was almost like a mini Chinese New Year dinner for me. Empress really should impart me all her skills one day. When that day comes, I'll open my special eatery right in Auckland. Singapore is too saturated with food. People's tastebuds are all confused by all kinds of food..
But right now, I can only eat and dream about it.
Emperor has left for Maldives for work. Its a 2 days of work for him, followed by fishing at Maldives. Its a paradise island for fishing!! Sigh. Life is just soooooo unfair right. I wish I could tag along. By then he is back this Saturday, I'll be done with my exams.
One of my bob socks is lost!! Did my laundry just now and I did put in 2 pairs of socks. After washing.. only 3 socks left. I never knew that washing machine will swallow my socks. Where is the last one??
Can't wait to choya on the 3 Dec. *deep breathe in*
I'm controlling.
I love myself studying.. lots of personal space. Thank God for the atmosphere to study.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Name Game
State: Dry Theos.I'm very sad for Ooi Eu Jin's family and loved ones..
He is clearly a great brother, son, student, boyfriend, and a leader.
Learning about him through this blog created in membrance of him, I'm glad that he made a difference in so many people's life.
A role model. First class honour MAE graduate from NTU. A senior China GIPer...
To his loved ones, stay strong always. Know that he had made that difference in you and continue to keep putting in your effort and maintain it. Don't let him down. Let him always be smiling.
____ . ____
Confidentiality is achieved by encryption.
Data Integrity is achieved by Message Authentication Code (MAC).
Non-repudiation is achieved by Digital Signature.
Sniffing attack is foiled by encrypted password.
Encrypted password still a victim to Replay attack and Dictionary attack.
One-time-use-then-throw password is a victim to Preplay attack. The attacker can talk to A first, get the response, and talk to B as if it is A. B will think he is talking to A.. but B is actually talking to attacker.
Salt is a random number when put into same encrypted passwords, it will result in different outcomes. This can void Replay attack. The bigger is the salt, the higher the hacking effort needed.
Session key is a temporary key that is used only during a conversation and is disgarded after conversation ends. Why? Because this can limit the amount of cryptograms that are available for cryptanalysis. This also prevent attackers from compromising the conversation again next time. If the same session key was used again and the last conversation was compromised, then the conversation will definitely be compromised again.
Reflection attack can be foiled when the final returned nonce is different from the encrypted sent nonce.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) cannot prevent phishing because a phished website can have a valid SSL certificate.
Here's a part where Eve complains that she is unjustly being labelled the attacker.

Needham - Schroeder Public Key Authentication Scheme needs correction because its previous scheme is susceptible to Interleaving attack. When A wants to talk to M, A sends A's nonce to M. M is targeting to get B's nonce. So M will get A's nonce and send it to B as if A wants to talk to B. Then B will reply A with B's nonce together with A's nonce encrypted by A's public key. M doesn't have A's private key, so will forward B's reply to A. A opens it thinking that the nonce is from M. To verify that A received it from M, A will send the received B's nonce to M. There you go, M successfully gotten the desired B's nonce.
The correct scheme is as follows: When A wants to talk to M, A sends A's nonce to M. M is targeting to get B's nonce. So M will get A's nonce and send it to B as if A wants to talk to B. At this point, B will reply A with B's nonce together with A's nonce AND B's identity to state that the nonce belongs to B, encrypted by A's public key. Once again, M will forward B's reply to A and A will realised that B is the one A is talking with and not M. This basically foils M's plan. This is the correct working Needham - Schroeder Public Key Authentication Scheme.
What about Needham - Schroeder Secret Key Protocol?
Its just as simple.
The corrected protocol runs this way. A will send its id to B requesting to talk to B. B will encrypt idA and B's nonce back to A using B's shared key with Trent. A will forward the encrypted reply to Trent, in addition, also A's id, B's id, and A's nonce. Trent will open B's encrypted reply, check that the nonce really belongs to B, then reply A with an encrypted A's nonce, B's id, sessionkey for A and B, and also encrypted reply to B with A's id, B's nonce, and sessionkey for B and A. A upon receiving will forward Trents encrypted reply to B. B will then reply A with a nonce encrypted with the sessionkey given. A will reply B with a different nonce encrypted also with the sessionkey given by Trent. The fact that a different nonce is used is to prevent reflection attack from happening.
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol although was successful at first due to both A and B has their individual secret number, it is computationally infeasible for M to figure out their secret number. However, it was then discovered to be susceptible to Man-in-the-Middle attack.
Why? Because it does not perform Authentication.
M can intercept when A first exchange the mod equation with B. M can change the unknown A's secret number to M's own secret number despite not knowing it, put into the mod equation and then send to B. Similarly, M will do the same when B exchange with A. The resulting mod equation will have M's secret number and M can derive the final mod value of both A and B eventually.
To twist M's plan, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol got corrected by tagging a simple password in it. Both the password used by A and B will be the same.
When A exchanges with B the mod equation and vice versa, it will use the password to encrypt first then send. When M tries to perform Man-in-the-Middle attack again this time, it will end up getting guessed password attempts with its own secret number in it... upon decryption, it will lead to a' and b' for both A and B secret number, instead of getting a and b. Hence M won't be able to attack this time.
What is padding?
Padding is basically tagging null or garbled values to the ending block of a message before encryption so as to ensure all the message blocks are of the same length.
Why is padding required?
The length of the plaintext block and ciphertext block will be the same. Hence if the ending block is not padded, the attacker can easily find a matching ciphertext block with its corresponding plaintext block.
The reason why passwords are used for authentication.. instead of some secret-key or public key cryptography...

This ain't rocket science.
____ . ____
Before I start driving out on roads.. here's what I'll do first:
1. Get the yellow probation triangles.
2. Learn how to park on normal carpark lots... During the test we got poles to guide us.
3. Learn how to drive up a multi-storey carpark.
4. Learn the routes, expressways.
Okay! Later gotta lead GEL worship, bible study, then back to palace! Got my 3 songs ready... Just got to rush to church on time to hit on my c-60. Hope I won't doze off on the snail train!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Hack Sack
Analyzing creeptography has its woes.A need to be witty.
Much emphasis on Maths.. and being naughty minded.
Ahh. Not easy.
Anyone who doesn't need their yellow triangle anymore?
Just lend me use for 1 year. I'll pass it back to you after that.
Save production for more yellow triangles.
Contribute more to the WCF - Walkergal's Car Foundation. Hur..
How Quizzy.
How often can the definition of m.i.l.i.t.a.r.y unit be googled?
Its truely as simple as it is.
A unit - can be big, medium or small.
Normally the green uses it. The black don't. Perhaps the blue sometimes.
Each p.l.a.t.o.o.n has its own in-charge, the P.C - Commander. Of course then, who is the overall in charged for them? The O.C. Not Orange County. The o.ffi..ce...r-in-com.mand. Of course. What's stated here... is not meant to be referenced strictly. Certain things.. if you did your N.S, you would have already know it. If you haven't, its not exactly a need to know.. after all, most things are not meant to be known by civilians.. Thats why people in uniform always have an edge over the non-uniformed right? =P
Think like a hacker, cannot be a slacker.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Moving on to bigger things
State: OkWalkergal was awakened this morning.. by faraway time difference of seven hours - a wellwish sms at around 0630? Can't remember the exact time. But it was certainly very sweet and nice.. :) although it brought along the reminder that "hey you got a test in a few hours time".
Shortly after that was emperor.
SMS: Be more focus :) dont panic :) relax :) slow and steady :) God bless
Great. I've never seen such a sms filled with :) :) and coming from.. the emperor!! *speechless*
Finally I reached driving centre.
I went for the warmup.
I was allocated to use Car 38 for the warmup and of course for the test too. The warmup instructor was laughing all the way. Well. I dunno. To ease my nervousness? I don't think he needs to do that.. I certainly don't know how to respond. After going around the whole big bush and back to the centre, finally he became serious.
His evaluation of me: You are quite good with the circuit. Just be yourself and stay confident and you will do just fine.
His tip for me: Be careful when you drive back to the centre after the test. The test is not ended until the tester leave your car. Many innocent drivers-to-be failed because they let down their guards when they return back to the centre and failed to give way at the zebra crossing inside the centre.
His little bonus..- well he claimed: Don't start the engine until the tester is seated in your car. When moving off, gear one first, get biting point then release handbrake. Usually on flat ground I'll release handbrake, get biting point then move off. But for the sake of test, I decided to follow what he said.
Well. That was certainly something sensible that finally came out from him after all. And I do appreciate that. :)
After warmup, I was brought to the balloting room - the place where all the test drivers-to-be unite and shiver together under the mercy of the white haired traffic policemen (testers)... with one out of ten testers only.. will smile.
It was then like I got a garden in my stomach. Butterflies everywhere. The feeling was just like you got to rush to a toilet to LS any moment... and bbc smsed me then. Well. Nothing can lighten any burden at that moment.. but I still appreciate that. :)
We (the anytime can be chopped) waited for about 10 mins or so, then one white haired traffic police came in. He seemed friendly though. He began to explain out the little mistakes that past drivers had made and he hope we won't repeat those things. Then he got one of us to volunteer to start chosing a route with tester for the first person.. from the balloting box. The box contained all our PDLs (Provisional Driving License). After that the chosen person will pick the next route with tester for the next person from the box.
Here's what Walkergal got:
Car: 38 (cool. i'm a bitch)
Lot no: 14 (not a number that a chinese would appreciate)
Tester: X.X.X
Route: 9
After that, basically my name was called out and everything just happened very fast after that. I went down, sat in the car, did my adjustments and waited for him to come. He did not waste much time either. Basically.. after that I just drove out.
The circuits was pretty good. I was quite relaxed after that. Out on the roads, nothing much to highlight, except one major part. This part... I really feel that its really subjective.. really.
After a right turn, it is expected that we should change lane to the left simply because of the fact that the rightmost lane is aka the overtaking lane. So I did my lane change.. from the right most.. to the center first.. then at this point, observing the leftmost lane.. there was this golden car. It was speeding up and my car wasn't slow either. Acceleration is natural for lane changing so long we keep to the speed limit and there is space and no danger in front.. of course. Well. It was that. So I sped. Up-ed my gear and naturally I lane changed and guess what. After sitting comfortably and quiet for so long, he (tester) opened his mouth.
X.X.X: How could you cut into his lane? He was speeding. Paused for a few moments, observing golden car at rear-view mirror. See? He is changing his lane now because of you cutting into his lane.
WG: Ok. Well.. what else can I say? In accordance of theory, the lane change was not wrong as what you made it sounded out to be. The position of that car was just right for lane change in fact. You are mad with me because you are on my test car now, you have never been driven by me and hence no confidence nor faith in me for doing that lane change at that point.. which I won't blame you. You feel that I made you panic due to my acceleration. I'm currently on test, I cannot sped as much as the rest of the cars after doing the lane change... and this had led to that golden car having to change his lane and its not my fault that he did so because he really was in a hurry and its just too bad that I'm doing my driving test now and got to drive in front of him.
The issue was, if I didn't do my lane change in time, I might not be able to drive in accordance to what he had planned out for me. There was a string of cars closely following the golden car. That was the only space available at that time. If I hadn't turn in at that moment, I might be marked for another failure - Failure to overtake when necessary.
Moreover, testers doesn't follow test routes. The test routes given to us were just a guide. So when I cannot turn to any routes as instructed on time, it will be an immdiate failure for me -Failure to adhere to test route as required during test.
After that, very obvious, he was pissed off. Observing all these, I carefully concentrated on my driving still. Not gonna let this thing affect the rest of my test route. Next, still on the same road, he gave the command: U-turn in front. Well. After I had lane changed to the left most lane.. I got to change to the right most lane again. I had expected this. No problem. I'll give it to you.
Well. I surprised myself. It was the best U-turn I've ever done.. from all my driving lessons. Hahaha.. I might not even do it again so well in future. Nevermind. Moving on... so I drove on and there was one part whereby the traffic junction just turn amber! Then, there was like a voice in my mind saying hey, you got to think twice.
Judging from my current speed and distance, I made my decision. Safety is of utmost importance. I learnt that in my career too. Never put other's safety at risk. After braking in time, I was sweating in mind and heart... oh well.. will he fail me because of the golden car...
The traffic light turned green at this point. Damn the thoughts!
I got myself moving on again...
Back at the driving centre. I followed him into his office. My heart at this moment was sanked to the right most bottom. No mood. Totally. Well. Then he amazed me.
After we sat down, face to face with a table in between, he took out a piece of checklist from his side, then I came to a realization. He did not bring his checklist along with him during the drive!
Then he took out his pen, eye scanned through the various listed mistakes from the checklist.... and slashed those that I've made. I was completely at his mercy. No bargain, just take whatever he give and he was fast.
He passed me back my IC and the checklist. I dunno whatever it was, I just took it. Then I glanced at the checklist, still dunno where to see whether I've passed or failed.... and ....
I looked at him and gave him a firm smile and said Thank You. I know my manners okay. Be it a pass or fail.. must thank him for his time.. even though I've paid $150 for the test!!
Ahhhh. Yeah. Indeed. It wasn't easy. He has all the right to refuse me a licence. I do know that. I guess he was gracious enough.. perhaps from the first part and remaining part of the driving, I had proven to him that I do can drive and yes.. not reckless driving.
I ran through the checklist after that and realised hey, he was a righteous man... and amazing. He did not mark me wrongly nor miss out anything. Basically even the nity grity error was marked. Well.. well. I'm glad that I had a righteous tester. I definitely won't feel safe even I've passed.. if I wasn't rightfully being certified OK. Thank God for everything, a baby driver was borned today.
I'm glad that I won't be splashing money to driving centre anymore.
Its not very easy in mind when each lesson costs me $60? And a test of $150? .... one time is enough. Although I'll miss Mister See quite a bit but its okay.. God sometimes put us in people's path for a certain period of time only..
Well. The driving chapter is now closed.
My biggest hurdle in 2006 was getting COC and I got it by God's grace.
Now God had seen me through driving in 2007.
2008? I shall leave that to be thought about next year!
Here's something pretty interesting to share. One of Dale Carnegie's six ways to prevent fatigue and worry said: Get interested in people! Develop a friendly, healthy interest in the people who share your life.
Well.. Before getting interested.. I got to start getting vain first right.. hahaha.. now thats a joke if you get it. Well. He is very right. I'm still very much.. learning!!
I'm so glad everything is over now.
Moving on to the next big thing - School exams.
Walkergal got to study hard.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Coffee Story - Part 1
State: sosoxx came yesterday. she had exams from 1300 - 1500.
hahaha.. told her about my exciting GIP experiences and stories after that.
oh boy. the videos and photos... brought back memories again.
xx said cannot tie up the hair.. oh boy, i've been hearing these from different people umpteen times already.. hahaha.. ok. i promise. i'll be more vain vain vain.
i miss my fun in beijing.. especially the cheap drinks!! hurhur...
well. if given another chance, i would have still made the same choice. just that this time round, i stay even longer, buy all my favourite fiction books, LOTS OF RUNNING SOCKS and will ship back my stuff. shiok.
when i was young, i had a crazy idea of buying over the whole mph. since the emperor always left me there to read books, i have nothing but books as my companions. oh not to forget, my glasses that had been with me due to bad reading habits since primary 3 days.
the air-con over at mph always smell great to me. the moment i stepped into the huge reading place.. the feeling was like as if i just stepped into a castle. the readers there were always so polite and quiet. as i climbed up the stairs everytime, i would start to day dream that its my house.. everytime i will read books until my tummy will grumble. whenever i walked passed the cafe opening, feeling the four hard coins in my pocket, the food there never seemed possible...
the nice smelling aroma of coffee then was forever so tempting but empress said little children drink what coffee? so walkergal never had the chance to try out coffee. only until one fine day, her curiosity got the better of her. she open the fridge in the kitchen and saw one half used coffee sachet. so she poke her finger into the sachet and tried the 3-in-1 mixture.... .... yucks.
all the way till tertiary she didn't even want to touch coffee ... Then finally she started chilling out at starbucks or coffeebean sometimes. well. it was damn expensive.
.... to be continued
Feeling strangely strange. This might be just the beginning.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Biennale Art
State: gloomyHeard of it? The 52nd International Art Exhibition. Its held in Venice.
The director of the 52nd International Art Exhibition is the American curator, critic and artist Robert Storr.
Yeah. For those who have really absolutely no idea Where is Venice, let Walkergal explain what venice is - in a few words.
Imagine yourself walking through Loyang Ave.. where those cute terraces are.
Now convert the main road to narrow rivers, convert every 20 cars to a nice boat.
Every overhead bridge to a bridge across the river.
There you go, Venice. =P what to do, i've only seen it in pictures.
The participating countries come from the five continents and include 35 European nations, 20 from Latin America, 17 from Asia, 2 from North America, 1 from Oceania and 1 from Africa: Egypt.
The national participations represented an essential and distinctive component, an extraordinary asset for the Biennale Art Exhibition. It allowed a better grasp of the best of each country’s artistic production, representing a veritable global “snapshot” of the contemporary in the world.
think with the senses
feel with the mind
art in the present tense
Experience the Art
Experience the Architecture
Experience the Cinema
Experience the Dance
Experience the Music
Experience the Theatre
Experience the Culture
La Biennale di Venezia
Raining cats and dogs again.
Protective.. Good or Bad.
I think when we have too much of something, we might end up not cherishing it?I think being protective towards my family and close friends, its like part of me, something that naturally will happen without much saying.
For someone to learn something, if the environment is too protective, the person might.. never learn. If the environment isn't protective, the person might learn things.. the hard way. How I wish someone would be protective of me. It isn't a norm for me. It really feels good when you know someone will be there. Now writing about this.. I realised yeah, not in the past but now, there is someone there for me really. There is only this one person. So what are the odds of me not cherishing this person?
Its always a struggle for me to see the people that I loved, to learn things through hurts and pain. Many things I've been through and I faced the hard learning. The last thing I ever would want, is them being hurt.. be it whether they show it out or not.
Well. Perhaps this is just a little portion of what we call - the facts of life. At the end of the day, each of us are just accountable to our ownselves.. really.
Thank God for everyone whom I know and had taken cared of me.
Goodness riddance. I just found a long lost childhood neighbour through facebook!!
The wonders of facebook.
State: panda @.@Today was network day.
Everything related to networking...
Protocols.. Connections.. Models..
The 7 layers of OSI...
TCP/IP model...
All done.
Someone asked me whether I'm in love now - due to my blog song..
Hahaha... Must one be in love to listen to such songs?? If my online and silent readers have realised, I have always chosen songs with nice guitar lead. This current song was chosen due
to its background strumming.
Well. I've just been out of love recently. My decision. Not much looking forward for
anything now. Perhaps I'll just play with friendships for the time being. Whether
there's any relationships thats possible for me.. Let God path the way for me.
Thank God for facebook.
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Simple Life
State: DreamyIt has been raining cats and dogs lately. And its now raining HEAVILY again.
Cool. I love rainy days.. and I kinda foresee that it will rain on my driving test. I'm all prepared for it. Bring it on.
Apart from the noises made by the rain, there ain't any unpleasant screams or cries from any part of the corridor...
I better use this time wisely.
Today emperor and empress went fishing. Cool right. But I really wonder if the rain hits the Pulau Tekong or Changi areas.. Its not gonna be a cool catch for them if it hits them.
Ahh.. I miss fishing. Guess what. 3rd uncle has been booked daily till the end of this year.. I cannot imagine when will be my next time fishing man...
Buying a box of cigarettes for him and paying for the petrol won't work on him this time.. damn.
Walkergal wanna go fishing!!
Today the mind seems to be enjoying itself.. wandering off when I studied. And guess what? I actually can day dream...
During the Chen Dynasty.. Walkergal was studying in a mountainous cave.. where just outside was the famous inhuman waterfall.. due to the rain. A waterfall where many lives were lost in it due to strong current... As the strong wind blows across my cave.. the candles shivered in silence. Then all of a sudden, there was a sudden blasting of an ever so familiar ktv tune.
oh great. The nice chap downstairs is airing his lungs out again.
I just LS-ed for the 2nd time in the morning. Can't imagine when there isn't much food taken in and the body can still let out things??! I guess its due to the long time since I've last drank coconut juice. Yesterday I had my first coconut juice since 1 year ago. Thank God I shared it with BBC. Else.. I cannot imagine my current state... I believe everything just came out.. including Nong Shim Cup Noodles.
I realised facebook is like.. really cool? I get to search for friends from secondary school!! The challenging part will be when I have to go through several question marks to guess whether they really are my friends. Sigh.. Common names crisis. That would take ages... and I'll defnitely make the time for it after all the exams!
Sigh.. but can try to make my life a bit easier? Don't put question marks as your display picture can? In short, set your profile to public.. else.. there will be this 85% of not reuniting back with Walkergal. When that's really the case.. I guess the friendship will be lost.. forever.
No Rest.
State: tiredoh man. with a yet-to-dry blanket.. it was a damn cold night.
despite no fan on, armed with my orange adidas, it left me still shivering in cold.
my last resort - woke up the 3rd time in the night, grabbed the should-be dried blanket and tried to return to slumberland. bad rest.
Up to 10,000 people are dead and millions homeless and hungry in cyclone-hit Bangladesh, officials said on Sunday, as the army and aid workers battled to reach the country's devastated coast.
Three days after cyclone Sidr tore into one of the world's poorest nations from the Bay of Bengal, rescue workers were still fighting their way through a landscape of flattened villages and traumatised crowds.
Victims told an AFP correspondent who managed to reach this coastal area that they had not seen any aid workers, let alone a plane or helicopter. Officials said the humanitarian situation in coastal districts like Barguna, 200 kilometres south of the capital Dhaka, was catastrophic.
A stunned 25-year-old woman, Jahanara, recounted how she managed to cling to a tree as the storm ripped away everything around her, including her husband, two sons and mother, and even the clothes on her back. Messages of condolence have been pouring in from abroad - and pledges of aid are increasing, providing hope that the relief operation will soon swing into high gear.
after reading this news. i feel that i want to go there straightaway. sometimes i don't understand. why the poor always suffer. their lives already so poor.. why do they have to face such crisis. looking that them.. i feel disgusted at myself. what is a middle child crisis then?
press on.. Walkergal.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Good night
State: tiredI've swept.. mopped.. floor.. washed bedsheets..
I just want a clean environment.
Its raining cats and dogs now.
I hope to rest well tonight.
Good night to all...
oh Great.
State: Hot.After reaching back to The Shell today, guess what I saw just outside my door?
2 lazy cats lying just outside my door.
How am I gonna get into The Shell? And ehlo? I need to hit my books soon.. So. The ever so brave Walkergal decided to just DO IT.
As I approached the cats.. my heart went thumping.. GREAT. Nothing has made my heart beat so much before.. NOT even running.
I basically don't know what to do.. mind you, I don't know cat language!!
Who knows.. subconsciously.. I blurted out: "OH MY GOD..." Well..well. That changed the whole situation suddenly. The 2 cats stood up like as if I'm a King.. and pathed the way for me.
HAHAHA... I never knew such things can happen.
The creaking fan won again. All thanks to it. Walkergal didn't have much of a good sleep. Humpfh. Made me sooooo sleepy during today's service. Sigh. I realised BBC's shoulder is really nice to lie on. Haven't been lying on it for sooooo long. Well done.
Weather so hot. Fine. I shall go bath before I start mugging.
OK. Study hard Walkergal!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Ain't Quitting Yet
State: tiredGuess what. In the huzzy buzzy of my studying and driving.. I forgotten totally about lunch for 2 days. The strangest thing was, there wasn't any urge of eating or any hunger at all. I think my tummy had died on me.
Today's driving.. well. I cleared all the circuit courses like superman. I kinda figured out that I better be more serious since driving exam is scheduled next thursday. Hence I decided not to drive by guts feeling but read the green book beforehand. So I read it yesterday. The only part of the circuit courses that I drove by feel previously was the 'S' course. Its shaped like an 'S'. Everytime I drove through it by feel and I made it through... until last week, I went up and down the kerb. That got me thinking then.
Better not play a fool.
So good walkergal decided to gave the green book a run of its pages to the 'S' course part. And as expected, today the drive through the 'S' course was fantastic. *hooray*
Well. Then the driving out. Bad. BAD. HORRIBLE. I met with all kinds of obstacles. It was almost like the simulated driving lesson in the aircon room! Road blockage... Strange Pedestrians... want to cross dun want to cross.. Gearbox jammed.. oh man, I got so frustrated. I was checking my left blindspot and even noticed Mister See's face turned pink. oh well.. Its just NOT A GOOD DAY.
Sigh. You know whats the best part? Driving performance depends alot on one's mind. I'm praying hard that my mind will remain strong and not affected by any XYZ matters of the world... next week on the test day. I think I'll remain uncontactable until the test is over. Being disturbed early in the morning by Empress is not kind to the health state of my mind.
I need some air.
Time Miser
State: Mad and SadSometimes when a hardworking person can also do work on the mrt while travelling from one end to another end, it basically speaks much of the person's determination and discipline. However the sad fact is when this fact doesn't hold long due to whatsoever reasons.
Time to ponder.
There are times when I'm very frustrated when time is running pass me and I did not make good use of it. Then when I'm supposed to give my time to God for certain things, I'll eat into that time and deemed rightfully justice for myself, ensuring 100% productivity of that time.
Isn't it sad? How can I be soooo damn despicable?
Mad-th Musings
State: Mad about MathMost Japanese villagers take pride in picking locally-grown red radishes which accompany almost every meal in winter. Traditional Japanese winter food can be found in Hokkaido, such as rice cakes (mochi) steamed with wild grape leaf. Great.
Deadly Decimals
Vulgar Fractions
Terrible Test
Mean Bits
Ugly Fractions
Murderous Maths
The most pathetic facts about Maths: Perfectly useless numbers. You can't touch them, you can't eat them, you can't sit on them and on their own they mean absolutely nothing.
But. The more we know about numbers, the more we realise that everything in the universe depends on them.
Bad Phone Scams
Last Sunday during youth leaders meeting, we actually receive one such phone scam. Well. It was a machine operated scam.. UNTIL IF you respond to what it say.. by pressing '9'. Well. I've never witnessed phone scam myself before. I did not press '9' because it was simply too dumb to do so. The message was in Chinese with an obviously-I-know-from-where accent. It basically repeated itself for three times then the call was terminated.
Today I got an email from a friend. Her email was about phone scams and for the first time, I read such emails. Well, all the description matched exactly the phone call that I had received last sunday. Cool huh.
Just wanna say that the machine operated message will be about you being involved in a High Supreme Court case. Just listen to all you want but just don't respond..
Well. Imagine if its from High Supreme Court. Will the call be in Mandarin? Ehlo? What's the first language of Singapore? Will a call from High Supreme Court turns out to be a machine operated call?
Look at how I titled this story. Bad Phone Scams. Who is their target victims? Old people mainly. Well. Perhaps the recent news about Singapore's aging population is rising and made the stupid phone scam creators excited over it. So please.. whatever age you are now, please inform those elderly who are always at home picking up phonecalls. Ain't a smart thing when you learn something and not helping.. you will end up shooting yourself in the leg.
I just got notified. My no-pay-leave has been approved. Hokkaido soon to be in my sight.
I'm thinking of a good reason to go Ho Chi Minh City when school reopen... oh, I'm going there for a friend's wedding - Is this reason qualifiable? You be the judge. Afterall, my grades are ok and first week of school won't have any tutorials. Sometimes, although having your passport with you, leaving the country isn't that simple.
Sigh. I'm jailed on this little island but free to roam anywhere from Pulau Ubin to Sentosa. Isn't that wonderful. I just love this country.
I want creamless pasta.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Cut The Knot
State: Stress..... What Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). What Number Theory... Couldn't understand
certain MATH stuff. It was driving me MAD.
Who knows... THANK YOU EILEEN!! Just a 1 min 15 secs phone call saved me from going bonkers! Thanks for ALWAYS on call for my SOS questions before exams. *relieved*
Must remember.
Use CRT for DECRYPTION. Why? Because COMMON SENSE. Shorter working eh.. Ehlo?
Use SQUARE AND MULTIPLY for ENCRYPTION. Why? because COMMON SENSE. No choice eh.. the person have no idea about n1 and n2. So cannot use CRT. Got it?
I like my new CASIO fx-991ES. Why? Its slimer than my Nokia E65.
Thwart Thwart
State: No comment.I did a personality test this evening on facebook.
I think this seemed to be the best description for me ever.. on a personality test.
Looking at it, gives me satisfaction. Sometimes knowing yourself in heart can be good and understanding yourself.. being expressed in words is an added bonus.
Temperament - Flexible
Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.
Interests - Thrill Seeker
You are interested in anything that is exciting and pleasurable. You're not afraid to indulge yourself - you live by your own set of rules and don't allow yourself to get hung on what others think. For the most part, you are independent and do whatever you please to do. Trying to stop you from doing something only makes you want it even more. At the end of the day - you live for life's most thrilling moments.
Amusement - Adventurous
It's a good thing that you are filled with energy and ambitions (that others sometimes find exhausting) because you're continually looking for a new adventure and exciting experience. You struggle with a continual feeling of restlessness which constantly pushes you to the next level of excitement. Once you have accomplished one thing, you are eager to accomplish something more exciting, riskier and distinguishable.
Passion - Emotional
For you passion is less about romance and sex - it's more about friendship and family. Strong emotional bonds and connections are your passion and your pleasure. You always let your loved ones know how much you love, respect and admire them. You do this through kind words, loving actions and simple gestures. You count your blessings each day and express your love openly. You expect the same from others.
Keep on working hard. Don't give up.
That is why Walkergal was born.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Food for Thought
I thank God for the person who invented instant cup noodles.He had saved many poor and hungry people... One of which.. ME.
I think this was and is the most sought after.. and most successful invention after Edison's Light Bulb.
Nothing in this world can fulfill a person as much as food. Money, Love, Sex, Shopping are all secondary.
Food is fuel for soul and body. It is as precious as the oxygen and blood that we need to live on.
Before I start to bORED my readers to death..
Just wanna say:
Thank God for every grain of rice that you ate today.
Thank God for the ingredients that was put in.
Thank God for the effort made in cooking.
Thank God for the hands that prepared the food.
Thank God for the appetite to eat.
Thank God for the tastebuds that taste.
Thank God for the sense of smell to appreciate food.
Thank God for the wonderful people who believe in the Love for Cooking.
Thank God for giving me the time to write out these.
Thank God for you people who take time to read.
Thank God for the sleep I'm gonna have after I'm finished with this.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Food History
State: Contented but still sleepyHad a nice dinner just now.
Supposed to pack back to eat in room.
Then roomie came back in time!! Hur.. this hungry baby. Forever so hungry. I think it has been ages since roomie and me last sit down to eat outside of the room!
Okay. Maybe this just apply to me only.
We had chicken rice! The canteen was super cold. =.= I finished my dinner in double quick time. Hur.. I think today's dinner was yummy. Perhaps when a person's mood becomes better, the appetite seems better.
Hahaha... gone were the days when I order drumstick with plain rice before going for volley trainings. The chinese stall has already been taken over by a new stall. What's left.. Only memories.
Dino News
The yahoo news reported that instead of being driven to extinction by death from above, dinosaurs might have been doomed by monumental volcanic eruptions. Thats pretty cool. I think if thats really the case, maybe one day the volcanic eruptions might occur again. Then we can all say goodbye.
Prehistoric women
Researchers found out that Europe's prehistoric women have been dressing to impress for at least 7,500 years. They had a taste for art and fashion. The researchers dream to uncover the entire town one day. I think its really cool. How come they never ask for volunteers? I don't mind digging.
Our Father in heaven..
Holy be Your name..
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as in heaven...
Tired Musings.
Q: Why do computer scientists make such lousy lovers?A: Cause they always want to do the job faster than before. And when they do, they
say the performance has improved.
Three men and a Car.
A computer engineer, a systems analyst, and a programmer were driving down a mountain when the brakes gave out. They screamed down the mountain, gaining speed, and finally managed to grind to a halt, more by luck than anything else, just inches from a thousand foot drop to jagged rocks. They all got out of the car.
The computer engineer said, "I think I can fix it."
The systems analyst said, "No, I think we should take it into town and have a specialist look at it."
The programmer said, "OK, but first I think we should get back in and see if it does it again."
I'm so tired.
Cool Atmosphere
State: ContentedThanks bbc for the luo han guo drink. That was sweet of you.
Roomie said my doraemon look like Ah Pek Doraemon!! =.=" Because its 10 years old now.. I think. Hahaha.. Now instead of the usual blue flat head cushion, its white flat head cushion. Got it from a close friend from secondary school. Now its back. Hur.. I choose to say that it has not aged but rather.. white signifies wisdom. =P
Its so hard to get the taste right.
If one day I achieve it,
I won't just sit and and admire it.
I'll stand up and fight for it.
Hit the blankets and recharge for tomorrow Walkergal!
Hope there will be peace.. cos there are just some incorrigible noisy brats talking as if the whole block is theirs. Peace out man.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tiffany's Time
State: bORED.I came across this today in yahoo. Well. I'm soon falling asleep on numbers.. I need something to make me WAKE up.
Top 10 turnoffs for women
Great Gal Turnoff #1: Showboat Sammy
Maybe he owns a yacht off the coast of France. Maybe he has a timeshare in the Hamptons. Maybe his annual bonus is bigger than most guys' salaries. That's all well and good, but does it really need to be divulged on the first date?
Yeah. Not showing your dollar notes will in fact made it more interesting. Surely you wouldn't want a woman to run off with your money. And to add on, you wouldn't want the woman to love your money more than you. That would be sad. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #2: Messy Melvin
A-list celebrities can pull off the unkempt look. First-daters need to pay attention to shaving, clothing and bad breath. If the guy can't even put in the effort for a first impression, it doesn't bode well down the road.
Yeah. Effort man.. Brother if you don't bother to put in any effort, don't bother to get a date. Get back to your sofa and be a couch potato for life yeah. I think at least the sofa dealer will appreciate you. Its not the end of the world. - WG
Great Gal Turnoff #3: Rude Ricky
"Where's our drinks, lady?" If a guy treats the service staff with a lack of respect, a great gal will likely assume he'll do the same to her someday. The last thing anyone wants is to be talked down to or disrespected.
Got it? Just behave yourself and be wise when testing waters. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #4: Cheapie Charlie
There will always be debate about who should pay on a first date. Some guys are traditionalists and want to foot the bill; others expect a 50-50 monetary split. In most cases, offering to pay is the way to go. Let her pick up the tab on a future date.
Isn't this a great way and excuse to see her again? Sometimes.. think further. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #5: Still-Married Michael
Marriage, separation and divorce are pretty cut-and-dry terms. If a guy says he's separated when he really means he's cheating on his wife, it's going to cause trouble. Be honest from the get-go and let the dating chips fall where they may.
Hey. Honesty pays. But if you are having some unsolved rocky ends on your side and you still wanna be Mr Wannabe, I'm sorry. Only 1 out of 10 guys will succeed in juggling things well without any party finding out. And if you think you are the 1 out of 10 who will succeed, Walkergal 'applaud' you! Well done for having great display of confidence and act. But as a word of advice, keep your fingers crossed and be sure to tell your girl soon.. Especially if the three of you are Singaporeans.. Its a small country.. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #6: Hands-On Howie
Guys need to read the signals before assuming hand holding, massaging and other touchy-feely activities have the green light. Jumping too quickly to any form of intimacy can make any guy seem too aggressive.
Well. It always pays to ask. For the daring, romantic or adventurous men, you just got to ensure that the girl has the 'right compatibility'. Else, game over. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #7: Stereotyping Stephen
"Oh, you're one of those types of women." Jumping to conclusions about a date from the way she answers one or two questions is a definite mistake. Let the date unfold before making assumptions about someone you just met.
Well. This is very common in many men. Just make sure your M16 is on safe mode and won't just mis-fire. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #8: Distracted David
His cell phone is ringing constantly, he's popping away from the table every 10 minutes, and he keeps interrupting the conversation flow. First dates require focused attention -- that means putting the phone on vibrate, making eye contact and being present.
This is true but to certain extent only. Well. If the woman is great, what I mean here is really, having great understanding and the man is truely busy and not actually settling unsettled debts or women, then well, situational based, this can be excused. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #9: All-Business Barry
Some guys are great salesmen or outstanding negotiators. But there's a time and place for business and a time and place for leisure. Guys who treat first dates like business transactions will never close the deal.
Yeah. If I really have to spell this out.. I think I'll show you the door. -WG
Great Gal Turnoff #10: Nervous Ned
He can't sit still, he's banging his fork on the table, and he won't make eye contact for more than three seconds. Nervous antics are a real turnoff and make a great gal think a guy has something to hide. Work out the nervous kinks before the date starts.
Relac ah brother.. Its only just a meet up. Think of it as freshmen orientation man. If the girl cannot appreciate you, and you think you did nothing wrong, go for the next possible one. If the second one rejects you and you still think you did nothing wrong, its still not game over yet. Find out more from your buddies... There will be something that you've yet discover. -WG
If Dr. Seuss Were a Technical Writer.....
Here's an easy game to play.
Here's an easy thing to say:
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, the busis interrupted as a very last resort,
And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!
Yh is sooo sweet today. Awww. Came over to N T U to have dinner with me. Maybe she worried I'm getting too malnourished. Ahh. To thank her for running errands for me too, I shall buy her dinner.
In the past she was like a baby. Now. Still one. A giant baby. Always disturbing me... without fail. How can I not love her. =.="
My Crush
State: Happyoh guess what. I must confess. I have a crush on Sharon Au!!!
She is currently on MediaCorp's four year scholarship.. oh boy. I missed her. Do you realise how SAD TV life has became to me? Yay! I'll get to see her on Star's Awards...
Here's some reasons that one cannot possibly deny...
She is the only celebrity that I know of with strong determination and fighting spirit and humility. She is a very intellectual girl... Currently on the dean's list, studying at Waseda, scoring 12 straight 'A's. Certainly no mean feat considering the University is one of the most prestigious in Japan. oh man. I'm overwhelmed by being sooo proud of her. She has been holed up in Waseda University library until she has been nicknamed the 'Library Queen', bestowed by her Japanese friends, for a good reason. Hahaha... she spends every Saturday at the library, and when her classes on weekdays end at 6pm, that's where you will find her, with her nose buried in a book.
She is currently learning Spanish and French and will be going for a year long exchange trip to France next year studying at a French political institute.
Her relationship of 5 years with her banker boyfriend.. are having some hiccups. Marriage plans put on hold as both of them adjusts to deal with a relationship where both parties are changing at different paces.
Sigh. She mentioned something that I do agreed with her: When we are in a different environment, we change. Our characters very much remain the same, but perceptions about things change.
What a joy to read about her again. This is what I call Positive Motivation.
Back to your books.. Walkergal!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Rumbling Rumbles
State: Bushed.Last night was good and bad.
The good thing was.. not sleeping on sofa. The bad was... can't sleep.
When crisis happen.. what do you do.
Instead of waiting for God, sometimes we flee from Him.
In our impatience, do we realise God is waiting for us..
There's a new addition to my bed. My faded doramon cushion with a big smile.. to make me smile more.
Anti Drug Campaign
This year's anti-drug campaign aims to grab attention with an edgy visual campaign that will also go digital.
The National Council Against Drug Abuse decided to use street art to reach out to the youths. Edward Pank, Business Head of Bates Singapore, said: "What we want to do is to take images they aspire to and then disrupt that glamour by transforming these images with a very real and stark message of what prison is all about."
The campaign is focused on youths who are at risk of falling prey to drugs, particularly synthetic drugs. In addition to the traditional print medium and television, the anti-drug message will feature on blogs, instant messaging software and social network sites – digital spaces that are popular with the youths.
Armed with technology, the council wants to blast the message that "if you play, you pay".
So do you think taking drugs is cool? I don't think so.
I think its a temporary 'coolness' that drug takers had deemed it to be and paid with their reputation, money and life. To me, taking drugs is like taking medicine. And its like being sick forever so those taking it will keep taking it. What's the difference between this and having a terminal disease?
I guess the only difference between a drug taker and a terminal disease patient is that a drug taker has a choice to stop taking the drugs and won't die by doing so. After weighing out the pros and cons, I've decided to give it a miss. Drinking seems much cheaper.
Died in rush buying cooking oil at Carrefour
Can you believe it?
3 human shoppers died with at least 31 others injured in a stampede when the doors were opened at the start of a sale at a Carrefour outlet at Chongqing city on 10 November. People had rushed to buy discounted rapeseed oil for cooking. This was the result of the risen price of cooking oil.
Well. Due to the recent increment in prices of flour, sugar and oil, its sad that such situations can surface. Seriously, I'm glad that my Government had enough foresight and it is certainly a relieve that this kind of things don't happen in Singapore. If it does, I think the newspaper will gonna get thicker and broadcasters will be alot more busier.
Living in turmoil sometimes is not a bad thing. At least you are still alive to change things.
Thank God for that.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Long Day Ahead
running out of bread.didn't want to start another pack of digestive biscuits.
muesli bars came to the rescue!
today's revision timing is short.
better get things started before its too late!
i finally found out who's the culprit who blasted ktv songs.
its the damn angkukueh staying directly my downstairs!
A theme of love, hope, and destiny
Friday, November 09, 2007
The Drive to Drive
State: ScorchedThe sun was pretty unforgiving today.
Many plants died under the torturing rays.
The bushes seemed to be on fire.
It has been a while since I last stepped out of my shell into the afternoon sun.
Today I did my revision driving.
Completed all test routes from last week.
Mister See (MS) had been my favourite instructor all these while.
How come? Because he is damn humorous and serious at the right times.
Its really conducive to learn from him.
Last week the driving wasn't too good.
Last week the engine stalled uncountable times in the circuit. But circuit courses were as smooth as fattening cream.
Last week was the final evaluation lesson for me:
MS: If its the OLDEN times.. then today confirm YMCA.
WG: Hmm.. er. What's YMCA?
MS: You Must Come Again.
WG: ...............
Who knows. Last week's mistakes wasn't repeated today. *phew* But...
Today the engine stalled twice on circuit slopes. =.= And I hit circuit kerbs for about less than 10 times?? Well, basically a one time hit on kerb is direct failure. So aren't I cool?
Today's driving on outside road was so smooth until I almost dozed off. =.="
Haha. Not being complacent here. I really hope to clear my driving once and for all.
Today's revision lesson:
MS: I must say your driving really had improved for the outside roads.
WG: Orh. (Of course. You said to treat you like a glass of water. Cannot spill when driving wat)
MS: But.. you know I know lah. (Today how many times of direct failure?!)
WG: Orh. (SMILES.. I have improved! Despite some #%*&! too fast turning end up hit kerb.. =.=")
Had improved on last week's setbacks.
But today meet new setbacks.
Well. I guess sometimes, its the setbacks that we faced that pushes us to move on in life.
Despite everything I really do look forward to Hokkaido.
Really hope to just enjoy without much stress.
Hur.. of course got to work towards that.
Damn. Know my post exam resolutions?
After my FINAL paper on 30 Nov. Walkergal will...
- Pack lunch then head back to shell.
- Throw in about 4-5 hours of FYP. Email Mister Woo the new updates from the 4-5 hours, and schedule the next meet up of FYP with him to ensure that my focus and pace has been correct.
- Change into running gear and sweat out a bit, and hold back the beers to prepare for Standard Chartered Bank run on coming sunday.
- Enjoy a nice packed dinner in my room, touch the lappie, watch the tv, hit the blankets.
I can't imagine it can come soooooo punctual since 9 September.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Life Little Trances
I often wonder.How come I can be soooo discipline in certain things.
Well. I guess I take after my dad.
Thank God.
This week, Jie, Empress, Emperor had Kuishinbo buffet.
Today yh had Hanabi buffet.
When is my turn?
Ahh. Nvm. I don't think I want quantity. I seek for quality.
From howstuffworks: Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jeane)
Her life, even in childhood, was marred by incomplete relationships and unfulfilled promises -- a mother she never knew, foster parents who made her feel alone and unwanted, husbands who could not understand her, lovers who deserted her.
"I was never used to being happy, so that wasn't something I ever took for granted. You see, I was brought up differently from the average American child because the average child is brought up expecting to be happy." -- MARILYN MONROE, 1954
Marilyn had a morbid fear of genetic insanity throughout her life. Though manic and schizophrenic disorders have a tendency to run in families, this does not necessarily mean that Marilyn inherited an emotional disorder. It is just as likely that her early life of deprivation and insecurity accounted for her later psychiatric problems.
At some point in her childhood, perhaps during this hazy period of foster-home existence, or perhaps even earlier, Norma Jeane was sexually molested. In recounting the story in later interviews, Marilyn variously gave her age at the time of the incident as 6, 8, 9, or at some time in adolescence. According to Marilyn, a family friend or boarder in the foster home in which she lived at the time molested -- or raped -- her in his room.
When she told her foster mother what had happened, the woman refused to believe her. In some versions of the story, the foster mother actually slapped Norma Jeane, shouting, "I don't believe you. Don't you dare say such things about that nice man."
The resultant trauma left the terrified girl with a stutter, though in early interviews Marilyn attributed her childhood stutter to her abandonment at the orphanage. Her lack of specific recall and her overall tendency to embellish stories about her childhood have led some insensitive biographers to assume that Marilyn invented or greatly exaggerated the molestation story to gain sympathy. Those who knew her personally, however, attest to the emotional honesty in her recountings of the past. Though the details of her story may vary, the basic truth seems to be that she was sexually abused as a child, and the memory haunted her for the rest of her life.
Though Norma Jeane seemed happy to see her husband, a number of changes were readily apparent to Jim -- changes that both surprised and disappointed him. He noticed a stack of unpaid bills from local department stores lying on the table, which led to his discovery that Norma Jeane had spent most of his allotment as well as their savings on clothes and accessories. She defended her actions by telling him the clothes were necessary for her career.
Her career became Norma Jeane's primary topic of conversation, as opposed to their future. She also spent a great deal of time on modeling assignments while Jim was home on leave, including an extended excursion to the Pacific Northwest with photographer Andrè de Dienes.
Dougherty's disappointment was fueled by the realization that he was no longer the center of her attention. Now he was only incidental to her life.
Jim Dougherty blames the breakup of his marriage on his Merchant Marine duties. He paints an idyllic portrait of his life with Norma Jeane in the period before he was shipped overseas. Dougherty implies that if he had not left Norma Jeane alone, circumstances would have been different for them.
He talks of Norma Jeane Dougherty and Marilyn Monroe as though they were two different people -- as if in his absence persons and forces beyond his control changed his naive, uncomplicated Norma Jeane into an ambitious, calculating career woman.
When Jim shipped out again, he knew that Norma Jeane was slipping away from him. She sent him no letters once he was back out to sea, whereas before, she had written almost every day. After several weeks, he heard from her Las Vegas attorney. Norma Jeane had established residency in Nevada and filed for divorce. Jim refused to sign the papers until he came home on leave once more, and they could have a long talk. The discussion had little effect on Norma Jeane's decision. She was determined.
Her only lasting relationship was with the public, and her most meaningful affair was with the camera. The camera revealed her unique beauty and vibrant personality.
Marilyn made her mark with the camera, and as time slips away and eyewitness memories fade, these photographic and filmic images will be all that remain of her. Through these images, the public continues its relationship with Marilyn Monroe with a passion and loyalty few stars will ever experience.
If Dr. Seuss Were a Technical Writer.....
If the label on the cable on the table at your house,
Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,
But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol,
That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall,
And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss,
So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,
Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,
'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!
State: Peacefulahhh... today feels great. Although I was disturbed by yh from my peaceful sleep... =.=" this girl ah, she really can do all the funny things you cannot imagine.. just to wake me up. Humpfh. The whole block is so peaceful. Never knew that even birds celebrate Deepavail too..
oh. I just realised. This blogskin colour is similar to the Financial Times! Haha.. not me reading it.. My roomie reads it. I think its really cool. I'm not soooo intelligent but always surrounded by the creme of the crops. I think I'm so blessed.
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother, "What will I be?Will I be pretty, will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me...
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
When I grew up and fell in love,
I asked my sweetheart, "What lies ahead?
Will we have rainbows day after day?"
Here's what my sweetheart said...
Now, I have children of my own
They ask their mother, "What will I be?
Will I be handsome, will I be rich?"
I tell them tenderly...
Que sera, sera!
Post Outing feelings
State: Content.Wrong Number.
Do I sound like a Mister?
This woman called me and asked me IF I'm Mr Gao Jian Fei.
I'm quite sure it wasn't a bad telephone connection. She shouldn't have missed my voice right? I'm a FEMALE.
I really think the corridor babes are like studying along the corridors. They make damn hell lot of noises moving along the corridors. Perhaps they are studying the corridors. I wonder what kind of degree course would that be?
I think the cats are also pretty noisy too. These few days.. judging from the noises they made. Its either they are crying or they are mating.
Most ridiculous British law:
1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (27 percent)
2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down (seven percent)
3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (six percent)
4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day (five percent)
5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter (four percent)
6. A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet (four percent)
7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail of the queen (3.5 percent)
8. It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing (three percent)
9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour (three percent)
10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow (two percent)
Let me do some commenting here on the super disgusting thing I saw on mrt just now. There was this man. Not gonna comment on any colour. He was standing in the train. So was I. To my shock. He was digging his nose. That was disgusting but its pretty normal for some people, so it was still.. okay. Then the next moment.. he reach into his teeth.. to remove something... goodness. And then the next moment, he digged his nose again. =.= And then he held the railings.. From this.. I concluded.. I rather step on my friends feet or lose balance.. then to hold any railings! So much for my SHORT OUTING FROM MY SHELL.
The sakae sushi at Tiong Bahru sucks. TOTALLY. Don't even think of going there. Its just a waste of time and money. I'm really not sorry. I ate my favourite salmon don there and its like: super thin slices of salmon, hard and coarse dry rice.. harlow? Its not chinese cuisine that we are talking here... =.=" Not just that. The stir-fry salmon pasta was tasteless with fishy taste. The miso soup was just as diluted as CANTEEN A's. Everything was HORRIBLE.
Alright. Right now huan is sleeping really so soundly on the bed. Ahh. Will she drool on my bed... So adorable. How to bear to let her sleep on the floor eh? But eh, don't take me for granted. I hate that. As for Xuan.. she insisted to sleep on the floor whenever she uses my room. Humpfh. What can I say?
Walkergal shall hit the blankets now.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Nights out
Status: HungryI realised I have been sleeping feeling hungry for the past 2 nights. All because of the fact that my sleeping time coincides with someone's dinner time. How cool can that be. The best part? I'll end up wolfing down my breakfast the moment I wake up the next day. It usually turned out to be a brunch because lunch time has passed. =.=
I just realised this morning. I really have long hair. Gosh. I haven't been imagining how I would look like with long hair. Damn. If not for my 'daddy's' face, I would have kept short hair instead. Its sooo much convenient ok. Somebody just donate a chin to me ok? Perhaps one day when I suddenly become a multi-millionaire, I'll create a chin for myself. Hur..
Do you know I always notice people's footwear first? Thats for the case when I'm on the M R T. I realised its in me. No their faces nor their muscles but their footwear. Its pretty interesting to observe what kind of footwear they are wearing. Sometimes I really wonder where people buy those footwear from.
Oh. I realised I am pretty much of a straightforward person. I can behave very bias towards the people that I liked. Not that I'll be mean to those I don't really like, but people will eventually know who are the ones I prefer. Well. Why play people out when you cannot really appreciate them?
People, its not the end of the world when we realise there's a someone don't appreciate us. Look around you and you will realise there are many who appreciate you for who you are. Don't limit yourself to just what is already impossible. Step out and explore what other sides can offer - that is possible.
Just to let the outside people know, today Walkergal is stepping out of her SHELL! Well. Whatever you call it.. CAVE is not bad too! Yeah... so long never meet my BMT mates already.. I wonder how are they. Must be getting more and more prettier... like me! =P Hur.. I'm not the only thick-skinned person around. Someone else is the champion I must say.
Now this group of girls staying in one room of the left corridor. COULD YOU KINDLY PLEASE SHUT YOUR SCREAMS? You crazy babes have been screaming for the past 2 hours. What's wrong with you people. The world isn't your doormat. Damn irritating. I'm not sorry at all. I really thought that you could have been a bit more considerate. Thats all.
oh. I'm not sure all races SEE my blog. But anyway.
Happy Deepavali in Advance.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
State: Tired outSheesh. Today I went to the future of education and have to part away with my $31. Well. At least its cheaper than N U S. Yh said it costs $32+... Saved SGD$1= 5 RMB. Not bad ah. Now I got a new exam approved sticker on my calculator.
Toilet Story
Just now was chatting with roomie.. hur. She recalled how she locked me in the toilet during our year 1. Haha... Though it has been hall 2 all the way, we started off with a damn small room. And although we got attached toilet to our room, it was a shared toilet with our 2 neighbours next door. So you can imagine.. the lock of the toilet door naturally will be outside facing the room.. not internal to the toilet.
One fine day.. I was bathing.. and roomie cleanly forgotten and left for school.. naturally.. she locked the toilet door from outside before leaving. The rest.. you can imagine la. Walkergal stepped out the shower.. realised the toilet door to her room locked... both neighbours also not in their room... It was super cold and I only have my mini towel..
Hahaha... Time passed. Finally roomie was back.. after I forgotten how long. The moment she opened the toilet door... I stumbled out... Haha.. she was so shocked. She couldn't believe she had actually locked me in the toilet! Hur. Thank God I didn't have lessons during that period...
Stories at Sea.
Why is a ship referred to as "she?"
"It has always been customary to personify certain inanimate objects and attribute to them characteristics peculiar to living creatures. Thus, things without life are often spoken of as having a sex. Some objects are regarded as masculine. The sun, winter, and death are often personified in this way.
Others are regarded as feminine, especially those things that are dear to us. The earth as mother Earth is regarded as the common maternal parent of all life. In languages that use gender for common nouns, boats, ships, and other vehicles almost invariably use a feminine form. Likewise, early seafarers spoke of their ships in the feminine gender for the close dependence they had on their ships for life and sustenance. "
another one:
"A ship is called a she because there’s always a great deal of bustle around her...because there's usually a gang of men around... because she has waist and stays...because she takes a lot of paint to keep her looking good...because it’s not the initial expense that breaks you, it’s the upkeep... because she is all decked out... because it takes a good man to handle her right...because she shows her topside, hides her bottom and, when coming into port, always heads for the buoys."
One more:
"A ship is always referred to as 'she' because it costs so much to keep one in paint and
Hur.. Whichever way you like it, accept it then.
Apparently a Naval traditional toast that continues till this day:
Monday: Our ships at sea. -I think this is logical.
Tuesday: Our men. - This is fair too.
Wednesday: Ourselves. - Of course!
Thursday: A bloody war and quick promotion. - Yeah. A risky but fast way to get promotion.
Friday: A willing soul and sea room. - Certainly. One must be willing to sail.
Saturday: Sweethearts and wives, may they never meet. - Ah. What does this tells you about sailors?
Sunday: Absent friends and those at sea. - Yeah. Those who are no longer around, they do play a part in our lives.
Here's a list of the Core Values that one must have in Navy: -Ahh I wonder if I qualify
- Loyalty
- Leadership
- Discipline
- Professionalism
- Ethics
- Fighting Spirit
- Care for men
- Firmness
- Tact
Do you know that the Republic of Singapore Navy is the smallest among the three services in the SAF? The largest of them all is the Army, followed by the Air Force.
Yeah. Another minority for me.
FYP Rants.
Each time when I update my FYP report.. Its a tricky issue. After an immense amount of readings done, I tend to fall into the trap of SIDETRACK and end up with remarkable research done on Attacking Phishing Acts rather than on Stepping up Anti-Phishing Measures to help users. That I'm supposed to be doing. I have to remind myself that its not the quantity but the quality that matters.
Researching definitely has its fair share of headaches.. Although THANK GOD I'm not touching anything on programming.. The amount of time spent in research can never be seen by the FYP examiner. Thats why Walkergal aims to produce QUALITY work.
Times have changed. When men can have a change of heart, women would too.
Entertaining NEWS
ARMY MUSEUMIt's no Miss Saigon (with its fancy helicopter) or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (with its flying car), but a six-minute film at the new Army Museum beats these musicals hands down when it comes to sheer "firepower".
At the museum's Object Theatre, a Huey chopper looms over visitors who are also flanked by an M114 howitzer and an AMX-13 tank. When Army Now is shown, these machines "fire" on cue and a strong gust of wind picks up as the helicopter "ascends".
And if you're standing too close to the screen, you may even be sprayed water as the navy slices through the seas in one scene.
Admission is free for all visitors to the Army Museum of Singapore until 31 Dec. Visit for details.
A long-awaited movie sequel to the "X-Files" has been confirmed by 20th Century Fox, it was reported on Thursday.
The film, a spin-off from the cult television series which ran between 1993 and 2002, will see actors David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reprise their roles as FBI agents
Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, Daily Variety reported.
This is really GOOD news. Hur. I love David Duchovny.. Cute.
Canadian rocker Avril Lavigne won the battle for Best Solo Artist and Most Addictive Track at the 14th edition of the MTV Europe Music Awards on Thursday in this southern German city.
The 23-year-old punk icon ("Girlfriend"), who started a film career earlier this year, beat big names like Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguileira.
See? She is good. I've come to this realisation after MUCH influence from my dear yh.
Don't look now, but Mark Lee has gone from Mr Lao Ah Beng to Mr Museum Ambassador. The comedian was recently tapped to be the face of the National Heritage Board's (NHB) Explore Singapore! 2007 campaign, which runs from 10 Nov to 13 Dec.
"Now I have a new title and it's high-class," the 39-year-old Lee quipped during Tuesday's media conference - before putting on a serious face befitting his serious mission of bringing heartlanders, not to mention taxi drivers, to the museums.
Visit for more information.
ISn't he fantastic? I think he is damn funny. Sometimes nothing around can turn up my mood.. I'm a tough nut to crack. So I'll get very impressed by people like him. Haha. So it goes to show, being good-looking can never beat a person who is high in EQ and able to crack a tough nut like me. All the way man.. Lao Beng!
Now... Back to my FYP!
Monday, November 05, 2007
You snooze? You lose
It has been a while since I last eaten honey baked ham.When you put it in between california raisins bread, what do you get?
Bite into it and the juicy raisins just burst into flavour.. With the cold slice of ham.. together its just plain wonderful. Ahh. Thats for my breakfast for today.
No time to take pictures but you can visualise. Hahaa.. Wash it down with Brown Rice High
Calcium Soya Milk.. Thats the power pack set meal to boost up my brain for now! Next week I
shall buy Apple Baked Ham...
Heard of the Subaru Challenge?
As of 10pm on Sunday, 04 November 2007, 51 male and 52 female contestants remain in the MediaCorp Radio Subaru Impreza Challenge to win A car. As the promised showers failed to fall, spraying was the only way to keep cool.
Sunburn is as common as aches and pains.
"Most of the participants complain of leg swelling. The wrist also swells, very painful. So on our part, the medics here will use cold compresses, and also some massage on their feet and their hands," said Comfort Ambulance & Services’ general manager Paul Yang. This is the first time in the competition that both the male and female contestants will walk away with a car.
Catch the latest updates on Class 95 FM.. The best mix of music radio station!
You find roses pretty? I think tulips are awesome. Haha. People go for the majority.. I choose the minority.
Just wondering.. what if one day the animal kingdom has their own rules and human kingdom already has its own laws and they coexist together. What would happen?
Imagine as you were driving halfway down the road and you got stopped by Mr Lion Traffic Police (LTP).
LTP: Hey. You are fined.
You: How so?
LTP: You failed to let a cat cross the road.
You: It wasn't crossing at the zebra's crossing.
LTP: That was for the zebras.
You: ..................
Just in case you think Walkergal is damn slack and free to blog regular entries... you are wrong. All my entries are accumulated along the daylight and whenever I got something in mind, I'll type it at my notepad. Whenever I got just that bit of time and desire to open I'll do a copy and paste from my notepad. Fast, easy, save time and this is called PRODUCTIVE.
After so long. The cough is still a pain in the arss though its already at its minimal. Today I've decided to give Nin Jion Pei Pa Koa a try. Its supposed to cure cough and cold. Written on the the packaging box: It helps to prevent dryness of throat resulting from late night, fatigue due to over-work, excessive smoking and drinking. If you are pregnant, please consult doctor before taking.
Let's see if it works for me.
Damn the sicko driver who is jamming the car horn now. I am not against you CHEAPO OUTSIDERS coming into N T U and eat at MY canteen.
But DAMN YOU for creating NOISY DEANS when some idiots did not park properly and you cannot leave quietly.
I feel that communication is a very tricky issue. Somehow if the session key is correct, both source and destination will reach an exchange. If not, the source can never be able to get the message around to the destination. So the key lies in the session key itself. Without the right one, no communication.
The tricky part is getting the session key is not easy. If everyone can get hold of it easily, there will be world peace.
Get what I mean? No? Only the winner takes all.
Gonna leave for the final crypto lesson of the semester. Hope everything goes well. Mister PC said: To find out where's the hacker, you got to think like one. Yeah. I guess I did? I've been talking in codes lately. Only the winner takes all.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
State: TiredTonight's dinner was nice. Its the best steam fish meat I've ever eaten in N T U.
Next, the beancurd-mushroom-carrot stew.. fabulously well done with lots of mushrooms given.. *drools*
Next side dish...? My all-time favourite BITTER GOURD~
sigh. I was eyeing the dish of broccoli and I FORGOT to order it.
How can such thing happen.
Must be due to me in a rush going back hostel.
Just in case you think I'm having great dinner daily in N T U.. you are wrong. Its ONLY tonight. A little celebration with myself, lappie and tv. Sometimes its better to be alone. I'm so in need for my own personal space at times... I think its a privilege to be alone at times.
I think I need to put in more effort in studying. Its not supposed to be this slow. Argh!
I hope 30 Nov can reach soon. Its gonna be exciting. Getting accomodation to satisfy 2 obaasans in Tokyo is very challenging. One of the instruction I'm supposed to follow is: NO PUBLIC BATHROOM. Sheesh. Empress and her kawan are really tai tais... how to enjoy the fun and culture of japan if you so shy... ... ... -.-"
I hope I'm good to clear 10km for Standard Chartered Bank Marathon on 2 Dec. Have not been running since my last blog on running.
Maybe its exam.. maybe its just an excuse of being lazy... Nvm, I believe in sweating out. Not the speed. Not the timing. Walkergal HATES competitive run but LOVES to outrun herself.
Anyone keen to join me for 2 Dec run? Its gonna be slow and hopefully no stopping. I'm not a registered runner. Just gonna join in and run in my FBT top. No money, no adidas. Will head for church straight after my run. Its an important day.
Its raining now again. Perhaps tonight I can finally rest properly.
I love Hoegaarden. It just happens.